Nothing Ever Goes As Planned

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The trip to the zoo had been cancelled.

Not because of the weather.

Not because of a mission.

Not because of a sudden lack of enthusiasm to be surrounded by large stinky crowds and beautiful animals.

But because Thor had happened upon The Immortality Apples from barging into Loki's room unannounced.

Thankfully Loki and yourself were dressed in casual attire, but you were holding one of the apples while sitting on the edge of the bed. Loki had been putting Cookie's vest on for her, but was quickly standing up in irritation.

Which then turned into a silent panic when Thor spotted the apple in your hand.

You were confused and got onto Thor for not knocking before entering, but the look in the blonde God's eyes made you shut up.

But that didn't mean you stood still when Thor suddenly took threatening steps towards Loki and grabbed him by the throat.

The arguing that followed was rather heated, and it was really between you and Thor moreso than the brothers themselves. And the reason as to why you had it in your hand came up as well.

"It is forbidden for a mortal to eat The Apple of Immortality, let alone be in possession of it! Y/N, you can't-"

"I've already made up my mind, Thor." You tell him heatedly, staring up at him with a glare.

Grabbing your shoulders, Thor glares back down at you. "This decision will cost you everything, do you understand? Your family, your friends-"

You rest your hands over Thor's larger biceps, still holding the glare. "I know, Thor. I've gone over it multiple times, with multiple scenarios and questions alike. The emotions mentally and emotionally, too... Loki's been over this with me, numerous times already. He's tried to convince me to say no himself, but..."

You look down for a moment. "I want to spend eternity with Loki, no matter the situation or the outcome. It's a really big decision, and I've already agreed to it because he deserves happiness too."

Closing your eyes, you let out a slow breath. You feel Loki's hand resting on your back, and you turn your head to look at him with a soft smile as you open your eyes again.

"I'm a selfish woman, but... I can't see myself without him. He's my everything. And if I can have a thousand more years with him, then I'm taking that chance. Plus... If... If I do end up getting well... Fixed by eating the apple... Then..."

Your cheeks start to burn the more you start to confess to Thor about the life you want to start with Loki, your gaze casting downwards again from embarrassment. Loki's eyes soften as he listens to you, before he glares at Thor for even causing trouble about the apple.

You continue to speak, albeit under your breath from shying up, about the possibility of being able to conceive with the power of the apple, even if it was a wary thought at the moment.

But, it was still loud enough for Thor to hear.

Well, some of it.

"Y/N, you're pregnant?!"


All of your heads snap over to a couple of eavesdropping heroes by the doorway, before it's a chaos eruption of shouting and finger pointing.

Wanda uses her powers to separate all of you, but the tension is still in the air.

The pregnancy talk is squashed by the fact that you can't conceive (yet), but the immortality apples are now known about, something that the team wants to confiscate. But Loki uses his magic to have them disappear safely instead.

Once it's explained rather publicly now between the team about it all, you feel drained telling them all over again about it being your own choice. Even though they don't agree with your decision, they at least seem to be a tad more accepting. But, there were mixed emotions everywhere.

"Are we still going to the zoo?" Peter asks innocently, diffusing the air enough for everyone to get on a roll. You silently thank him for doing so, looking up at Loki as everyone files out of the room quickly with random chatter.

"So... When you said that Thor knew already, you were just going to bypass having his opinion on the matter?" You ask, crossing your arms. Loki runs a hand through his hair before crossing his arms as well, not looking at you. "He would have figured it out, he doesn't need to be in business that has nothing to do with him."

You hum lowly, before you do something he doesn't expect.

You slap him, and he looks at you with shock and incredulously agitated confusion.

"That was for lying to me."

You then grab the front of his shirt and pull him down so that you can crash your lips onto his next, it being full of love before you pull back.

"And that, was for everything else. I love you too much to ever be mad at you for wanting to have a life with me. Me, of all people.." You mumble, giving a soft smile before it drops some. "Are you sure you want me to be with you forever?"

Staring down at you, Loki smiles softly. "I don't know, you did just slap me." His fingers danced under your chin softly, making you keep your head up.

"And then you gave me a rather passionate kiss. I do believe that I can tolerate you for a thousand more years. I never considered you to be one for the reward and punishment kink."

You let out a soft squeak, starting to back away from Loki as he stalks towards you. "W-Well, I'm glad that's been cleared up and we love each other, but we should catch up with the others."

"Avoiding the assumption? That only makes it clearer to me that there's an undiscovered part to you." You dance away from his attempt to grab you, sticking your tongue out at him. "Well, there's going to be plenty of time to figure that out won't it? Besides, you owe me!"

"Oh? And what do I owe you, my precious little minx?" Loki asks, managing to capture you in his arms anyway.

"Uhh, oh! A bowl from that fresh Mexican food place!-" You squeal as Loki tickles your sides, speaking casually as he does. "Of course, my queen. Now, let's catch up to the morons."


Strange was going through different spells, having caught more than just a leading trace of your magic wielding stalker. But, it had been hours, and he feared that the trail was already going cold.

Until a black and gold portal sparked open. As a figure well known to you steps out, Strange keeps up his unfazed facade. "Decided to answer my call this time, I see. Got tired of being a Peeping Tom?"

The man rested his hands in his pockets, cracks all over his arms and up his neck with black and orange light coming from within them. His eyes are aglow with a sinful glint, soft wisps of smoke coming from them.

"She deserves the life I've got waiting for her."

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now