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Kirsten's P.O.V.
Mariah just knocked on my door and I have no idea what she is going to say about what I said earlier. Is she going to say she wants to leave? Or maybe even say she doesn't want me in her life?

"Kirsten!" Mariah raised her voice.

"Yes sweetie, I'm sorry. What's up?" I replied patting my bed for her to sit on. She sat down and started to speak.

"I'm not upset with you Kirsten. You don't have to stay in your room blaming yourself for what you said. I'd prefer you to say daughter now, than to never say it at all. Kirsten, I do love you." Mariah said with tears in her eyes.

"Oh Mariah, I love you too." I replied crying. Mariah leaned in and hugged me.

"I need a mother figure. And I know that you can be that for me. You'd act like my mom, but you would never try to replace her." Mariah replied.

"Of course I won't. I could never replace your mom. But I will try my hardest to make her proud of me on trying to help raise you." I replied with a slight smile.

"She'd be so happy if she was here." She replied with a tear escaping her cheek. I wiped it away before it could fall.

"Hey, she's proud anyway. Her and your dad are looking down on you and your brother right now, watching over you and enjoying seeing you grow up to be the best version of yourselves." I said to her. She looked at me with a small smile on her face.

"Thank you." She replied.

"It's what I'm here for." I replied. We both got up and went into the kitchen.

"So, are the cookies good?" I asked.

"They turned out so good!" Mariah said with excitement.

"Well don't eat them all, let me have at 'em." I replied with a laugh. She laughed as well and handed me a cookie.

"Oh, these are so good! Carl  and the boys would love these. Chocolate Chip cookies are Sawyers favorite." I stated.

"Really? I didn't know that." Mariah replied. I nodded my head and resumed eating the cookie. Just about that time, the doorbell rang.

Me and Mariah walked to the door, it's Sawyer, Marcus, and Maya.

"Hey y'all guys!" I said with excitement.

"Hey mom." Sawyer replied and hugged me before going to Mariah.

"Sis!" He yelled slightly.

"Bro!" Mariah said with the same tone. Sawyer picked Mariah up and spun her around the living room with Mariah in a fit of giggles. He put Mariah down and hugged her.

"I missed you." Sawyer said.

"I missed you more."

"Pshh, I doubt that. How was the visit?" Sawyer asked me.

"It was good. We made cooki-"

"What kind!?" He asked me eagerly.

"Um, Chocolate Chip?" I asked. He sprinted to the kitchen and grabbed four cookies.

He came back and hugged me tight.

"Thank you mom!" He said.

"Your welcome son." I replied hugging him back. He let go and handed Maya a cookie along with Mariah and Marcus.

"My mom makes the best cookies." Sawyer said.

"These are really good Kirsten." Maya said.

"Thanks honey." I replied. Just then the door swung open wide which gave me a huge scare.

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