The Wedding Reception

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Yeah, it was going about as smoothly as it possibly could.

The wedding was very beautiful and heartfelt as you witnessed it, and the vows were enough to make you emotional.

It was better because Frigga and your mom were basically enjoying their time together, drinking and laughing about things while in the reception hall after the wedding, but that didn't mean that Thomas's promiscuous cousin wasn't stalking around.

And Loki well, was now Lady Loki. The safest plan she had was to use this. You didn't mind it at all, because she was still your Loki, but you couldn't help getting flustered from her beauty. Even though you were now a goddess too, you felt like you still paled in comparison.

Loki was downright divine, no matter what.

Okay, maybe you snuck off a few times during the reception for some rather heated makeout sessions, but you were trying to be respectful about being around Thomas's family both old and new alike.

During the actual reception after the food was done being served and the bride and groom were dancing, you didn't notice how Loki was watching the two newlyweds as you spoke to your mother about random things.

You look down as you feel Loki's hand enveloping yours gently, smiling softly and entwining your fingers with hers. Lifting your gaze up to hers, you feel your face flush as Loki's eyes are staring intensely into your own with love and admiration. You wondered if this was because of the setting you were in, you had heard that people could get this way like having baby fever.

Your mom and Frigga knew that look all too well, both of them smiling with chuckles.

At least until the promiscuous (and lightly drunk) cousin came over to interrupt the peace.

"Didn't know you were a taco bumper, Y/N. What happened to that hot guy you were always with, did he finally dump your boring ass?"

And there went the mood for everyone at the table. Your mother stood up, gently grabbing the cousin's arm. "Alright, I think you've had more than enough to drink."

The cousin huffed, pulling her arm away from your mother. "I'm just curious. I mean she has put on weight and she's not fooling anyone with those hair extensions.."

You felt miffed at that, and you stood up with Loki, mainly to keep your Goddess from stabbing someone. "Shann, you need to go get some water and sit down."

"Psh! Whatever. Tell your ex if he ever wants a real woman to hit me up." Your eyebrow twitches as she stumbles off to go get some food, shaking your head. "So that's the one that I needed to look out for. Good to know.."

You turn to Loki, kissing her cheek softly as you can see the irritation behind her green eyes. "Don't let Shann get to you, she's probably going to be doing that to a few more people until she goes back home."

Loki grumbled quietly about some unknown food poisoning mishap falling upon Shann, and you giggled softly before kissing her softly. "Behave."


Once the reception was over and everyone was going back home or to a hotel for the night, Thomas and your mom said their goodbyes to you, Loki, and Frigga before they went to head home.

Frigga soon enough said her own goodbyes to you two after getting some one on one time with Loki, leaving the two of you to head to the hotel alone as she left via Bifrost.

You and Loki only went to the hotel afterwards to clean up, and only then did Lady Loki become Loki again. Once you get into your hotel room, Loki wastes no time displaying his show of affection while helping you to undress.

"This was definitely quite the night, Y/N. We don't have to end it just yet." Loki mutters as he unzips the back of your dress, layering soft kisses over every exposed part of your skin that he could.

Closing your eyes, you try to walk to the bathroom to get the shower going, Loki following you closely without stopping you. "I-I wasn't planning on stopping, but we both smell like we left a college party moreso than a wedding. P-plus, you looked like you wanted to jump me more than a few times while the wedding was actually going on."

"... Perhaps, but I did behave like you wanted. But, I want to show you my feelings uninterrupted."

Your cheeks burn as Loki gently turns your face to his and presses his lips onto yours with a buttery light touch, his mouth molding against and moving with yours. The rest of your clothing is slowly peeled off, as are his own, as you make it to the bathroom.

His intimate touches alone make you feel desired and cherished, and more loved than anything, but Shann's comment about your weight worms its way into your bliss, and you break the kiss with a humiliated shyness as you hug your arms around your waist. "W-Wait..."

Loki looks down at you softly, wondering why you've suddenly stopped the moment as he caresses your cheek. "What is it?"

You swallow, looking away from him. "It's.. it's nothing, I should just..." Loki looks over your expression carefully, before remembering Shann's words at the reception. A frown grows on his face instantly at the fact that you've become bothered by someone who's both unworthy and wrong about you.

"Y/N, there is nothing wrong about you in the slightest. Apart from stealing my personal stash of candy from time to time."

You smile a bit, but it's not enough for you to feel better until Loki's growling softly. "No, I'm not letting that commonplace harlot make you feel inferior to her because of her own insecurities."

You blink quickly as Loki turns you to face him, before watching as he kneels down in front of you, awfully close to having his head between your legs. Super close, actually, as his cool breath tickles your skin.

"I'm about to show you why you should never doubt my love for you, nor believe the lies that some drunk fish lipped creature says. Your beauty is that which cannot be compared to, that men would die to lay their own lips upon even if it cost them their lives."

Your entire face is on fire as you see the intensity in his eyes. He also drops his full illusion, his blue hands running up the length of your legs before swooping around and grabbing gentle handfuls of your ass. "You won't have any doubts by the time the sun comes up."

You gasp and let out a loud moan as Loki quickly becomes affirmative in his actions, his cold tongue trailing between your folds slowly.

He was going to engrave his love into your mind, as deep as he could.

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