Prologue: A New Job

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(A/N: It's 4:30 in the morning for me as I'm writing this. I can't go to sleep and I still have to work in a few hours. But my brain is telling me to write another story even though I have yet to complete a few others! Still very Loki obsessed, yes, because my brain is so stupid drunk on him that he's invading my dreams now. Sorry for the ramble, I hope you enjoy this random book!)

It was supposed to have been just a joke. After most of your late teen to early adult life of keeping to yourself other than when you had to go out and work, you had come up on it by accident. Or by random. It felt like an accident.

A random accident.

Scrolling through a random website offering jobs that were too good to be true one night while bopping to your favorite playlist, you came across it.

Wanted: A housemaid.
Qualifications: Knowing how to clean and cook, not afraid of Gods, animals, blood, or loud noises. Must be 20 years of age or older, and willing to learn on the job.

When you looked to see where the source was from, you laughed. It was just the Avengers symbol, and a link for the actual application process under it. So of course, you decided to take a chance and fill it out, considering how 'popular' it was. It had been posted for two months with no takers! And without any mention of a salary, oof.

Chuckling to yourself, you skipped over the obvious hacker vibe questions like your social security number and birthday, and even gave the phone number of a super old Nokia that you still possessed (charger included!). "And.. send. Heh, this was so stupid, I just wasted thirty minutes on a fake application... Time for that celebratory cake slice I've been saving for a few hours!"

You bounced up from your spot on your bed and set your phone down to charge after your playlist ended, leaving your small apartment bedroom and waltzing straight into the kitchen. The sun had already disappeared under the horizon, the main source of light for you being the overhead stove light. Taking out a piece of plastic wrapped chocolate cake and some milk, you came back to your room and turned the tv on to catch up on (y/f/show).

What you didn't know, however, was that after you finished eating and settling under the covers before falling asleep, was the fact that your application had been accepted.

So when you got a random knock at your door a few days later right before you were to head out to work, you became anxious. You had just paid your rent, so surely you weren't getting kicked out!

You were glad that wasn't the case, however finding the billionaire that owned The Avengers Tower standing there made you laugh in disbelief. "Um, you do know that the cosplay convention is downtown, right?" You ask, tying the back of your retail apron up quickly. "Wait, why are you at my door, anyway?"

"Yeah, kid, I'm not turned around and looking for directions in a random ass complex. You're Y/N Y/L/N, right? You filled out the application the other night about being a maid?" Your mouth gaped open a bit, unable to see the man's eyes behind his sunglasses. "Um.. yes? But.. That was fake, right?" You step back as the non cosplayer let himself in and look around your living space. "If it was then I would be enjoying a real day off today. You agreed on the date and even said yes to the compromise of living in the tower to cover for the expenses. And by the looks of it, this would be an upgrade." He turns to you. "My only question is, are you ready to accept the job?"

You pondered for a few moments, going between the notion of this being a really weird kidnapping to it actually happening, before you let your shoulders sag a bit. "How do I put in a two week notice to my current job?"

It turns out, you weren't dreaming or getting kidnapped. No, because about two hours later with all of your belongings fitting in just three boxes and your security deposit being given back as your last form of payment, you find yourself going up the elevator of The Avengers Tower with none other than Tony Stark himself.

You singlehandedly managed to turn your normal life into something risky. The only other normal thing you could think of, was ask a serious question.

"So... You have free wifi, right?"

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora