Let's Go Study

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Me and Taton are going to his house to study for our project.

"So, Taton, tell me about yourself?" I asked while we were walking to make slight conversation. He smiled at me and looked down.

"Well, I'm the youngest out of me and my sister. I have two happily married parents and hopefully a new best friend." He replied and smiled at me. I looked down and smiled. A few minutes later we arrived at this big rock house with beautiful flowers in the front yard.

"Well, home sweet home." He said and ushered me to follow him inside. When I stepped inside I was welcomed by a beautiful woman with light brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Hey sweet heart. How was your day?" This lady who I assume is his mom asks.

"It was great mom. This is my friend Mariah. We have a school project together. So we're going to be in my room studying if you need anything okay?" He informed.

His mom smiled and nodded. She walked off. Me and Taton walked into his room. It's filled with motor cross posters.

"I love your room!" I informed. He looked at his posters around his room and smiled.

"Oh thanks. My dad used to be a motocross racer." He replied. I smiled.

"That's awesome!" I said. He smiled and got our homework out of his backpack. I did the same.

"So, I was thinking for the project, that we make a model to present it to the class." Taton suggested.

"I love that idea." I agreed. He nodded and we got to work.

A few hours later, it was 9:00. It's so much later than I thought it was.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Taton! I have to go. I'm late, I have to get home!" I panicked.

"Okay. Do you want me to take you home?" He offered.

"No it's okay. I'll see you tomorrow Taton." I waved and left in a hurry with no further word.

As I was on my way home I was wondering of bekki or Jordan would be mad. A few minutes later I arrived at the door. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"I'm back!" I said. Bekki and Jordan looked at me with anger. Well more anger from bekki. Jordan looked relieved.

"Where the hell have you been!? You had me and Jordan worried sick! You better have a damn good explanation for us! Now start talking young lady!" She yelled at me. I had tears in my eyes. This is all a flashback of what has happened before.

" I-I was at a friends house working on a school project. Time just got away from me. I'm so sorry it'll never happen agai-" I didn't get to finish my sentence before I felt a sting come across my face. Bekki slapped me.

I looked at her. I couldn't see clearly due to the fact I had pouring tears coming out of my eyes.

"You bitch! You should have come home! Or at least called us to let us know where you were! This is it!" She screamed and pulled me by my hair into my room. She threw me on my bed and started punching me. She started in my face and moved to my stomach and legs.

"This is the last time you ever do anything like this again. You little whore don't deserve happiness. You and your little whiny brother are nothing but unwanted scum on the earth! Go to hell bitch!" She yelled and shoved me roughly up against my wall and left after slamming the door so hard that the only picture that I had of my mom and dad were with me and Marcus a year before the plane crash happened fell off of the wall and shattered on the floor.

I broke down into tears. I was so numb from the pain that I couldn't move. I slowly got up and grabbed my phone. I clicked on Sawyer's number and crawled into my closet so nobody would hear me.

After a few rings I was about to hang up until I heard a voice I so desperately missed.

"Hello?" Sawyer answered. Just his voice was enough to make me break down again.

"Mariah?! Mariah are you okay!? Talk to me!" He yelled through the phone.

"Bubba, I need you to come and get me. I-I should have never left you. B-bekki hit me and started punching me and beating me. I-i need you. P-please?" I begged.

"Mariah hang on. I'm heading out the door right now. Stay on the phone with me okay? I'm coming to get you. Your going to be okay. Pack your bag. I'm heading out of the driveway right now. You'll be okay. Mariah stay in your room and just pack your bag. I'm not letting you go again okay. I love you so much. Nothing's gonna happen anymore don't worry." He replied.

"O-okay. I love you so much. I'm so sorry I should have listened to you." I said and started packing my bag as quick as I could. I was throwing everything I saw into the bag...

Hey! So this chapter is really emotional! Please know how sorry I am for such a late update. And just know that if there is anything that your going through, just talk the me. I won't judge you. Just private message me and I will talk to you as long as you want or need. No matter what it is, I won't judge. So just come to a sister. I love you guys so much. Stay lovely beauties! ~Amanda.

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