Short and Sweet

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"Crispy edged pancakes are always the best..." You sing happily under your breath early one morning, currently adorning an apron over a shoulder-less yellow sweater and pajama shorts as you stand in the kitchen alone.

At least for a moment.

"And coffee wakes you up from a good rest..." Nat sings under her breath, being in a Tshirt and shorts as she worked on brewing coffee.

"With scrambled eggs fluffier than clouds.." Pepper joins in on the singing, being in relaxed pajamas as she whisks up eggs.

"And bacon that would make your mama proud.." Wanda finishes as she's helping cook as well, being in her own pajamas too.

Cookie howls softly, joining in cutely from the floor.

All of you start to giggle at the unexpected solo from Cookie, it being the day after a good girl's sleepover night. None of you had hangovers, which was a really good thing. Better yet, none of you had woken the boys, so breakfast was all for you!

When the boys finally do start waking up and emerging, there are groans of protests and complaints all over.

"Why didn't you guys make us any?"

"We technically don't have to, you know. It was to draw our sleepover to a close anyway." Nat says, sipping on her coffee.

"Don't worry, the dishes are washed and there's plenty of ingredients left over for you all to use." More groans come from the men before Steve and Bucky go to take over as the cooks.

Two hours later, you're all dressed and relaxed with full bellies for the morning.

Well, most of you.

"Any idea as to when Loki and Thor are going to be coming back?" Clint asks, munching on a piece of crispy bacon as he sits on the arm rest of the couch beside you.

You only shake your head, petting Cookie's head softly. "Not yet, but... I can only hope that Odin isn't being brash again... I should have gone with them." You mumble, lowering your head.

"You know you're still not well enough yet, Y/N. Loki said to make sure you're taking it slow." You lean your head back as Wanda reminds you of your dilemma, closing your eyes.

Loki and Thor had been summoned back to Asgard a little while after your rescue and transformation. You had a feeling you knew why, but you could only hope that you were wrong in this. If only it would be over soon, considering the two weeks that have passed already.

And you knew that the whole taking it slow thing was really a way for you to enjoy doing what you wanted at the bare minimum of effort. Loki wanted you to just... Relax. But he knew you'd be itching to let out some pent up energy soon enough.

Just as a goddess this time, instead of an energy wielding human. Tony had to make changes to the training room anyway, so you'd just have to wait on the renovations to be done.

The elevator dings, and you all look over to see the Asgardian duo coming in. "Hello, everyone! We have returned!"

Smiling as it seems nothing went wrong, you get up instantly, but don't have to worry about going to greet your raven haired prince as he comes to you first, wrapping his arms around you.

You nestle your head into the crook of his neck as he holds you close, his chin on top of your head as he lets out a heavy sigh.

"So what was it this time?" Tony asks, having a bowl of blueberries in one hand.

"Mother simply wanted her sons to visit her, nothing more." Loki speaks up, starting to retreat with you towards the elevator.

Thor's booming laugh always feels like he could shake the building, before he's sitting on your spot on the couch and petting a happy Cookie. "Yes, it was quite a pleasant visit!"

Once you're in the elevator with Loki and the doors are closing, Loki's entire demeanor goes from being calm to showing how pent up he was.

You squeak as he's suddenly pinning you up against the elevator with gentle hands, but his mouth is anything but gentle as he's covering your neck all over in light nips and slightly rough kisses. "I know I shouldn't be so out of control, my dear, but it has been a very lonely five days for me."

Resting your hands on his chest, your eyes flutter closed and you let out a soft gasp as his teeth graze over your skin, sending goosebumps everywhere. "B-But you just got back, Loki. You don't want to-"

"Unless the question pertains to me showing you some much deserved love and attention my love, the answer is no."


You were slowly calming down as you and Loki caught your breaths, running your fingers through his hair as he laid between your legs comfortably, his head on your stomach.

Of course, you have been careful, but human contraceptive tactics wouldn't exactly work for you. Loki's magic did, and much better than anything you could start taking.

You shiver as Loki's cool kisses are traveling up your stomach slowly, making you look down at him with a shy gaze to watch him crawl over you again.

Hovering his face over yours, Loki smiles lovingly at you and you're instantly smiling back.

Reaching up, you cup his face with both hands and watch as he kisses both of your open palms tenderly before he leans down and places a deep kiss upon your lips.

Kissing back, you move your hands up and run your fingers through his hair, weaving a few locks between your fingers. Running a hand up your stomach slowly before running it back down, Loki holds the kiss with you and gently massages your clit with his thumb, earning a moan from you before he starts to bring you to a gentler but still leg shaking high.

You give him equal treatment, enjoying the pleasant moans that he makes as you gently pump his member with your hand.

You both whisper and exchange sweet words as you pleasure each other, swallowing each other's moans in every kiss that you share.

You both hit your shared high at the same time, before you're going another few intimate rounds together.

Running a hand up your back slowly as you're on top of him this time, Loki looks up into your eyes as you're both coming down from your final high for the day. Closing the gap, you lean down and kiss him deeply, your forehead touching his.

The kiss breaks slowly, Loki's hand still running up and down your back lovingly.

Smiling softly, you rest your body against his as you both stare into each other's eyes. Loki wraps his arms around you, his gaze revealing his content and how happy he is, and can see yours reflected back at him.

Nothing was going to take this feeling away from either of you ever again.

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now