Chapter 10

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Once the flashlight was on him I realized his face.


I pushed him off me and Mrs Renea gasped.

"It's not what it—" I tried to argue but she interrupted me.

"On your first day. Hayden this is very disappointing." She shook her head and turned. "Follow me," she said to us both. Without a word we both followed her.

She lead us through the dark hallways with her flashlight to her office, where she turned the light on and pointed to the chairs, telling us to take a seat. We did.

"Adeline, you've been here for less than a week. Hayden, you've been here for less than a day. Why am I having problems with you two? It's past curfew. You should be in your dorms. Separated." The headmistress looked from me to Hayden as she spoke. Hayden and I were both silent but it was obvious he was restlessly annoyed.

When the headmistress finally stopped scolding us, she concluded with four hours worth of detention and clean up duty. I took the punishment and was trying to get out before she changed her mind and added something else. Hayden made himself unreadable so I couldn't tell what he would do about the news. 

After a second of awkwardly staring Hayden and I both rose and left together. The headmistress told us to go separate ways, which we did, and she watched. Once I couldn't see her anymore I began to walk faster.

It was getting late and I was tired. All of this for a book I could have gotten in the morning.


"What took so long?" Sonya asked as I tried to close the door quietly.

"You're not asleep?" I asked. I assumed she wouldn't wait for me. I should have told her not to. "I didn't want to make you wait up for me," I said.

"It's fine, weather you said it or not I would have stayed up. I can't sleep knowing you might not be safe," she admitted.

"Im glad to have you," I said. "But you should have went to sleep. You're going to be exhausted tomorrow." I put my book on the table near the door and walked to my bed to begin changing into my silk pajamas.

"So what took so long?" Sonya asked again as she watched me change. I turned to her as I pulled the silk mini dress on before I spoke.

"I have detention for four hours and an unspecified number of clean up duties," I said in a mocking tone. "All because of Hayden."

Sonya lifted a brow.

"The headmistress walked in and he pulled me to safety at first, then he basically just captured me until she found us. I couldn't leave his grip and she found us all close and personal and got the wrong idea and, well, you know how she is," I explained.

"So less time to hang out with us." Sonya sighed. "You'll never get close to the group if you're never with them."

"I have a great idea then," I said with mock-happiness. Sonya leaned in. "You could all help me." Sonya groaned and threw herself onto the bed.

"Nobody wants to do that," she said. I rolled my eyes and leaned back on my bed.

We talked for a while longer until we were both falling asleep. Sonya turned the light off and the conversation slowly came to a stop as we fell asleep.


In the morning I woke up an hour earlier than usual to make it to my first detention of the day. I put on my uniform as quietly as possible to not wake up Sonya and made sure to smuggle my book in the jacket of my uniform along with my phone. Once I was ready I opened the door and left.

The sun was covered in morning clouds and the ground was a little wet from a sprinkling of rain the night before. The smell of morning will always clear my head.

I walked to the detention hall and once I was inside it, took my seat. Inside was thick wooden chairs around rectangular tables.

As I inspected the room I noticed Jody sitting in the back with his head on the desk, probably sleeping. Everyone else was near the front sitting at separate desks. I walked to the table beside Jody's, in the back, and sat there. I didn't even attempt waking him from where I was sitting.

A few minutes after I walked in, a teacher did. She stood at the front of the class and watched us all. I watched her back. Once she had gotten tired of staring at us, like a creep, she sat down and typed on her computer.

I pulled out my phone and covered it with my book. I wasn't usually on my phone because as a princess I had too many responsibilities but now that I had nothing to do it was a good time passer.

Sooner or later Jody woke up and noticed me on my phone, so what did he do? Pulled out his own. He didn't even bother to hide it. I tried to get his attention, to get him off his phone but he didn't even flinch when I hit him with paper balls.

Before I knew it both Jody and I had our phones ripped out of our hands and put in a bin at the front of the class. The teacher glared at us both and said, "you'll get these at the end of the day," which didn't bother me much because on a scale of one to ten I use my phone less than three times a day. Jody seemed annoyed but didn't argue.

Then Jody and I would scribble notes on paper and throw them at each other.

"wha'd ya do?" He wrote on the paper. I shook my head in annoyance as I explained everything on the paper. He seemed restless for my answer so I wrote as fast as I could. By the end of it my hand was throbbing as if I had hand written an essay.

"D*mn." The note said when he threw it back.

I slowly moved my glare from the paper to him and he laughed which made me laugh.

I turned back to the note and wrote:


Word count: 1062
Thanks for reading!! 🫶🏻

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