Phantom Pregnancy or Crystal Creation?

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Hard training always sucked. It seemed to suck worse when you had to learn new methods of attack on a random name draw.

Currently it was a 2v2 on a random night (you guys couldn't always train during the day and nightly training definitely helped for deep sleep), with you and Bucky vs Tony and Clint. Not that you couldn't work well with your partner, but having to go against Tony in his Iron Man suit as Clint took on Bucky, it definitely wasn't fun.

Especially when Tony had tech that could basically render your own energy blasts useless.

At least until you accidentally caused a full blackout in the tower from frustration.

A high pitched scream sounded from someone when it happened. "Don't worry Y/N, we know it was an accident." Tony sounded from the dark as his holographic tablet lit up the dark room.

"Wha-? That was Pietro." You told Tony, in disbelief that he would even think you'd scream like that because of a sudden power outage that you caused.

A couple of snickers filled the dark as you followed Tony towards one of the fuse boxes located in the gym area, using your powers to turn the tower back on.

Everyone decided to retire to bed after some hot fresh pizza for dinner, all of you bidding goodnight to each other. Cookie goes to follow Thor this time, who's more than happy to be chosen by her (which amuses all of you).

Smiling as Loki offered his arm to you, you rested your hands on his bicep and walked with him back to your room for the night. "Why don't we ever just decide on staying in one room together?" Loki pondered humorously, looking down at you as you grinned. "Two whole beds to ourselves. Not going to let one collect dust if we can still use both."

Smirking, Loki waits until you've let go of his arm and opens your door before you find yourself getting scooped up bridal style, making you gasp at the sudden action. "Loki!" You laugh out, wrapping your arms around his neck securely.

Using magic to close the door behind himself, Loki carries you towards the bathroom with a toothy grin. "I believe a rather relaxing time in the shower is needed before our slumber, my dear."


After a longer than needed time in the shower, and an intimate wrestling match in bed, you're spooning with Loki under the covers in your comfortable slumber, love bites decorating the both of your necks.

But your dream gives your subconscious a feeling of weird and worrying.

The sky is bright yet clouded. There's a blizzard all around you yet you're warm. You're traveling along a snow covered bridge connecting from somewhere unknown to the doors of a stone castle, being on the back of a giant black stallion with silent gallops through the thick and heavy snow.

The ride is urgent, but you don't know for what reason, and you can only look to your sides or down, but not up or back. "You have to hang on, we're almost there, just don't fall asleep..!" There's someone right behind you, their voice distorted to you, sounding very familiar but completely foreign, and scared all the same. "Why can't I sleep?" You hear yourself ask, but your words are tired despite you feeling energetic. Glancing down, you see a large pale hand over your middle, and your stomach is protruding out in a way that you know you haven't just eaten really good.

You knew from different aspects seen in life that you were pregnant, but you couldn't have children. Right? Whatever was going on, wasn't right. Was this why you were hurrying along towards this castle ahead of you?

You make it to the entrance of the castle soon enough, but you still can't turn to face the mystery person that somehow stays out of your sight while behind you but doesn't let you go. Dismounting the horse, you go up to the stone door.

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now