The Reason Behind It

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Mariah's P.O.V.
Right now Kirsten is telling me the story behind what happened before my mom and dad died. And why they're friendship ended.

"They're was just some problems with jealousy when we were teenagers that never left. And when your parents got pregnant with you, me and Carl knew them very well. But the jealousy came when I found out that your mother was pregnant with you and that you were a girl. Now don't get me wrong, I love all three of my sons. But at one point in life I had a very jealous point in my life. A very dark and painful part of my life that I don't like to think about. Me and your mom had a very bad conversation and things were said that I can't believe we're ever said. But yeah, that's- that's just what happened. And I would give anything to take back what was said. I really would. So let me give you a little piece of advice, words are powerful weapons. Use your words wisely, because it can happen, what you say can have a huge impact on someone. I can be like a knife to a heart. Once you say something, it's out there and you can never get it back. So just do me and your parents a favor okay? Use your words wisely." Kirsten said to me. I had tears in my eyes due to how sweet that was. She really understands me. She said all the right words.

"Yes ma'am. I promise." I replied.

"Good. Would you like to go somewhere else now?" Kirsten asked me.

"Yeah. Your house?" I asked. She smiled at me and nodded her head. We got up and threw the trash away and walked away where Kirsten had her hand in my shoulder.

We got to the car and we hopped in. Kirsten started the car and we drove off to her house.

Sawyer's P.O.V.
I pulled the car up to the police station after twenty minutes of silence in the car with Maya. I think she's mad at me. Me and maya got out of the car and I go to grab her hand to hold it and I saw her flinch. I just looked at her and moved my hand away. Somethings definitely wrong with her. I just chose to not deal with what just happened right now. I'm more focused on finding Justin.

I opened the door for Maya who walked in muttering a "thanks". I really hope she's okay. I walked in after her and we found our way to the front desk.

"Hello sir." This one lady said.

"Hello." I replied.

"What seems to be the problem?" She asked me and Maya.

"We need to find a man by the name of Justin Lane Horn." I replied and grabbed a picture of him that Maya had in her wallet that I guess she just never took out and I handed it to the woman.

"Okay. Do you have anymore information on him?" She asked. We nodded and she led us into an interrogation room.

"Okay Ms. Harris, I'll need to hear anything and everything that you have heard, seen, been through, or anything else okay? Nothing is to foolish." The woman replied. Maya nodded and took a deep breath.

"Well, it all started when I was 14 years old. I met Justin in school in 8th grade. He was the school jock and very popular. I first met him at a football game he was playing at. And I was getting some cotton candy at a concession stand before the game started. And after I got the candy, I turned around and bumped into Justin. He was really flirtatious and a player. And of course I fell for his charm and we got together about two weeks later.

He was super nice and sweet for about a month. And then things took a bad turn. His mom died due to breast cancer, he started to drink, a lot. He took his hurt and anger out on me and so he started to beat me and verbally abuse me. It got really bad. So I left. And when I did he threatened to find me and kill me.

So when I left, he kept his word and he found me. He took me to his house and he um, uh, look he sexually assaulted me and then he tied me to a chair and hit me. And as he was about to shoot me, Sawyer busted through the door. The two restless over the gun and it went off shooting me in my abdomen. I wasn't supposed to live. But I did and now we want Justin put away." Maya informed the whole story to the cop.

"We will do everything in our power to help you out this man away." She replied.

"Thank you ma'am." Maya said.

"Okay I'm going to get a case started and we'll start a search party." The lady replied and we got up from the table and walked out of the door.

I opened the door for Maya and she got in the car immediately not saying a word.

"Maya can we-"

"Sawyer I'd rather not talk right now." She said cutting me off.

"Why not? I want to help you." I replied.

"Maybe I don't want help!" She yelled.

I backed down and started the car and sighed.

"Fine. Deal with this shit yourself then." I muttered and drove off not saying anything else...

Ohhhhhh!!! Drama!!!! Stay lovely! ~Amanda.

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