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It had been precisely six entire months since Loki and Thor had been called back to Asgard by The Allfather.

Every day had been more torturous for Loki than him actually being in a cell. The days were going by so much slower than he recalled. Each sunrise would take its time, each nightfall too long. Loki couldn't rest, he didn't find solace in being back in his chambers alone.

Something was always missing. Or rather, someone. And that was you. It felt worse when he couldn't escape from the nightmares that would plague him, and even when he did, he couldn't find any comfort from waking up alone, not unless he cast an illusion of you, just to calm down.

His heart ached each time, but he hid it as well as he could from Thor's friends, from Odin, and even Frigga. But she could see through him, like she always had. And even then, even with conversing and telling her of you, Loki felt no peace came from it.

"It has been months, Mother. With every task that I finish for The Allfather that he's so graciously bestowed upon me for being redeemed on Midgard, a new one always seems to arise. He is doing this on purpose, he has never once cared for my opinions in any matter, and then he's suddenly having me join in his council meetings. No matter what plan of action I voice, nor whether or not I agree to any other opinions given, he still treats me as if I didn't speak. This is nothing more than for him to refrain from letting me return to the place I actually want to be."
Loki vented to his adopted mother, doing his usual antics of pacing back and forth while they both stood in the royal library.

Frigga watches, knowing that Odin was indeed stalling the young prince from returning to Midgard as he had wanted to do. Every task given was always completed with well thought out plans that made sense, but they weren't priorities. Even Thor was being sent to help defend the other realms from small problems they would face. Odin felt as though his sons were becoming too attached to Midgard alone, when there were still eight other realms to keep in order, including that of their own home.
It wasn't lost to her that Loki's wrist adorned a metal bracelet from Midgard, one that he would keep out of sight from Odin, but would take to rub between his fingers instead of pinching the back of his hands like he used to. One that never left his person, one that he'd press up to his lips when he'd stare out at the night sky with such a sad and longing look.

"Your Father- The Allfather," Frigga starts, correcting herself before Loki can remind her how he feels about Odin. "He had merely decided in giving you the opportunity that you always wanted, Loki. To prove yourself worthy of the throne. Though I feel as though you no longer want that." She speaks softly, approaching the dark prince's side with quiet and graceful steps, her royal gown flowing behind her.

And gently, she takes his hand in both of hers, the cold metal from the bracelet touching her skin. "Tell me, does she truly mean so much to you that you'd give up your place for the throne to be with her?" Frigga asks, not needing to ask for the name of the woman who had captured Loki's heart, and who was healing him. She didn't need to realize that Loki was in pain the longer he was away from you, she could see it through his expressionless facade.

"She means much more to me than some chance to rule over Asgard. To rule over Midgard, or any other realms in existence." Loki admits after a deep breath. "If The Allfather were to find out, he'd forbid me from ever seeing her again. He'd call her a fleeting moment, nothing more than for me to sow my wild oats. And then have me married off to some royal princess if it meant having control over another kingdom. He cares not for my well-being, nor my actual feelings." He growled out from the back of his throat at the thought of Odin speaking so lowly of you.

But his expression breaks enough for Frigga to see his turmoil physically.

"I have to return.. it may have only been months here, but they have been too long. The days seem to stretch out and the nights are far too endless. I cannot eat, I cannot sleep. Who in Hel knows how long it's actually been according to the Midgard timeline. She needs me, as much as I need her. I can almost feel how much pain she's in, as if I'm physically being stabbed in the heart with my own dagger." He turns to Frigga, looking down at her. "She knows of my true lineage, of how I truly look under the illusion, and she accepts me with more love than even I had for myself. She helped me to love myself, and I can't even keep my promise of never leaving her. She wants to spend the rest of her life with me, and I.. I don't want to think of what'll happen when that time inevitably comes."

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now