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And then the door opens...
Hi..." "Hey." I said. "Would you like to come in?" She asked. "Yes sure." "It's nice to see you again." "You too. I want you to meet some one. So this is my friend Maya." I said. "Hi Maya. I'm Mariah." Mariah said.

"It's so nice to meet you." "You too. And this is little baby Marcus." She said. "Awe he's so adorable!!" Maya gushed.

You see it's been 4 months since I last saw Mariah and Marcus. And I've missed seeing them.

"Well you're quiet." Mariah said walking up to me. "What?? Oh yeah I'm sorry. I just have a lot on my mind right now." I said. "Like??" She pried. "Come on." I said and pulled her out of the room and into the hallway leaving Maya with Marcus.

"So what's going on?" "I'm going to ask Maya to be my girlfriend." I said. She just stood there with the happiest face on. "Yay!!" She jumped. "Okay okay okay." I said. "So how are you going to do it?" She asked. "It's a surprise." I said. "Oh come on please!" She begged.

"Okay fine. But I'm going to need your help." I said. "Give me, I'll do anything." She said excitedly. "Okay. I need you to keep Maya busy while I go and get her something." I said. "Okay. But how do I keep her busy?" "Just let her be with Marcus. She loves babies." I said to her.

"Okay. Oh and guess what?" She said so happy. "What!?" I said in her same tone. "Marcus said his first word!!" When?" "About 2 months ago." "What did he say?" "Momma!!" She gigged. "Haha that's amazing!!" I said. "I know right!!" I just smiled. "So now that that is over..." She said. "Yeah okay so I'm going to go and get Maya the present and I'll be back and you just keep her busy?" I asked her.

"I can do that." She said. "Thank you." "No problem." She said. Then we walked back into the room to see Maya was holding and playing with Marcus. She looks so happy.

"Hey. Where did you go?" Maya asked me. "I just needed to have a word with Mariah." I said. "Oh okay." "Yeah. So Maya I need to go but I need you to stay here." I said. "Um okay?" She said unsure. "I'll be right back. I promise." "Okay." I walked over to her. She stood up and I hugged her. She hugged me goodbye.

"Bye." She said. "Bye." I replied and walked to my car. I got in and started it. I went to James Avery. When I got there I stopped the car and I grabbed my wallet and phone and walked in.

"Hello, welcome to James Avery. Can I help you with something?" This lady asked. "Yes ma'am. I need some help. I am going to tell my crush that I like her and ask her out on a date. And I want to find the perfect piece of jewelry." I said. "Okay. Well to find the perfect piece of jewelry it would help if you tell me what kind of date you guys are going to have." She said. "Okay." I said. I told her the plans and she gave me the perfect piece of jewelry. I paid for it and I left.

And I left for the orphanage again. I got there and stopped the car and grabbed my belongings leaving the stuff I bought in the car. I walked in and I went to see them. "Hey guys." I said. "Hey." Mariah replied.

"Where's Maya?" I asked. "She's in the bathroom." She said. "Oh okay." I said. "Did you get the stuff?" She asked. "Everything." I said. "Good." I just nodded my head. Just then Maya walked out. "Hi." Maya said and walked over and hugged me. "Hey." I said and hugged her back. "So where did you go?" She asked me. "Oh just somewhere. You will find out later. I promise you." I said. She gave me a questioned look. I gave her a "trust me" look.

Anyway then I went over to Marcus. I picked him up and held him. I just looked into his little blue eyes. "He's so small for a year old." I said. "Well when you live in a place like this we're all tiny." She said. I just nodded. "Mariah do you mind if I take Marcus out to the hallway for a minute?" I asked her. "Sure go ahead." She said. I thanked her and then I took little Marcus and I went to make a phone call. It rang four times and then my brother skylar answered.

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