Let's Not Worry

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It has been a few short days since you met your dad.

It took less than that for you to both find out and decide that he was a shit person even before you had been born. He just managed to amplify it at the party with his little stunt.

He had been cheating on your mom way before she had gotten pregnant with you, and the only reason he hated you was because he didn't want his second family to ask questions.

He especially didn't want to deal with you. That explained the quick response of him pulling a gun on you. But he wasn't expecting Peter (with his mask on) to burst in and shoot a web at his hand, stopping him from pulling the trigger effectively.

Nor was he expecting Loki to materialize in front of him so suddenly, and get picked up by his throat and slammed against the wall.

And you could tell Loki was beyond pissed when the only word you recognized from his angered Asgardian language was kærasta. He had used it a few times when speaking with you in a loving tone, or mumbling in his sleep.

The rest of the team that has come to check out what the problem was had put your father in the interrogation room for a few hours until after the party had officially ended, more than likely giving him time to think about his actions.

You were fine, as you basically just shrugged off the shock and instead made sure Loki was calmed down instead.

But, your attention went to your mom after she and Thomas had stayed back per Tony's request and then got told what happened.

Turns out, your father was blaming her for this, too. He went off on her, telling her things like she had been pissing off his wife for even calling to let him know about you. You never hated a man as much as you did him.

You didn't cry, you didn't bother with your own feelings on the matter. You just made sure that your mom was okay.

And you gave credit to Thomas who was there to comfort her especially.

She eventually told you about the fact that he had met his wife while he was in the military, all while with her. The other woman had already provided him with two kids, while your mother struggled with trying to conceive. And when she did, your father had left her on more than one occasion to deal with everything herself. He even accused her of adultery and sleeping with someone else.

But she had stayed under the hope and pretense that you would make him change his ways.

But that never happened because of the hospital.

You hated seeing her so upset, she deserved nothing but the best. She told you that she was fine, but you couldn't get yourself to believe her. Eventually she had coaxed you enough to let it go, and you did. You saw her and Thomas off with a ton of hugs and promises of spending time with them for the holidays, and you didn't head back up to the lounge until after the car they had used was completely out of sight.

Loki was there to greet you at the door of the elevator when it opened, pulling you into his arms and resting his chin atop your head. Your arms went around him gently but tightened up a few seconds into the hug, and a heavy and exhausted sigh escaped your lips.

You didn't even bother with your father past that point, all you knew was that Steve and Bucky had spoken to him in the military language they both knew. He was taken in by some policemen after that for questioning and possibly getting stripped of his military position by a higher up later on, but no other incidents had happened after that.

You still have yet to talk about your emotions, though. Instead, you worked on things like finishing up the dollhouse with music blasting in your ears. Each room was dedicated to some type of setting, apart from what Loki had claimed. But it was looking quite magical now.

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now