Super Nova

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"Wait, you want me to do what?" You ask, being overly nervous and somewhat astounded.

"You heard what I said, Ms. Y/N." Fury stated, sitting across from you and Tony in an unused board room.

"Alright, you've had some crazy ideas, but this is just completely bonkers." Tony speaks up, making a slight hand gesture at what Fury had suggested. "Skittles can power a whole city, and then black it out, but for her to do something at that level is just.."

"I am aware of that." Fury says a bit coldly, his gaze moving from the billionaire back to you.

You shake your head some, wringing your wrists nervously under the table. "You want me to literally shut down a nuclear power plant that's already teetering on unstable. And one that is also pretty powerful, more than twice that of the one used on Nagasaki. What am... How do you even know that my body can handle that?"

"We don't, but we're hopeful in thinking that you can. By you doing this means that a lot of lives will be saved. In both the instance and for generations to come." Fury tells you.

You look down, the situation rolling around in your head. Not like a wheel turning, but more of an automatic washing machine.

"What if I can't? What if it's too much and I end up blowing up, or worse?" You ask.

"Worse being the fact that she could become super radioactive and poison everyone, or make Jolly Green even more unstable and possibly bigger." Tony says, clarifying the Worse for Fury.

"We've thought about all of the possibilities that could go wrong, and we have a protocol set up for that in case things do go south. But, we also thought about the good that will come with the success of this mission too. My only question is if you're willing to carry it out, Y/N?"

Fury asks, but it sounds more like a demand with unsaid consequences if you were to decline.

Biting your top lip, you stay quiet for a moment before raising your eyes up to Fury's good one. "Okay.. I'll do it.. but only if you give me the rest that I know I'll need afterwards. And.. if I really do become too dangerous to be around the team, I want you to think about their safety first. I don't want anyone getting hurt because of secondhand effects."


"Wait, kid, you can't be serious about this." Tony says, looking at you quickly.

"Your boyfriend is going to kill all of us anyway for you agreeing to this, so it'd make more sense to just not do this at all."

You shake your head slowly. "No, Fury is right. Plus, I'm technically an Avenger anyway. Saving the lives of the people that are going to be affected means more than letting a power plant go off and poison the life that surrounds it."

Tony stares at you with both worry and a deep stern emotion, but he sighs quietly and stands up instead. "Fine, but the second you don't feel good, you're getting pulled out of there."

Needless to say, everyone was against this.

Loki, more than especially.

"Absolutely not! You aren't strong enough to handle something on that scale." Loki says to you, gripping your arms a bit tighter than he ever has with you. Not enough to bruise, but definitely enough to hurt.

But you can only stare up into his eyes, seeing the hurricane of emotions that make the colors of his irises mix with all kinds of green hues.

"Loki, I have to try. Someone has to try."

"And what if you die from this? Are you really going to break your promise to me for the sake of the mortals who won't even know you saved them?"

You could hear the upset and agitation of the situation in his voice, but you don't hesitate.

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora