Rum Muffins

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It had literally only been two days since you and Loki had been introduced.


The first day went as smoothly as it could with little to no interaction. The little interaction being you being in front of his bedroom door. After reluctantly having the chains and muzzle taken off, Loki had been gifted with metal cuffs on his wrists to make him less dangerous. Magic restrainers.

But he was more antisocial than you, so no threat.


So he'd be okay with you sending a note under his door.


You were just giving him a list of what you'd need from his room, or if he needed something brought to his room.

You'd take his trash and any dirty dishes he might accumulate, and any laundry too, mainly dirty towels, but still laundry unless he wanted to learn how to do his own. And if he needed anything, you'd bring it. Or at least what was allowed.

You left enough space on the paper to let him respond, but as soon as you were crouching down to send it under the door, the door flew back and you were staring at black pants legs. Rather nice looking legs, but legs.

"At least someone knows when to kneel in the presence of a God." You lifted your gaze up quickly to see the raven haired man staring you down, and honestly from this angle--

You stood up fast, your cheeks burning hot. "Uh, S-Sorry. Um.. I was just.. going.. to.. here!" You thrust your arm out, paper in hand. Quirking an eyebrow, Loki takes the paper from your grip and looks it over.

"Your handwriting is like that of a child's."

You let out a slight scoff, your cheeks burning hotter. "I-It was a quick note.." You mumble, trying not to pay attention to how good he smelled. Like pine and leather, and old books. What did you smell like? Citrus dish soap and dust bunnies, probably.

Giving you an uninterested deadpan look as his eyes scanned you over slowly, you shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. He gave you the impression of a snake about to lunge, or a cat.

Snake cat.

Cat snake?


"I'll abide by these suggestions that you're making. As for what I'd like, you'll know soon enough."

"Okay. Er, just come find me, I guess? Or leave a note on my door. I've gotta clean up, see you around." You tell him, letting him keep the note as you went to scurry off. "Wait."

You look over as you've almost rounded the corner, seeing Loki leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed. "Bring me one of those Midgardian sweets from the kitchen." You raised an eyebrow. "Okay... Which one?" "I'll let you choose, but it better be to my liking."

Without giving you a more specific answer as he disappeared back into his room, you huff softly and go to head to the kitchen.

Rummaging through the pantry, you know better than to take anything from Thor or Nat's stashes. Tapping your bottom lip, you look at all of the choices before getting an idea.

A good thirty minutes later, you're knocking on Loki's door again, with something you hope he'll appreciate. As he opens his door, you catch the smallest of twinkling in his eyes at what you've made him. It's a good sized bowl of vanilla ice cream with crushed chocolate cookies, waffle pieces, chocolate drizzles, and strawberries. You chose not to add nuts or sprinkles, and if he didn't like it there was always time for improvement. "Since you weren't specific, I made you something that I'd eat myself." You say, holding the bowl out to him.

Yo don't need to convince him any more than that, as he's already retreating back to his solitary confinement with no more than a soft thank you right before the door slams in your face.

'Rude!' You think, but you shake your head and go to start on your chores. "Hey Jarvis?" "Yes, Ms. Y/N?" "If you need me for anything, just turn my volume down, okay? Imma be in super cleaning mode." "Of course, but I will also make sure that you do not burst your ear drums from too high a volume." You smile
"Okay, Thanks J."

Why did you even ask Jarvis to help, you don't know (not that it was his fault in any way). And why's that? Cause a certain trickster God kept finding ways to distract you. Popping up behind you, forcing you to make him snacks or fetch him a good book, scaring the absolute shit out of you with snakes or bugs. (Praying Mantises were by far the worst to you.)

In a way, you were thinking that he was trying to make you quit, so you put up with it. But you were pissed at first, that's for sure. You had to play his games back at him, and that's what you were going to do. The rest of the team was unaware of this, so when a random powder bomb went off on the dark and brooding Prince in the lounge, you were for sure you were going to die..


A face full, head full, and arm full of pink and green powder stains (with glitter!), Loki glared so hard at you, after you convinced him that it was just a Midgardian toy to shake up and make different colors.

This harmless prank of course earned laughter from others present, and you took off out of there when you saw Loki standing up.

Your scream was heard a good couple seconds later after Loki teleported, and you found yourself somehow covered in even more than he was.

But he smiled, a true humored smile, and that made your heart flutter.

Tonight was going to be good, though. You were making old fashioned rum Muffins, with their own glaze and everything. It was all from scratch, and you slightly cackled to yourself as you had your plan in motion. Your rum muffins were known (to those who had tried them before) to effectively put someone to sleep. All you needed after that was just a good cup of cold milk. Put both together and bam! Instant sleeping medicine.

But, you weren't planning on the rest of the team to be going straight for them after dinner. You had only stepped out for a few minutes to wash off after they were done, and came back to the disaster.

Open mouthed as you saw half empty to completely empty glasses and only a good few muffins left, you panicked.

Clint, Steve, and Bucky had managed to find a place on the couches in the lounge to lay down, as Thor just opted to sleep on the floor.

Tony and Bruce were fast asleep at the table. Nat was... Nowhere to be seen, so you could only hope that she had decided to go to bed in her room.

Loki, who had skipped dinner to be away from 'the troublesome idiot friends of his brother', walked in on the sight. Turning his gaze from them, to you, and then back to them, he belted out a good laugh. "Did you finally kill them with your terrible cooking?" He teases, holding his hip some as he slightly bent forward while laughing. You glared at him. "No! I.. I don't think so.." You stop, biting your lip before sighing to yourself. You'd get fired, for sure, so..

"I have an idea.." You say with an innocent enough smile, before you're taking out two bold tip black sharpie markers. Upon seeing this, the mischievous glint in Loki's eyes make his green orbs shine bright, and he quickly takes the one you offer to him.

Giggling amongst yourselves, you and Loki take the time to properly decorate everyone's faces, while also having a serious conversation. "You just decided to take this job on a whim?" Loki asks, putting a rather detailed piece of art on Thor's cheek. You hum, writing 'Dat Ass' on Steve's forehead. "Yep. I didn't think it was real, just to be clear. But, I'm glad that I did." You smile, admiring your work before you move on to Bucky. "This is kinda the most social I've ever been, and it's by far the most fun. Especially with you. You're like my first best friend." You admit wholeheartedly, not seeing the way the trickster looks over at you as you add little hearts and cats over Bucky's face.

He never felt such a warmth in his chest, but he quickly squashed that down. It was just pure fun, after all.

Once you were both satisfied, you look up at Loki with a smile. "Wanna order a late night pizza and watch some Midgardian movies?" Looking down at you, Loki smirks. "As long as I know you aren't the one making the food, I feel safe enough joining you."

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora