The End Of An Era

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Three Years Later...
Maya's P.O.V.

Today is Jubilees fourth birthday. I'm so proud of my baby girl. She's so smart.

"Mommy?" Jubilee asked coming up to me.

"Yes sweet heart?" I asked her picking her up.

"Can I have a cupcake please?" She asked giving me her adorable puppy dog eyes.

"Did you ask daddy?" I asked her.

"I told her to ask you honey." My lovely husband came into the kitchen holding our second child.

"Awe Spencer did you get a good nap baby?" I asked our one year old son. Carson gave me him and I kissed his cheek.

"So can I mommy?" Jubilee asked me.

"Yes baby, but only one okay? You still have to eat lunch." I said.

"Thank you mommy!" She replied hugging me.

"You're welcome princess." I said watching her take a cupcake off of the tray and walking into the dining room.

*Ding Ding*
"Well someone's early." I said. I handed Spencer to Carson before walking to the front door and opening it.

"Oh my God." I said.

"That wasn't the reaction I was hoping for." He replied.

I hugged him quickly before bringing him into the house.

"I missed you!" I said with tears in my eyes.

"I missed you too Maya." He replied hugging me again.

"Mommy, who's is this?" Jubilee asked looking a bit confused.

"Baby, I want to introduce you to somebody very special." I said.

She walked over to me. I picked her up and put her on my waist.

"This is Justin. He's somebody very close to me." I said.

"Hi Justin, I'm Jubilee." Jubilee said holding out her hand.

Justin shook Jubilees hand and smiled.

"Hi Jubilee. It's nice to meet you. I'm Justin. It's your fourth birthday right?" Justin asked.

She shook her head smiling.

"Well, here is a little something for you." Justin said handing her a bag.

"Thank you!" Jubilee said smiling at him.

"You're welcome sweet heart. I hope you have a wonderful birthday." He replied.

"Mommy can I hug him?" Jubilee asked me.

"Yes baby girl. Of course you can hug him. He's a great guy." I said.

Jubilee hugged Justin's legs.

"Thank you honey." Justin said.

I'll see you later guys!" Jubilee smiles running into the office to show Carson her present.

I looked at Justin ready to question him.

"When did you get out?" I asked him.

"Two hours ago. I had to come see my baby." He replied.

"You didn't have to get her anything. Lord knows she has enough already. She's so spoiled. Between George and Meredith, Kirsten and Carl, and everybody else she has so much shit that she doesn't need." I laughed.

"Well one more thing won't hurt." He said.

"Well thank you for coming. I'm really glad to see you." I replied hugging him.

Finding Himजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें