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Justin's P.O.V.
"How could you do that to Maya man?" Johnny asked me from across the room while pacing back and forth while I'm leaning against the wall with my arms across my chest trying to be as calm as possible.

"It just happened John! You think I planned to kiss her?" I asked him.

"I don't know Justin! I wasn't in the room when you kissed her! She's with Sawyer, you know this! She's having a baby!" John yelled.

"My baby! She's having my baby Johnny!" I yelled back. He stopped pacing back and forth and just looked at me shocked.

"W-what?" He asked barely audible.

"She's having my kid." I said bluntly.

"I-I didn't know. I'm sorry." He replied.

"How could you not know?" I asked confused.

"Sawyer came to me yesterday and said that Maya was pregnant with another mans baby, he didn't say that it's yours." John said.

"Oh, that makes sense why you're confused." I replied.

"What are you going to do? Dude, if you go to prison, you do know that you'll rarely ever be able to see the baby or Maya right?" Johnny asked.

"I got it Johnny. I know that. But I don't know what else to do. Maya got pregnant, not by choice." I said slightly quietly due to the shame I have from that.

"What are you talking about? You-you didn't, did you-"

"Yes Johnny, okay?" I asked annoyed by his stuttering.

"You raped her?" He asked.

"Yes, and I'd do anything to take that back. I changed her life forever. I ruined her life." I said.

"That baby didn't ruin anyone's life." Johnny said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Positive." He replied.

The door opened loudly letting me know that someone's here. Just then I saw Sawyer and Maya walk through.

"Hey guys." Maya said looking at me sadly.

"Hey." I said simply looking at her.

"Sorry we took so long, we just had to talk through some stuff." Sawyer said still holding onto Maya's hand. Maya looks slightly uncomfortable though.

"That's okay, so I'm going to go take care of Angela and get her body out of my house. Having a dead body in this house is really starting to creep me out." Johnny said walking up the stairs leaving me, Maya, and Sawyer alone.

"No, wait." Justin said.

"Why?" John asked.

"I want to wait, that's why." Justin said snippy.

"Okay damn, I'll be outside." Johnny said leaving the house.

Maya's P.O.V.
Great, Johnny just had to leave me alone with my ex boyfriend and my current boyfriend alone in the same room together didn't he?

"So, are you guys good now?" Justin asked me and Sawyer breaking the awkward silence. That's something he was always so good at.

"Yeah, we're good." Sawyer replied putting his arm around my waist protectively. I rolled my eyes and I know Justin noticed by the slight smirk on his face.

"What's so funny?" Sawyer asked looking at me and Justin.

"You." Justin replied.

"What are you trying to say to me Justin? Seems that you're beating around the bush a bit." Sawyer said rudely.

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