Dead or Alive

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Maya's P.O.V.
I sat there, for hours. With no news, just sad and pitiful looks from people. I just want to know if he's okay.

"Miss Harris?" This male doctor came to me.

"Yes sir?" I asked nervous.

"He'd like to see you."

"Thank you." I said walking to his hospital room.

"I'll leave you two." The doctor said and left the room.

"M-Maya?" He asked.

"Yes s-Sawyer?" I asked tearing up.

He tilted his head telling me to come here.

"Baby, I'm sorry I scared you." He said.

"Shh, don't say your sorry. You were just trying to protect me. I'm just glad that your okay baby." I said crying.

"I couldn't leave you. You, our baby, and the kids were the only reason I didn't let go." He said.

"I don't know what I would've done without you." I said crying.

"You didn't leave me, so I couldn't leave you. It wouldn't be right." He said.

"I love you." I said.

"Lay next to me." He said.

I carefully laid next to him.

"I love you more Maya." He said kissing me.

"Maya?" The doctor said from the doorway.

"Yes sir?" I asked walking to him.

We walked out into the hallway.

"Sawyer is in critical condition. The knife went behind the stomach and hit the pancreas. Sawyer has lost so much blood that his conditions has turned very critical. Miss Harris, I warn you, please prepare for the worst. I'm so sorry." He said.

I slid to the floor and sobbed.

"I'm so sorry ma'am." He said and put his hand on my shoulder.

"No, God how did this happen?" I asked knowing full well how all of this happened.

I got up and slowly walked to Sawyers room.

"Maya?" He asked looking at me concerned.

"Sawyer I'm here." I cried.

"Oh Maya, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." He said trying to comfort me.

"You didn't hurt me." I said crying.

"Yes I did. I put you in danger." Sawyer replied.

"No, you need rest. We'll talk about this later."


He slowly grabbed my cheek with all of the power he had left in him and brought my face to his. I couldn't stop him, I just couldn't. I don't have strength to stop anything he does anymore.

I felt his soft lips on mine. It's like I was back at the football stadium again.

Our lips moved in sync perfectly. We let go and he just slightly smiled at me.

"I love you Maya." He said looking at me with a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Sawyer, I love you too." I cried.

"Thank you Maya." He said.

"Your welcome." I replied.

"Don't lie to her. Our baby, tell her about me. I want her too know that her dad isn't perfect. I never was. But let her know about Justin as well. And lastly, let her know everyday, how much her daddy loves her. I don't want her to ever forget that. Promise me?" He asked crying.

"What are you saying?" I responded crying.

He smiled one last time at me and closed his eyes.

"NURSE!" I screamed.

A swarm of nurses came into the room pushing me away.
I walked down the cold lonely hallway waiting to go back to Sawyers room.

"Hey, what was that about?" This guy asked walking up to me asked when I walked in the room.

"Ben." I cried hugging him once I saw him.

"Hey talk to me, what happened?" He asked.

"Sawyer let go, he told me to tell out baby how much he loves her and that I'll be okay." I sobbed.

"Maya, I'm so sorry." He said holding me rubbing my back with his hand.

"I really loved him Ben, now I'm going to be a single mom." I said.

"No, you've got me and Steph, and everybody else. You'll never go through this alone, I promise you that." He replied looking at me.

"Thank you Ben." I said.

"Harris?" The female nurse said walking up to me and Ben.

"He's stable." The woman said.

"Thank God, is he going to be okay?" I asked her.

"Yes ma'am." She replied walking away.

"Ben, he's okay!" I said jumping up and down.

"We'll go see him!" He replied.

I hugged him and left for Sawyers room.

I walked into Sawyers room where he is.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" He said quickly the minute I ran to his bed. He has tears in his eyes.

"Sawyer, you scared me. But I know that you couldn't help what happened. I don't blame you, and I'm not mad." I replied walking to his bed and crawling in.

"I love you, we're going to make it through this together okay?" Sawyer asked looking at me in my eyes.

"Together." I replied.


"Oh?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's nothing trust me. The doctor said that I can get out of here soon." Sawyer said changing the subject.

"Cool, but when is soon?" I asked going along with it.

"Tomorrow hopefully. They want to watch me overnight to make sure nothing goes wrong." He replied.

"Okay. Sawyer?" I asked.

"Yes baby?" He replied still holding my hand and rubbing his thumb along the top.

"Thank you, for being so brave. For helping me when I was in danger of me and the baby getting killed, it shows that you truly love me. And I can't wait for this baby to meet you." I said looking into Sawyers eyes.

"Awe, maya, I can't wait for the baby to meet his parents either. And you know that I would do anything for you. I love you." He replied kissing my forehead.

I couldn't help but smile because if I never met him, I don't know where I would be...

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