The Park

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Sawyers P.O.V.

I hopped in the car and went to the park. When I got there I just sat there. I pulled out my phone and went to my camera roll. I clicked on one particular picture. It was me and her in front of the sunset.

"I miss you." I whispered and put my head on the steering wheel. I got up and I grabbed my keys out of the ignition hopped out of the car. I walked over to a bench in front of a lake. I put my head in my hands and cried. A little girl came up to me and put her hand on my shoulder. At first I was frightened but then I looked at her and realized that it was just a little girl.

"Are you okay?" She asked. "No. I'm not. I miss my friend." "Is she your girlfriend?" "No." I said. " Do you love her?" "Um, nit in that way."I said.

"How old are you anyway?" I asked. "I'm eleven. But I know my stuff." "Apparently." I said. "Look I may only be eleven but I know what I'm talking about okay? If you "like" her then go after her okay? I know what I'm talking about. I lost my parents and I had to grow up really fast. I live in an orphanage with my 8 month old brother. We don't get much food or anything really. So I'm not going to let you lose what you want." She lectured."

"Thank you." "Your welcome. Now what are you doing here?! Go and get her now!" She said ushering my off the bench. "Wait how are you going to get home?" I asked. "I'll walk." "How far is it from here?" I asked her. "Five miles." She said. "Um...look I know I just met you but I can't let you walk that far by yourself. They're are a lot of creepers out there." I said.

"So your offering me a ride?" "Yes I am." I said. "Thanks." "Your welcome." I said. I walked to her side of the car and opened the door for her. "Thanks." I smiled in response. I went to my side and opened the door. I hopped in and buckled my seat belt. "All buckled?" I asked. "Yup." "Good." I said. I put the key in the ignition and started the car.

"So what's your brothers name?" I asked trying to make conversation. His name is Marcus." "That's a cool name." "I think so. I actually named him after my dad." She said. "Awe that's so sweet." "Thanks." It began to get awkward.

"I know your wondering how my parents died." She said. "Am not." "Do you wanna know?" "Yes." I said. "We'll do you wanna know how they died or do you wanna know the whole story?" She asked. "Can I know the whole story?" I asked. "Sure." "K."

"So my parents are great people. When my mom gave birth to me she said it was the happiest day of her life. She said my dad named me. He named me Mariah. Anyway it was around Christmas and me and my brother were staying at our grandmas house on my moms side of the family. And they were going to visit my moms sister. And they were going to get our Christmas present to while they were there. They were in the plane to Australia and there plane engine stalled and it started to fall and they fell and they ended up falling into a forest and they're bodies were never recovered.

They were going to get me and my brother a puppy. It was 6 months ago. I miss them but my brother looks up to me as a roll model and since he's only 8 months old he thinks of me as a mom because I'm all he will ever know as that kind of roll.

At first I didn't want him to but he needs a mom so I needed to take that roll as a mom figure for him. Being eleven isn't easy. You would think with me being just a little girl everything gets handed to you. But that's not what happened for me. I have to feed my baby brother and he cries in the night and I'm the one to calm him down in the middle of the night and I love him but he isn't easy to take care of." She said.

"I'm so sorry. No kid needs to go through that." I said. "It's not your fault. Stuff happens and I can't rewind time." She said. "Right." We drive on until we got to the orphanage and I shut the car off and went to her side and opened her door. "Here you go." I said. "Th-thank you." She stuttered.

0Hey what's wrong?" I asked her. "I have to go back in there." "Is there a problem?" I asked. "Yes. Look I'm going to go and get my brother and bring him out here for you to meet him. Come with me." She said. "Okay." I said following her. She took me up the stairs and opened the door. I was surprised. It didn't look good at all. The walls had holes in them and some of the lights were out in the room therefore making it look really creepy. "Happy home huh?" She asked. "This is it huh?" I asked. "Yup." She went over to the crib and picked up baby Marcus. He started to cry and Mariah shushed him and patted his back. There was a woman who was watching him while Mariah was out.

"Shh it's okay Marcus." She cooed. "Here." She said and handed him to me. "He's beautiful." I said. "I think so." Marcus started to cry and Mariah came over and took him out of my arms. She went and took him to his crib. She kissed his head and came back over to me and sat on the bed. "Your really good with him." I said.

"Thanks. I just do with him what my mom did to me." She said. "It's nice." "If you say so." She said. "Not the room." I said. "Then what?" "Your only eleven." I said. "Yeah?" "It's nice how good you are with him. And how much love for him you have." I said. "I'd give anything for him." She said. "That's so sweet." I said. "Thanks." I smiled in returned. "Soooo." She said. "Yup." "You should get going." she said.

"Yeah okay." I saw a tear roll down her face. "Mariah?" "Yeah?" "Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm-I'm fine." "No your not." I walked over to Marcus's crib and picked him up. I walked over to her with Marcus in my arms. I handed her Marcus. "Tell me what's wrong with you." I said. "Your the first person besides my family that has ever showed me any care. Now I'm going to be here alone with just me and Marcus." "Oh I'm so sorry." I said and hugged her. "Just promise me one thing." She said. "What is it?" "Will you come and see me again?" "I promise." I said. "Thank you." "Your welcome." I said.

She gave me a hug. "I'm gonna miss you Sawyer." Mariah said. "I'm gonna miss you too Mariah." I said and hugged her back. I got up and showed myself out. But before I left the room I stopped myself at the doorway. I turned around and looked at Mariah. "Goodbye Mariah." "Don't say that." "What do you mean?" I asked her.

"I've been told goodbye way to many times before. Done let this be goodbye please." "Okay. I won't. See you later Mariah." I said. "Much better. See you later Sawyer." I left the room with that. I walked into the main room and I walked to the front desk. "Hello sir." She said. "Hello Ma'am." I said to her. "How may I help you today?"

"That little girl that I walked in with i want to know more about her." I said. "Mariah?" "Yes and her brother Marcus." "Okay. But why?" "Because she seems interesting to me. "Okayyy." She said awkwardly. "Are you going to adopt her?" She asked me. "I'm 16. I said. "Okay." I turn got a call and it was from Maya. "I'm sorry I have to take this. I have to go but here is my number and I will come back and talk to you about this. Bye." I said. "Okay. Bye." She said.

I ran out side and answered the phone. "Maya!!" I said. "Hi Sawyer." She said sadly. "Where are you." I asked. "I'm not coming back." "What do you mean by that?!?!" I said mad." "You'll never see me again." She said. "Why not." Then the line cut out. "Maya!! Maya!!" I screamed through the phone. "That's it!!" I yelled. I hopped in the car and drove home. When I got there I ran upstairs really fast and went to pack a bag. When I finished packing I walked out the door and locked it. I ran and hopped in the car and started it. I'm going to find Maya and figure out what is going on.

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