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After your small crack on keeping a nonchalantly even temper, you felt guilty for how you had acted.

You ended up apologizing to Loki first and foremost, even though he kept gently dismissing said apologies so you'd stop actually apologizing (which ended in a rather major tickle war, but he had accepted the apologies either way, and apologized himself on the matter of things.)

You then went and apologized to everyone else, who were all supportive and giving you bone crushing hugs, making you feel like a small plushie amongst them. You did get teased for a minute, too, but all in good fun to boost your mood. It helped too, the next day ended up being a full on pajama and movie marathon.

You even apologized to Cookie, who gave you plenty of wet noses kisses and tail wags.

And as dealt, you and Loki would go back and forth with something every day that had bothered you in the past, or was bothering you now. It ranged from tiny ridiculous secrets to more honest and feared secrets. Neither one of you would choose how deep said topics would be, you just admitted the truth to each other each day.

"I once turned Thor into a frog." Loki admitted to you, albeit somewhat proudly as he tossed a small beanie bag into the air, catching it as it came back down. You tried to hide a laugh at the thought, but a smile made its way onto your face anyway.

"I was the one who drank the rest of the nesquik milk mix." Loki looked at you quickly at that, being overly dramatic. "You were the one that dared to drink the rest of the milk that had the metal armed soldier upset?" You looked at him. "It was strawberry flavored and I was half asleep.." "But you didn't share it with me?" You snorted at his feigned offense, gently nudging his arm as his legs lazily draped over the couch in your room, his head on your lap. "You got a taste of it." Loki huffed. "A kiss was sufficient, but I thought you had snuck a taste of ice cream."

You smiled, running your fingers through his hair contently. Giving an almost purr of satisfaction, Loki closed his eyes.

Just before you were both startled by Pietro and Peter rushing in, and hiding in two different spots. "Uh.. what are you both up to?" You ask?

Pietro flashes a grin but falters at how Loki is glaring. "We're playing hide and seek with Cookie."

Peter nods, having jumped and stuck to the ceiling above the door. "She's actually really good!- oh, shh!"

You and Loki sit up better as Cookie comes rushing in, her ears perked up to full attention as she scans around the room. She greets Loki first with a quick sniff before doing the same with you. And then she's sniffing wildly with her tail wagging as she suddenly darts off towards the bathroom where Pietro had hidden in.

Peter takes this chance to rush out as Pietro gives a light scream. "You found me, Princesa!"

Cookie runs out, sniffing even more and chasing after Peter. Pietro zooms by, and you shake your head with a chuckle. "I didn't know my room counted as a hide and seek destination." Loki sighs heavily and leans against you full body, putting all of his weight on you and making you laugh as you try to hold him up. "We'll just have to stay in my room from now on, then." He says, grinning softly as you're still struggling to hold him up.

"As if! Geez, I didn't know gods could be so heavy!" You grin, letting out a gasped laugh as you suddenly find yourself being picked up rather easily. Loki swings his legs off the side of the couch and stands with you in his arms, a chuckle rumbling through his chest. "And I didn't know mortals could be so light."

In a blink, you're both downstairs in the lounge, finding it an absolute mess with arguing and a game of Monopoly strewn everywhere in rage.
Setting you down, you and Loki both look at each other before looking at the arguing males holding wads of play money. Nat, Bruce, Wanda, and Vision are in the dining room, enjoying cheesecake (well, not Vision, but he's there cause Wanda is.)

Peter and Pietro are still not in the lounge yet with Cookie, so you're not worried about them.

Thor spots you both before he's stomping over. "Brother, Y/N! Tell us, Stark has to be cheating at this Midgardian game to be winning all of the properties!" "I am not! I just have luck with the top hat!" "Then remove said hat and play fairly!"

Ah, Monopoly. The life game with actual consequences for being in debt.

Shaking your head once more, you go to get cheesecake as Loki is dragged over to the table by his brother, looking at you as if you've betrayed him by going in the other direction. "Unhand me, you big oaf!" "But brother, this will be your chance to make Stark pay!"

That's enough for Loki to be persuaded, as you sit with the calmer group and get a slice of cheesecake. "Sounds like you all were having fun." "Watching a bunch of grown men bitch about fake properties? It's always entertaining." Nat says, as she's sitting close to Bruce who chuckles.

"I bet you don't even pay your taxes!" "Pepper takes care of that, FYI. And you have no room to talk, you've been to jail six times already Capsicle."

Peter and Pietro come back eventually with Cookie, all of them worn out as you order Italian takeout with Wanda's help.

Soon enough, the food helps the men (who were now all indebted to a very satisfied Loki), calm down, and you all end on a good note watching a few different movies and gaming on consoles. At least until Mario Kart got involved.

You couldn't help but to smile at all of the antics going on, and how everyone seemed to be getting along so well now.

You loved your family.

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن