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(this is a long chapter, but I hope you enjoy it all the same! Thank you.)

The longer you stayed working with the Avengers, the more open you became. It had been just over four months, and you were blaming good karma for your blessing. A part of you knew it wouldn't last, but you were going to enjoy this time of your life as much as you could.

Especially with Loki. You were definitely at a level of comfort to where you did weird antics every time you ran into him. And he had become comfortable enough with you to allow it. Mostly.

You did weird antics with everyone, but especially him.

"Loh-keh!" You announced loudly one morning as you were making breakfast, and saw him sauntering over to the lounge with a book in hand. "Why must you always butcher my name with such a giddy attitude?" He grumbled, but was smiling nonetheless. You grinned, getting out the waffle iron while in the kitchen. "I can do it in a high pitched tone if you want. Like.... LIOKI!" You laughed aloud when he snapped his head over to you, ducking behind the counter to hide. "I'm sorry-!!" You let out a mix of a scream and a fit of giggles when he was suddenly towering over your frame in a playful yet threatening manner.

"You are so childish, Y/N."

You gasped, squealing when you found yourself getting hoisted over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "No wait, I'm sorry!!" Loki only hummed, before you found yourself in the room that had the in pool swimming area. Your eyes widened when you realized what he was about to do. "Wait!!"

You screeched as he dropped you into the ice cold water, swimming back up and sputtering as Loki laughed. "Jackass!" "But you, how did you put it.. Ah, 'Like my Ass', correct?" Grinning as he crouches down by the edge to watch you pathetically float, he's taken by surprise when you suddenly grab the front of his black tunic and pull him into the water with you.

Cackling as he came back up to the surface quickly and glared at you, you gasp in surprise when he splashes you. To which in turn you splash him back.

And then it turns into a friendly war. Not that you two were trying to drown each other, but at some point you found your back against the edge of the pool, Loki boxing you in so that you couldn't splash him openly, or even kick him to cheat. "No fair!" You whined childishly, grinning like an idiot and being oblivious as his hips were pressing against yours. He was only slightly warmer by a few degrees, after all.

Looming over you as you both caught your breath, Loki stared down at you with a look you couldn't figure out. But as his face moved closer to yours, your mind drew a blank.

Until someone was clearing their throat loudly.

Loki moved away quicker than you could think, both of you looking over to see Clint staring a bit wide eyed at you, before his eyes narrowed at Loki. "Just what is going on here?"

You spoke up instantly, running your hands through your soaking hair. "Splash War. But I lost... Damnit." You groaned out as you realized it aloud. Clint looked at you as he grabbed some towels. "Out, now. Whatever game you were playing is over." He scolded, making you feel like an actual kid. "A morning swim is good exercise though, right?" You ask as you get out of the pool, sopping wet. You were joking, but when you turn to confirm this with Loki, you realize that he's teleported away. Mouth falling open, you huff a second later. "Jackass! He ditched.." You say, believing he let you take the blame.

"Y/N, you need to be more careful around him." Clint warned, and you can hear a colder tone in his voice as he tosses the towels at you. Blinking, you start to dry your face as you gaze up at him. "What do you mean? We were just having some fun."

"You aren't some teenager, you need to be an adult and be responsible. I know you've been around him longer than we have because you're in charge of babysitting him, but Loki is still a highly dangerous criminal. He's going to hurt you, and he will if he gets the chance. Don't forget that." You frown as Clint tells you this before he's walking out, leaning you alone in the room. "But... He isn't a bad person.." You say quietly to no one, shaking your head and going to head back to your room.

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now