Short and Sweet With A Bit of Heat

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A/N: This chapter is mainly romance in the winter time, a flashback of sorts with smut)

You were humming happily under your breath as you stood in front of the window of a rented out cabin, watching the soft flurry of big snowflakes come down before the dead of night.

What were you doing out here, exactly?

Well, thanks to Thomas pulling a few strings, you and Loki had been gifted alone time for the week.

So here you are now, wearing a green cashmere turtleneck sweater that went to your knees, and a pair of white thigh high stockings. It wasn't much, but you weren't exactly planning on staying clothed the whole night.

Turning away from the window, you look around at the room you're standing in.

The fireplace is burning gently with fresh firewood, crackling softly and providing the room with a soft warmth as a protective chain net keeps any embers from escaping.

In front of it sits two love chairs, both facing towards it. Underneath both chairs, a coffee table, and a tan couch is a giant plush rug made of white faux fur. It's super soft to the touch and provides extra comfort from the cold wooden floor not warmed by the fire.

You smile to yourself, looking towards the rest of the interior of the cabin. It was two stories tall, but you and Loki would be staying in the downstairs bedroom that was the master suite.

All of that was on the left side, the stairs included.

On the right way the kitchen, where Loki currently was as he had asked you to stay in the living room until he returned. You both had already had a rather fantastic dinner, so you assumed he was doing the dishes so you wouldn't try to.

Just as you are about to go back to looking out the window, Loki comes into view, and you can't help but to stare at him.

Loki's raven hair was naturally tousling over his shoulders despite it having been brushed back earlier, and a smile played on his pink lips.

He wore his own sweater, it being thin and green as he also wore black pants and rather random but festive green and white socks.

Christmas had been a few days ago, and this had been Thomas's gift to you and Loki.

"I believe I did this Midgardian delicacy correctly. What do you think?" Loki asks, breaking you out of the stare you had been giving him as he approached you.

Looking at the two mugs in his hands, your eyes widen at the sight. Topping the rich smelling hot chocolate was a good amount of whipped cream, mini marshmallows, shaved chocolate, shaved peppermint, and chocolate dusting. A straw also stuck out from each, and you realize that sai straws were edible white chocolate ones.

"Whoa! This looks amazing, Loki!" You exclaim, carefully taking the mug he offers to you.

Chuckling, Loki's glad to see your happiness at his concoction before he sits with you on the couch, both of you enjoying the hot dessert and talking about random things.

You giggle as you look up and see Loki with whipped cream on his top lip, leaning up and licking it off for him. This causes him to stare at you, and you smile innocently.

He proceeds to put a good amount of his leftover whip cream on the corner of your mouth with his thumb, making you squeal before he cups your neck and licks the sweet treat off.

Parting your lips softly to tease him jokingly, you instead find his tongue sliding into your mouth smoothly, and you moan from the feeling. Kissing him back, you feel the cup in your hand disappear as Loki uses his magic to have it and his own put in the kitchen.

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now