Am I Supposed To Wait?

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It's been two hours since my parents got here. I haven't left Maya's side other than to shower. My mom is here with my two brothers and my dad. I'm really glad that they are here. I wish that she would wake up. She just lays there. No movement at all. I like her so much.

"Oh my God." I whispered. My mom walked up to me and put her hand on my shoulder. "Oh my God what honey?" "What if I waited to long mom?" "For what?" To make her more than a friend" I said. My mom pulled me closer to her and I laid my head on her shoulder. "What if she doesn't make it mom?" I cried. "Oh honey. But what if she does." She said. "Then I want to be her's." "How long do you think she's going to be in a coma?" I asked. "Honey it's hard to say. Some people are in a coma for twenty years." She said. I sobbed.

"I'll wait as long as it takes." "Baby maybe it's time to move on." She said. I just looked at her like she is crazy. "H-how could you say that mom? I like Maya." "I know but I don't want you to waste you life baby." "Mom I am not giving up on Maya." "Okay. Fine sawyer." "Your not just saying that I should move on because you don't like her and her family are you?" I asked. "Well..." "Well...what mother?!?!" "Okay fine." "What?"

"Your father dated her mother in high school." "So??" "It was awkward when we ran into them and they had a baby with them." "Maya?" "Yes." "Okay?" "And we had you." "And?" "We had this huge fight at dinner and we said some things about our kids and the feud began and it was not pretty at all."

"What did you say?" "Just that Maya's parents didn't deserve her and that Maya was worthless. " "Oh. mom." "Yeah. I know." She said. "Is she going to be okay mom?" "I'm hope so baby...I hope." "Yeah me too mom." I said. She kissed me on my forehead. "I love you." "I love you too honey." She said. "You have really grown close to her." "Yeah I have. She really is amazing. I love the way she is, and the way she would always laugh when I said something funny,or the way she would blush when I would tell her something sweet." I said. "Oh sweetie. I know you like her so much and I like her so much too and she is apart of the family." "I just hope she wakes up soon." I said. "Me too too." She said and hugged me.

The doctor came up to us. "Is there an issue with Maya?" I asked scared. "No there isn't sawyer. She is still asleep." I looked down at my feet. "Okay. Then what is it?" I asked. "Sawyer since this doesn't look good for Maya I brought the death papers." I looked at the doctor like he was a little idiot. "Okay doc... Um thanks?" He came over to me and whispered in my ear. "Hang in there for her okay?" "K. Thanks." I said. He walked away. "The death papers mom." I said. "I know honey." "I'm not going to sign these. She's not going to die." I said. "Sawyer..." "No mom she can't leave me!!" I yelled.

I ran into Maya's room and I just sat on her bed. I crawled up closer to her and held her hand. "Come on babycakes. You can do this. You can get through this. I-I care about you so much and I can't live with myself if you ever leave me.

"Maya we act like a couple but we're not one. And I want that to change. But you have to come back to me. And please remember me. Please remember me. Goodnight Maya." I said as I kissed her forehead. I laid right next to her in my arms careful not to mess up the machines and tubes on her. I put my head in the crook of her neck. And I fell asleep with her in my arms. I really want her back.

~the next morning~
I woke up with Maya in my arms. I miss my morning hugs from Maya. "Good morning princess." I said. No movement at all. I sighed. I got up and out of the bed. "Hey mom." I said. She was in the cafeteria. "Hey baby." She came over to me and hugged me. "How did you sleep?" She asked me. "Considering my crush is laying in a hospital helpless and she is all that I ever think about? Not to well." "I'm sorry honey." "Not your fault. I just came in here to get something to eat." I said. "K." She replied.

I walked off to get something to eat. I got to the line and I chose just an apple. "Not much of an appetite huh honey?" "No not really." I said. "Do you want to sit with me and dad?" "No. Thanks though. I'm going to go and see Maya. Love you guys." I said. "Love you too sawyer." My brother Aric said. I smiled in return. I made my way up to Maya's room and saw that she wasn't in the room.

"Where is Maya?" I asked the nurse. "She's doing some tests." She said. "Is she awake?" I said excitedly. "Kind of." "What do you mean?" "She's alert. She doesn't open her eyes though." "So she can hear me?" "Yes sir." "Is she going to be okay?" I asked. "I don't know yet sir." She said. "I want to see her." "Okay just wait until she gets back into her room." "K thanks." I said. The nurse walked off. I got kind of happy and I ran back into the cafeteria.

"Mom dad skylar Aric!!" I yelled at them. "What is is baby? Is Maya okay??" "Yes she is fine." "Okay. Then what is it?" "They took her to go and get some tests done and she is alert but she just can't open her eyes." "Sawyer that great!!" Aric said. "I know right?!?!" I said. He came over and hugged me. Me and Aric have always been really close to each other. He's really cool. "Well I need to go and see if Maya is back in her room yet." I said. "K. Good luck sawyer." Skylar said. "Thanks sky." I said.

I started to run for Maya's room. When I got there the doctors and nurses were just bringing Maya back into her room. "Thank God!!" I said to myself. Then my uncle Ryan came up to me and pulled me out of the room. "What is it?" I asked. "I have the test results right here." "Okay?" I said. "So here they are." I took them from him.

"So right here we have her abdomen. Where she was shot. When we did surgery to get the bullet out her heart had failed many times on the table and so we looked at why she did that. And it turns out that the bullet had traveled up to her heart. Luckily she didn't die right away. But she is okay for now and we are just going to keep an eye on her. But it's still hard to tell if she is going to remember anybody. And her brain may not remember any memories or you. Her beatings from jake before she got shot by Justin were serious and the slaps and punches she suffered are serious. He said. "So this is kind of good news right?" I asked. "Sawyer you need to realize that you got really lucky with her. She could've died right there. She is in critical condition." He said.

"I understand." "If she makes a full recovery then you will be very very lucky. God will be looking out for you sawyer. She may wake up soon the way things are looking." He said. That made me the happiest guy on the earth. "Thank you uncle Ryan. I love you." "Your welcome saw. I love you too." He said. He hugged me and I returned it. He walked off with all the other nurses and I walked into Maya's room. I went to her bed and just looked at her. I thought that I would start to sing. I chose to sing my song Please. She comes to me, with a gentle touch. A love so real it was all to much, for a boy like me, a worried mind, to believe in you, I got to close my eyes, you want me to say please, baby I can say please. You want me to get down on my knees. Baby I can get down on my knees, my will was strong, but my legs were weak, I could not walk, and I could not speak, the love that you gave me, was way down south, I was born just kiss your mouth, i became a part of you, and you became a part of me, see I had no choice but to lie to you, see if I'd of told you the truth, you'd of set me free, you want me to say, please, baby I can say please, you want me to get down on my knees, baby I can get down on my knees, you want me to get down on my knees, baby I can get down on my knees I can say please, baby I can say please, I can say please." When I finished the song I kissed Maya's cheek. "I know you will come back to me angel." I said and cuddled up to her.

Hey babes. So I'm just going to inform you I don't know sawyers uncles name so I just made one up. I don't want to confuse you guys. Read on. I love you all sooooo much. Stay lovely babes.~Amanda.

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