Forest Fires

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A day out with the entire gang had been going smoothly. The zoo had been fun, but the day was made even better when you went to a random Renaissance fair afterwards being held not too far away.

You got a membership, albeit somewhat expensive, but you liked being seen as a mage! Of course Loki showed out with his sorcerer skills when someone actually challenged him, and Clint had the best deadpanned look as he whacked opponents with a fake sword.

But their dramatics were over the top. Thor even summoned Mjolnir to him and got praised like a true God.

Only Tony, Bruce, and Steve seemed to ignore the theatrics as everyone else had fun, and you even got Loki a nice looking crown adorned with jewels.

Once you leave, you all head to a nice cafe for a quick bite of fresh sandwiches and pizza (with some dog friendly food for Cookie), and then you head home.

"Should we all take showers and then meet back in the living room for some movies?" Peter asks innocently, and everyone agrees. "You got your homework done, right kid?" Stark asks, and Peter nods quickly. "Did it before we even left!"

You all keep chattering away about things as the elevator takes you up to the bedroom level, spilling out of the elevator one by one to go freshen up and put on clean clothes.

"You're getting a really good bath first, Cookie." You tell your spoiled four legged companion, making Loki whine a bit in protest. "But I want you to shower with me first, Y/N." You stick your tongue out at him, gently pulling him down by the collar of his shirt to kiss him. "You'll be fine," You tell him after pressing your lips to his, eyeing his crown and smiling. "My king."

With his eyes lighting up, Loki growls under his breath softly. "Don't do that, Y/N."

"Don't do what?" You ask innocently, smiling at him as you both walk down the hall with Cookie following.

"You know what. You're asking for a spanking."

Laughing, you go to use your room to bathe Cookie. "Maybe I am, but I'm not going to let you do that-!" You squeal loudly as you feel his hand smack the back of your ass, and you quickly turn to glare at him but he's already disappeared into his room with a chuckle.


After giving Cookie a good bath and spritzing her with a blueberry oat cookie scent, you take your own shower next, bopping your head along to some music you've got playing.

Once you're done and changed into a simple pajama set, you brush your hair into a damp top bun before brushing your teeth, leaving the bathroom afterwards.

You find Loki sitting on the edge of your bed, his eyes looking you up and down slowly as you step into view. He's in a comfortable looking tshirt and pajama pants, his hair also pulled back into a bun. But, you ignore him on purpose and go to slide on a pair of fuzzy socks, acting as if he wasn't there.

You pass by him to go leave the room, finding yourself getting pulled onto his lap instead as he gives you a deeper growl than before. "Why must you rile me up so consistently?" You hum innocently. "Whatever do you mean, Lokes? I'm not doing anything to cause that."

You purposely dodge a kiss he tries to give you, trying not to laugh at how irritated it makes him before Loki's throwing you onto your bed and hovering over you.

"Wow, maybe you are more pent up than I thought. Though, maybe we need to get you some ice water to cool you down." You tease, testing your limits a small bit.

But good God, Loki's intense stare always catches you off guard, and you find your cheeks heating up.

"How dare you tease your king so carelessly? You are in need of punishment."

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now