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Mariah had just gotten her schedule and she walked out of the office when she ran into someone...

Mariah's P.O.V.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I'm just really clumsy and I never meant to bump into you." I said picking up my papers that had just flown out of my hand and scattered in all different directions.

"Hey hey hey, it's okay really. There's not need to panic. It was all my fault, not yours." This tall brunette boy said. He has green eyes and a sparkling smile.

"No really." I said genuinely. He looked up at me with a smile.

"Are you new here?" He asked. I nodded shyly.

"May I?" He said pointing to my schedule. I nodded and handed it to him. He looked over it with a kind of amused face. I gave him a questioning look. He smiled.

"Well it seems that we have all the same classes, I could show you around if you'd like." He asked me.

"I'd like that very much." I replied with a smile. He returned my smile and we started to walk.

"I'm Taton by the way." He said holding out his hand for me to shake. I accepted it and replied. "Mariah." I said shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you Mariah." He said and smiled.

"Nice to meet you Taton." I replied returning the smile.

We walked to the lockers that ended up being right next to each other.

"So this is your locker. Mine is right next to yours. I hope that won't be a problem." He said with a worried look.

"No not at all!" I protested. I could tell that he was tense because when I said that everything was okay he relaxed.

"So, here you go." Taton said handing me back my schedule. I thank him and went to open my locker. I was having difficulty opening it. Taton snickered and looked at me.

"Need help with that?" He asked. I blushed and stepped out if the way so he could open the locker. He got it open in so little time. I just looked at him in amusement.

"You learn after a few years of doing it." He replied. I nodded and put my supplies in the locker. Once I was done m and Taton headed outside to hang out.

There were a few other kids out here. Me and Taton sat at one of the tables that was next to a tree.

"So, Mariah." Taton started. "So, Taton." I mimicked. He stuck his tongue out at me playfully and we both burst into laughter.

"But seriously." He replied. I looked up paying full attention to what he has to say.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Since I'm the only person here that you know so far, I'd like to get to k ow you better." He replied. I nodded in agreement.

"What d'ya want to know?" I asked.

"Um, favorite color?" He replied.
"Blue." I replied with a smile.

He smiled back and continued.

"Family?" He asked. At that question I tensed up and Taton definitely noticed.

"Mariah, I'm so sorry. Did I strike a nerve?" He asked with a concerned look.

"No no no. I promise you didn't. It's just that, my parents died in a plane crash leaving me and my son- um my-my little brother to go to an orphanage until a guy that I met a few months ago, adopted us." I explained. Taton's face went blank. Oh great. I just lost the only friend that I've made.

"S-son?" He asked. Oh man.

"Yeah. He was only a few months old when my parents died. So the only mom figure he really knew was me. So he calls me mom and I call him my son. I'm so sorry. I know this's is so wrong. You didn't sign up for this. I'll just leave. Thanks for showing me around Taton." I said about to leave with tears brimming my eyes.

I turned around on the heel until I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me back.

"You didn't pull me into anything. I helped you because I wanted to. I want to help you and be your friend, only if you'll let me." He replied. I was now crying. I couldn't make out words so I just pulled him in for a hug.

"Thank you so much Taton." I said. He smiled and wiped my tears away.

The bell rang soon after so we grabbed all of our things and headed inside.

"What's our first class?" I asked.

"English." He replied. I nodded and we walked into the classroom.

Me and Taton sat next to each other so that he could help me.

"Welcome class! Good morning! I expect you all did you're homework?" This young male who I assume is the teacher. I looked around and saw some kids take out they're homework and place it on they're desks, and then others just ignored the teacher and takes with they're friends.

Since I came in not knowing what to expect, I didn't get any homework.

"Class today we have a new student with us. Her name is Mariah." He said gesturing to me. The wholes class's eyes were on me. I blushed and looked down. I hope today is going to be an okay day.

Hey guys! So like I said, I will be doing three updates this week for your cooperation with me and my boyfriend. I hope this makes up for everything. Thanks again guys. And if you guys ever need someone to talk to, you can talk to me. I promise I will not judge you. Come talk to a sister. I've made wonderful friends who are sooo important to me from just talking to them on Wattpad. So if you ever need to talk, I won't judge you. If you just need to vent, scream, or whatever it is, I'm here for you. I love you all. Stay lovely. Don't be shy. 💘 ~Amanda

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