Trials and Tribulations

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One Week Later
Justin's P.O.V.
Today is my court date where I'll be told exactly how long my sentence is.

"Alright, move it." The same officer who arrested me said pushing me into the court.

I sat down in a chair at the front of the room uncuffed.

"Where is she?" I asked my lawyer.

"She'll be here, we just need to stay calm." He replied.

I looked back at the doors and I saw Maya standing there. I smiled slightly at her and she returned it.

She walked up to me holding something.

"What's that?" I asked her looking at her hands.

"Your bail money." She replied simply.

"How did you get that?" I asked shocked.

"A lot of family phone calls. Let's just say that I'll be owing them back for years to come." She said.

I laughed at that.

"All rise, court is now in session." A police man said. I can feel a knot in my stomach now.

I looked back at Maya and she just gave me a reassuring nod.

"I now call Justin Horn to the stand." The judge said.

I stood up and walked to the stand before sitting in the chair.

"Now, Mr Horn, did you or did you not murder Angela Harris?" The prosecuting attorney asked from across the room.

"I did." I replied.

"Do you mind telling the jury what the relationship with you and Angela was like?" He asked.

"Angela was my girlfriends sister, I cheated on Maya Harris with Angela. Angela got pregnant and miscarried our son. She got very depressed and went on a manhunt." I said.

"Manhunt for who exactly?" He asked.

"Sawyer Fredericks sir." I said.

"Is Sawyer present in this court room?" The judge asked me.

"No sir, but Maya Harris is." I said.

"What is Maya to Sawyer?" He asked.

"Ex girlfriend." I replied.

"Okay, my questioning is done your honor." The defense attorney said before going to his seat.

I stepped down and went back to mine as well.

"Good work, now we play the waiting game." My lawyer whispered to me.

"I call a recess!" The judge said.

We all stepped out of the room waiting to hear my fate.

Maya walked up to me and gave me a big hug.

"It's okay Maya. We're going to get out if here. Both of us." I said holding her.

She let go and wiped a tear away.

"Yeah, I just have to think positive and everything will be okay." She replied with a small smile.

One Hour Later...
After a long time of me waiting to hear what my fate was, we were sitting back in the court room.

I saw the police officer hand the judge a file showing what my fate is, that's when I got really nervous.

"The jury rules Justin Horn, guilty of third degree murder with six months in jail with five years probation. Court dismissed." The judge said.

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