The Visit

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Justin's P.O.V.
Here I am, dead. I never thought that it would come to this. Believe me or not, Maya was my everything, and I was so jealous of Sawyer, and I was mad that Maya learned to love someone else. But this is all my fault, I hurt her and scarred her. There are things in her mind now that will never be forgotten.

White. There's a light that I see now. But this can't be true, not me. I don't deserve it.

"Justin." The voice said.

"Y-yes?" I asked approaching the light.

"Son, you've disobeyed me. You didn't follow me." The male voice said again becoming more clear the further I walked.

"God?" I asked.

"Yes my boy."

"I'm s-sorry." I cried on my knees.

"I know that you are Justin."

"Please, forgive me." I begged.

"Son, I'll always forgive you, and I'll always love you." He replied.

"Father, thank you." I said walking to him and hugging him. His hugs are warm and full of love, just how I imagined.

"Take my hand boy." He said holding out his hand for me to take.

I took his hand and he led me up a golden pathway.

"Welcome home son." My father said.

I looked ahead and there I saw my parents. But not only mine, but Maya's too.

I walked to my parents and they engulfed me in a big hug.

"Son." My dad said.

"Dad." I replied hugging him and my mom.

"I've missed you guys so much." I said smiling.

"We've missed you more my boy." My mom replied.

"Justin?" I heard behind me.

I turned around and there stood Maya's father.

"John, Judy." I said.

"Justin." Maya's mom replied walking up to me.

"Judy, I'm so sorry for what I did to your precious little daughter." I said sincerely.

"We know you are. And we forgive you. We also know that you still love her, you always did. You just didn't show it the proper way. But I want you to know and accept that she's Sawyers now, truthfully she's always been his. They're going to have a family." Judy said to me.

"I understand. And I'm not bitter to him anymore." I replied.

"Good, we're glad Justin. Enjoy your home now." John said.

"Thank you." I replied.

I walked away and entered a room lit up by a pretty blue light.

I walked to a balcony and looked down. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Tell me anything that you'd like to see son, and I'll make it happen." God said in front of me.

"Maya." I said simply.

He nodded and brought up a video hologram of maya.

"This is what she's doing right now my boy." My father said.

I looked at it and saw maya laying asleep next to a sleeping Sawyer cuddled up together on a hospital bed.

"She's perfect." I whispered.

"She's happy now son." God said.

"I know she is. Thank you, for creating such a lovely being like her." I said.

"Your welcome my boy. I love her with all my heart, as I do with all of my kids, including you son." He replied hugging me.

"I love you." I said hugging him.

"I love you much more Justin." He replied...

Maya's P.O.V.
I'm standing outside, about to get my cotton candy when I turn around and see a handsome brunette behind me.

"Hi." I said smiling trying to be friendly.

"Hi there." He replied.

"I'm maya, nice to meet you." I replied.

"Justin." He said simply.

"Do you go to this school?" I asked since I'd never seen him before.

"Yes I do." He replied.

"Oh, well I'd never seen you before. I was just curious, I'm sorry." I said embarrassed.

"That's okay. There's nothing to be sorry for. You go here?" He returned the question.

"Yes." I said.

"Cool. Well I'm here alone so, do you want to come watch the game, together maybe?" He asked shy.

"I'd love that." I smiled and paid for my candy then left with Justin.

I woke up remembering my dream. I smiled at the memory. That's one of my favorite moments of us.

I turned my head to the right and I saw a figure next to the chair. I slowly got up and walked to the figure.

"Maya." The voice whispered.
I know that voice anywhere. It's Justin's.

"Justin?" I asked.

"I'm okay now." He replied.

"Are you in Heaven?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm with my family."

"Did you see my- parents?" I asked.

"Yes I did." He replied smiling.

"Are they okay?" I asked.

"They're perfect. They watch over you and Ben everyday Maya. And now, I'll watch over you too." He said.

"Justin I need you too know something." I informed.

"What's that?" He asked.

"I never quit loving you. I love you so much." I said tearing up.

"Maya I love-"

"Maya?" I heard Sawyers voice.

I turned around to look at him.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Who were you talking to?" He asked.

I turned around to where Justin standing there but instead, nobody was there.

"No one, I was taking to, no one." I said waking back to the bed and climbing next to Sawyer.

"Are you okay Maya?" He asked.

"I'm fine. I'm just tired." I said.

"Okay. Well then let's go back to sleep." He said putting his arm around my waist.

"I love you Maya and I love our baby." He said kissing me slowly and full of passion. He's never kissed me like this before. I don't know why but, I got a weird feeling when he said our baby. Me and Justin's baby.

"Sawyer, I love you too." I said kissing him back.

"Goodnight princess." He said.

"Goodnight." I replied snuggling into him and drifting back to sleep.

"Ahh!" I screamed jumping out of the bed.

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