New Addition

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Maya's P.O.V.

Me and Sawyer had just told Kirsten and Aric that I'm pregnant and Kirsten took the news quite well, but Aric seemed quite strange to the new news, almost if he was upset by it. But I'm choosing not to stress about it right now, and just get telling the kids about the new baby over with first before I have to stress about anything else for a whole. The thought of being pregnant still hasn't set in yet.

"Kids?" Sawyer asked standing right next to me. The amount of support coming from him when this isn't even his baby, is amazing and really warms my heart.

"Hey guys." Mariah replied to us.

"Can you and Marcus come here please?" I asked. Mariah nodded her head and grabbed Marcus and carried him over to me. She handed him to me and I couldn't help but get a glimpse of my future in nine months.

"So, me and Maya have some news for you two." Sawyer said.

"Okay, is it good or bad?" Mariah asked.

"That depends on how you take it." I replied. Mariah now looked nervous.

"Okay. Go ahead, I'm listening." Mariah said.

"Well, my stomach had been hurting lately. But it got worse when you and Sawyer were staying and Kirsten and Carl's place. So me and Sawyer went to the doctors today. I had an ultrasound done, and it turns out that, I'm pregnant." I said trying not to cry.

Mariah was silent. Not a sound was made, just complete silence flowed through the whole house.

"Who's?" Mariah said.

"W-what?" I asked.

"Who's is it?" She asked again.

"Mariah, I don't think that that's important-"

"But I wanna know who's it is." She replied.


"Mine." Sawyer finished my sentence for me

I looked at him with a questioning look. He just slightly smiled.

"Oh. So you two are going to be, parents?"

"Y-yup." I replied.

"Okay. Congrats you two. I'm really happy that I'm getting a niece or nephew. I'm happy for our family to be growing." Mariah said coming to hug me.

"I love you Maya." She said hugging me.

"I love you too Mariah. Thank you for understanding." I said.

"Your welcome." She replied going to hug Sawyer.

"Congrats bro. Your going to be a great dad." She said.

"Thank sis. I hope I will be." Sawyer replied.

After our family ordeal, we all just hung out at home, ordered pizza, played games and watched movies for the rest of the night until we went to bed.

Mariah's P.O.V.
Today had been such an eventful day. I got some news that I definitely didn't expect. But I really am happy about it. I'm just going to get ready for bed and go to sleep.

Finding HimNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ