Mischievous Kisses

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You awoke slowly with a soft groan as a bit of sunlight peered through the curtains early in the morning. Even without your alarm to wake you up, your body was already on autopilot. But as you went to get out of bed to start the day, you feel something holding you down by your waist.

Blinking your eyes open slowly, you squint and shut them a few times before you adjust to the sunlight, and realize that you aren't in your room.

Looking around some more, your entire body begins to heat up, and then you feel an unfamiliar aching between your legs. Glancing down carefully, you find a pale arm wrapped around your waist rather snugly, and a pale long leg softly between your own.

Everything that happened last night rushes back to you, and you end up gasping at yourself in shock and embarrassment.

You and Loki had sex.

Very intimate, passionate, very enjoyable late at night sex.

Despite being sore, you felt your body starting to heat up again, and you covered your mouth shyly as though you were already too loud. Breathing out a soft chuckle against your neck and making you shiver, Loki's lips press against your ear lobe softly. "Good morning, my sweet love." You swallow shyly, shifting and carefully turning onto your other side so that you are now facing Loki fully. "M-Morning, Loki." You tell him shyly, staring up into his eyes before you're covering your face in embarrassment all over again.

Kissing your temple softly, Loki gently grabs one of your hands and runs his thumb over your knuckles as he lowers it from your face. "Come now, you can't still be so shy, not after what we did last night." You squeak a bit, wanting to hide your face even more as he grinned at you. "B.. but I.. I mean.. I was.. we did so much just.." You fumbled over your words, wincing a bit as you started sitting up quickly.

Noticing, Loki sits up with you and gently runs a hand up your thighs. "Careful, my shy minx." He smirks softly before kissing your lips softly, getting out of bed. You stare with a red face as he doesn't bother to get dressed, watching him disappear into the bathroom. You hear water being run, Loki emerging some minutes afterwards and returning to you. Holding his hand out to you, he smiles softly. Not questioning him, you take his hand without a second thought and get up from his bed, wincing again from how sore you feel.

Leading you into his bathroom, Loki gestures towards the tub that's filled with freshly steaming and bubble covered water. "It'll help with the sore feeling you're experiencing." Loki tells you in a soft voice, but you hesitate with your cheeks still flushed.

"..w.. will you join me?" You ask him shyly, feeling slightly clingy. "O-only if you want to, I mean.. I.. I mean I can bathe alone if you don't want to.." Loki chuckles softly and raises your hand up to his lips, kissing the top of your knuckles. "Of course, my love. Every chance that I get to be with you, I will always say yes."


You were pulling on a thin sweater after the bubble bath with Loki, your mind slightly blank from the fact that he had soothed your soreness with his fingers, and then had made you sore all over again.

And again.

You slapped your hands over your face in embarrassment, as you realized that you had screamed his name out loud from all of the pleasure. You were sure that everyone had heard you from that alone.

Feeling a pair of arms wrap around your waist and lips press against the top of your head, you keep your face covered. "You weren't screaming my name that loud, if that helps." Loki teases, and you peek out from between your fingers to weakly glare at him, which causes him to laugh. "It's not funny, Loki." You mumble shyly, dropping your hands from your face to grab his arms. "I-I have to get started on work, anyway."

Loki whines quietly, and pulls you closer so that you have no wiggle room. "You don't have to just yet." You shiver as he starts kissing along your neck, trying not to give in. "I'm on a schedule, Mischief. I'm already about an hour behind." You tell him, trying to be stern.

"Why not make it a full hour?" You squeal as he suddenly lifts you up and collapses back on his bed with you, making you laugh. "Loki!"

Playfully fighting each other, you find yourself straddling Loki as you know he lets you win. "Now this is much better than you having to go clean." Loki breathes out with a grin as he stares up at you.

Rolling your eyes, you can't stop from smiling before you're leaning down to kiss him softly, enjoying his hands gripping your upper thighs as you have yet to actually put on pants. "Just a few more minutes, then." You say softly between sharing kisses with Loki, getting a hum of approval from him.

When you do finally emerge, you're trying not to be ashamed and rush around to get started. You were two whole hours behind, but you at least now were fully dressed. Loki followed behind you in a casual stroll, acting as if he hadn't been the entire reason as to why you were starting late, or walking just a bit differently.

"I'm going to be in so much trouble if everyone else has been waiting.. " You mumble, tying your hair back in a low ponytail. "Oh come now, N/N. Surely they won't care that much for your scheduling being for one instance." You huff softly, looking up at his Cheshire grin before you're poking him hard on his side. "If I'm in trouble-"

"-Don't worry, you aren't." You jump and quickly look ahead as you hear Nat, your cheeks burning. Peeling an apple expertly, she smiles a bit too calmly. "We're adults, we can still cook and clean up after ourselves. Besides, I told the guys that they can't keep relying on you for everything. So make yourself something light."

You blink, trying to figure out why she was being so nonchalant. Even more so considering the fact that Loki was literally standing pretty close behind you. You could feel his chest rising and falling with every soft breath, and smell his natural musk of gentle lavender and winter pine. Not that you didn't enjoy how close he was, but he was being rather obvious about how little he now cared for personal space when it came to you.

"Wait, when you say light..." Nat only nods as you suspect a round of training, making you groan quietly. "See you in two hours. You should be there too, Loki."

"Of course." Loki says, resting an arm around your shoulders and guiding you towards the kitchen. "I feel like you just want to see me getting my butt kicked." You tell Loki, getting away from him for a moment to get out some milk from the fridge before looking for y/f/b of cereal.

"I merely wish to see where your level of experience is." Loki muses, getting out two bowls and two spoons. You hum skeptically, bumping your hip against his softly as you fill up both bowls. "You can't get upset if I laugh when Nat kicks your ass, Lokes." You tell him, smiling lightly as he scoffs. "As if I can be taken down by a mere mortal." You poke his chest softly. "I beg to differ." Loki watches you, smirking softly. "You aren't just a mere mortal to me, my darling." Your cheeks flush as he grabs your hand, brushing his lips over the back of your knuckles. "You're everything to me."

You stammer shyly, squeaking as he pulls you close and dips you with a grin, making you shyly laugh before his lips are against yours softly.

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now