What happened to Normal?

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You were in shock, to say the least. Your mind was still reeling over the fact that The God of Mischief, your new best friend, had kissed you.

It had given you a happy and unfamiliar feeling, one that made Loki nervous until you were shyly asking him to kiss you again.

And then once more, to be sure. And then, you pinched yourself hard enough to wince, before your mind went into a bubbly trance.

To which you were the one to kiss him the next time, on the same night.

That was about two weeks ago, and your hermit crab tendencies had come back due to you becoming overly shy every time you stepped out of your room. Loki was amused by it, often saying how adorable it was and making you cover your face. But he wasn't forcing anything more onto you. You quite enjoyed the little kisses you could sneak, or the semi cuddles when everyone was in the tower and lounging around. Of course, no one (besides Jarvis) knew of your little interactions. They merely seemed to allow it as Loki was deemed 'less of a threat when being babysat by you'.

And what was threatening about a God and his mortal enjoying books or movies on an off day, after all?

This morning, however, the thought occurred to you that you needed to go shopping for more things for both your room and his own. There were only so many books and repeat clothing that you both possessed. After the last incident, though, you knew you'd be getting chaperoned.

Yawning tiredly as you got up like usual, you go and take a nice warm shower to wake yourself up more (which didn't help, you wanted to go back to bed). After finishing up and drying off, you realize that you also need to get more bathroom essentials, so you brush your teeth and comb your hair as your energy starts to rise.

Upon leaving the bathroom however, you notice something on your bed. "Huh.." Going over to the little but long thing slithering itself into a ball on your bed, you smile and think nothing of it other than Loki playing a trick. "Not going to get me this time, mister. But, I guess it's a change in creativity." You giggle, carefully picking up the cold reptile in your hands. "Aww, you're freezing." You allow the snake you've acquired as a morning buddy to slither around your neck, and you swear it's slightly choking you to get all the warmth that it can from you, making you smile.

You slip on socks and shoes carefully so you aren't disturbing the snake, gently running your fingers up and down its little body to help generate some more warmth. Leaving your room as you grab your backpack, you head to the lounge where you can hear everyone else.

"Morning, everyone." You greet politely as you can smell breakfast being cooked by someone else. It was your off day, so you were free of your duties for now.

However, everyone reacted much worse than you had ever seen from a formal greeting. Their faces all paled, and they looked rather fearful of you. Or, for you? Were they even looking at you?

"Y/N, whatever you do, don't move." Steve warned, and you stiffen up as Tony is taking a pillow cover from the couch quickly. "W... What's going on?" You ask timidly, glancing around the room rather quickly. You notice that two Asgardian brothers have yet to be seen, and you start shrinking away from the slowly approaching group.

Then it clicks. "I-is this about the snake? I'm sure it'll fade away soon." You offer up to calm their nerves, but they aren't having it. "Y/N, that's a real snake..." Bruce tells you, worry and fear in his eyes.

"Huh? But.. you mean it looks super real, right?" You joke quietly, your small laugh dying off as Clint is approaching you with more cautious steps and the pillow case.

Just then the elevator dings, the slight arguing from both brothers filling the eerily silent room until Loki picks up on it much quicker and stops.

Thor stops as well, looking confused as to why you're being stalked up to by the team like a timid deer in front of hunters. "Friends, just what is the meaning of this?"

"Loki, don't!" Nat warns the dark haired prince as he walks towards you, making him tense up with his jaw clenching. Clint is still being careful, almost three feet away from you. "Thor, you stay put too. We can't have Y/N getting hurt..." He says, his eyes trained on the beady little eyes now seeming to glare at him.

Hearing the undeniable hiss that the snake lets out, Loki's face pales as Thor's face lights up. "A snake?/!"

You flinch from Thor's booming excitement right behind you overpowering Loki's soft concerned one, which in turn causes the snake on you to slide right down in your shirt.

You feel the color draining from your face as the team members facing you gasp, but you keep your arms to your sides stiffly.

"Shit..! Y/N, just.. just stay like that, okay?" You nod stiffly at Clint's words, feeling the creature making its way down your torso. Why did you have to wear a tucked in outfit today?!

Loki comes into your view as he's silent enough to do so, looking you over in concern before he's spotting the creatures whereabouts. "Exactly, what kind of snake is it, Barton?"

"A copperhead." Clint informs him, and Loki's look of concern increases much more. He then softens his gaze as he looks into your wide eyes that are filled with fear. You knew they were highly venomous, and common in New York, but you didn't comprehend that you had actually picked one up willingly!

Thor did his best to be just as quiet, his own excitement having fallen a bit. "A copperhead?" "It's a deadly snake, at least for mortals it is. But it can still make either of us sick for a few days.." Loki spoke gently, never taking his eyes off of you. "I do apologize for the intrusion, my dear." He mutters softly, before you feel his hand untucking the front of your shirt and sliding up your stomach.

You try not to shiver, but your fear is temporarily replaced by embarrassment as you feel his open palm sliding up your (s/c) torso. There's a slight flash of green, but before you know it, Loki has the copperhead in his hold, his finger and thumb gripping its mouth shut so that it can't bite either of you out of reflex. Loki removes himself for you as the snake wraps its body around his arm tightly, muffled hissing coming from it.

You feel like collapsing after watching Clint and Loki humanely get the snake into the pillowcase, Nat coming over and zip tying the pillowcase shut tightly. And after that, it's getting placed in a cardboard box and taken into the elevator by Bruce and Steve. They disappear as the elevator dings and closes shut.

"Y/N, don't ever be so stupid to pick up a random snake ever again!" Tony scolded, making tears form in your eyes. You felt like a child all over again because of his tone. "S-Sorry.. I didn't.. I just... I'm sorry.." Loki glared rather darkly at Tony, gently pulling you into his arms to comfort you. "Don't you think that you should be checking your vents a little better? For all we know, you could have a brood of them."

At this, Tony's pale face whitens a bit, as does Clint's as his ventures through said vents were temporarily on hold. Tony tells Jarvis to scan all of the vents as he quickly walks off. You rest your head against Loki's chest, wispy rainbows sparking from your hands. "I-im sorry.. I really am.. I was.. I thought it was just a harmless prank so I... I'm sorry."

Loki gently rubs his fingers through your hair, keeping you in his hold. "Don't apologize for something that commonly happens, my dear. Though I must say, you make everything much more exciting." Your cheeks burn worse as you hug him back, embarrassed by his soft teasing. But, you felt better in his arms, your fear dissipating slowly with a few sniffles. Loki led you away from the other eyes, taking you over to the bathroom on the other side of the lounge to help you calm your nerves.

For now, a normal day out was on hold.

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum