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Maya's P.O.V.
~Two weeks later~
Sawyer still hasn't come back since our fight after the hospital. I've been alone in this empty house, without the kids, but without the love of my life. I should have never yelled at him. I'm just so stressed about what happened. I just want to know where he is.

Sawyers P.O.V.
Me and the kids have been staying at my mom and dads house ever since me and Maya's fight. I miss her more than than the world. Mariah's been asking me all of these questions and I've had to continue lying to her. I've been in my room all day with Marcus while my mom took Mariah out to get this whole situation off of her mind. My mom volunteered to take Marcus with her as well but I really want some time with him. Right now he's playing with his trucks that me and Maya bought him.

I can't stop wondering what Maya is doing, or if she's okay. I've attempted to go to the house but every time I get to the house, her car is always gone. I've cried myself to sleep every night.

Mariah sleeps with my mom and my dad got the couch. And Marcus sleeps with Aric. They've really become buddy's. I've called Maya multiple times but she doesn't answer.

Maya's P.O.V.
I have been feeling even worse since Sawyer and the kids left. I'm sure that it's just because I miss them. I've been lounging around just watching TV and not eating. I haven't had a good meal since the night Sawyer left the hospital. I only take a couple bites of anything I eat. I've also been throwing up a lot. But that's probably just because I haven't ate. Since Sawyer left with the kids I've lost fifteen pounds. Everything that used to fit me, looks like a little girl wearing her dads over sized shirts.

Sawyers P.O.V.
5:00. That's all that I've been doing today. I just watch the clock, watching the minutes go by. I need to see her. I need Maya.

I got up from the bed and rushed to the shower while Marcus is playing with Aric and Skylar while mom and Mariah are still out with dad.

I got a quick shower and blow dried my hair. Then I dressed into a nice pair of jeans and a black long sleeve button down shirt. Plus my hat of course.

I put on my shoes and grabbed my phone before rushing down stairs.

"Whoa man, you got dressed. Where are you going?" Aric asked.

"I have to go and find her." I replied simply walking over to Marcus. I picked him up and he looked at me and smiled.

"Can I get a kiss?" I asked him.

He gave me a kiss and hug.

"I love you. Bubba will be right back. Hopefully with Maya." I said.

"By bro. Good luck." Skylar said.

"Thanks Sky." I replied back walking out the door.

I jumped into my car and started it. Once it was in I sped down the highway avoiding every stop light. I stopped to get a bouquet of flowers on my way.

Ten minutes later, I got to the house and Maya's car was there.

I got out and grabbed the flowers. I walked up to the door and knocked gently. My heart is pumping so fast. A few seconds later, there she is. The girl I love most in the world.

Maya's P.O.V.
I was in my bed about to fall asleep when I heard a knock on the door. I wasn't going to answer it, but I felt something that told me I had to answer it.

I got up and walked to the door and slowly opened it to see who it is. And there is the boy, who I cried over, didn't eat over, and have a broken heart over. But love all at the same time.

"S-Sawyer?" I said through tears.

"Maya." He replied. I wanted to run up to him and hug him but I didn't. I stayed still and let him speak.

"Can I come in?" He asked me.

"Yeah, sorry." I replied and opened up the door for him to come in.

Sawyers P.O.V.
Maya opened the door for me to come in and we went and sat on the couch. I sat on one side and Maya sat on the other side of the couch.

"Maya, why are you so far from me?" I asked getting closer to her and putting my hand on hers. Instead of holding my hand, she flinched.

"M-Maya? I asked with tears in my eyes.

"Sawyer, i'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry. I do." I replied.

"No, I do have to be sorry Sawyer. I yelled at you. And you didn't deserve that. And then Justin came here and barged in and he- um-"

"Maya what happened?" I asked.

"He came in and raped me." She said crying.

I couldn't say anything. I was frozen. So instead of talking, I just held me her.

"Shh. It's okay. Everything's going to be okay." I said to her. She held onto my shirt and sobbed into it.

"Please-please f-forgive me Sawyer. Please." She said.

"Maya, I love you so much. Of course I forgive you. I could never leave you no matter what happens." I replied kissing her head.

She moved to the right and I noticed something has changed about her.


"Yes?" She asked.

"What happened to you?" I asked pointing to her stomach.

"I'm sorry. I- I couldn't eat. I've thrown up and cried myself to sleep every night. I've lost fifteen pounds." She replied.

"Maya, you have to eat. You need to take care of yourself." I replied.

"I know. I promise that I won't do it again." She replied.

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"Can we talk about it my tomorrow please?" She said her voice weak and cracking.

"Of course we can." I replied.

We cuddled in the couch and soon both fell asleep.

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