You're Having A Baby...

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Three Hours Later...
Carsons P.O.V.
Sawyer just left the hospital after three hours of talking, begging, and crying with Maya. I just got back in her room to check on her.

"Maya, please talk to me. What happened?" I asked wanting to know what happened, though it really isn't my business.

"We talked, we cried, he walked out." She said simply.

"Maya, I meant in detail." I pushed.

"He said that he wanted me to come with him. He said that he wants to be a family again. We are a family, just because I'm not with him doesn't mean we're not a family. He said he still wants to be with me, but not if I'm with you." She replied.

"But you're not with me." I said.

"That's what I told him." She replied.

"He's fucking ignorant." I muttered.

"I heard that." She said.

"I know you did." I smirked.

"Harris?" A man asked coming into Maya's room and stood next to her bed.

"Yes?" Maya asked sitting up.

"You're baby's just fine. Due to the amount of caffeine that you have consumed, the child went into distress which caused you to feel what you thought were premature labor pains. You and your baby will be fine, you're going to carry to full term. You're free to leave." He said.

Maya sighed happily smiling at me.

"Thank you so much. I'm so relieved." She replied happily.

"We did happen to find out the sex. Would you and your friend like to know?" The doctor asked.

I saw Maya's happy expression turn into a sad one, understandable.

"Uh, yeah. I guess I'd like to know." Maya said unsure.

"Are you sure ma'am?" He asked.

"Yes, please." Maya said sounding more confident this time.

I put my hand on the bed rail of Maya's bed. She grabbed my hand to hold. I didn't pull away this time, I know how much she needs a friend.

"Congratulations miss Harris, you're have a baby girl." The doctor said with a small smile.

Maya started tearing up.

"A girl, my beautiful baby girl." She whispered looking at her stomach.

"I'll leave you two to celebrate." The doctor said walking out of the room.

"Congratulations Maya." I said smiling at her.

"Thank you. Oh, here's your hand." She replied letting go of my hand.

"Ha, thanks." I said.

"I'm having a girl. A beautiful baby girl." She smiled happily.

"I'm sure she'll be beautiful, just like her mom." I said.

"Thank you." Maya replied with a bright blush rising to her cheeks.

"Why the blush Maya?" I teased.

"Oh shut up." She replied punching my arm.

I smirked, causing her to laugh.

"Let's get out of here." She said carefully getting out of bed and grabbing her purse and phone.

Two Hours Later...
Maya's P.O.V.
I have to go see Justin. Since I got the news about the baby, he needs to know.

"What are you doing?" Carson asked me drying his hair with a towel and only shorts on.

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