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Once you had arrived in the lounge of The Avengers Tower, you almost felt overwhelmed immediately. Not enough to turn back to your normal life (not that you could on this whim), but just to hide in the elevator and not deal with all of the eyes on you.

"For the most part, they don't bite." Tony kinda reassured you. You could only nod a bit, and slowly followed him out to the awaiting team. You felt awkward in this situation you had thrown yourself into.

They were all good looking. From average to God Tier, but still all attractive. At least to you, you felt like a soggy French fry amongst gourmet potatoes.

That analogy made no sense and now you wanted something with potatoes. Loaded, maybe. When was the last time you had proper nourishment?

The introductions came rather quickly, though. Steve Rogers, the literal Captain America, greeted you first. Followed by him was Black Widow, and then Hawkeye. After them were Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, and The God of Thunder himself, Thor.

They all seemed nice, but standoffish, but nice. After introducing yourself, you were shown to the room you'd be staying in. It was away from the other main bedrooms, and only had another room straight across from it in the hall. Unoccupied, Tony informed you, before he opened the door to your room. Your eyes bucked out at the sheer size of it. Not only could it fit two of your apartments in it easily, but it was already furnished better than you could have ever dreamed of! A big bed, a desk, a tv, and even its own bathroom! It covered the basics, at least, but it was still super spacious.

With only the few items you had in your possession already put away under an hour, Tony gave you a tour. Mainly, the places you were allowed that would be needing cleaned up. This covered the huge ass home gym, the bathrooms, the lounge, and the laundry room. Not that anyone seemed to want you to worry about their actual laundry, which you were kinda thankful for. Tony then took you to the kitchen, letting you know what was expected of you. It was mainly waking up early to make breakfast for everyone, and occasionally dinner. Lunch was only necessary if there was someone here to actually do that for. He then informed you of Jarvis, which ended up slightly spooking you when the British AI voice came over the speakers, who was going to be there to help you.

And Jarvis was like, your favorite person so far, even if he wasn't physically there. You bonded over different types of music in no time wherever you were in the tower (apart from when you were in the bathroom).

You were also very thankful that you didn't have to be in a ridiculous maid outfit, just an apron to keep you from getting gunk on your clothes. And with everyone either being out of the tower due to missions or parties, you basically had the whole place to yourself anyway. You'd be in casual attire you didn't mind getting dirty, and kept your (h/type + h/c) under a bandana.

The next couple of days turned into weeks quickly. You got used to some antics as everyone got used to your presence when you'd pop up, and the amount of chores you had to get done. Cleaning, mostly. Lots of cleaning! But you took pride in getting everything looking spotless and smelling good. And you weren't that bad of a cook, either! 'Much better than Tony and Thor's, you'd hear the team say.

However, as you were making breakfast one morning, you had to turn your music down to hear the rather loud arguing. Whatever the story was, you hoped it wasn't about you. Your only accident so far was forgetting about some premade rolls in the oven.

Still, you shrunk down a bit as the arguing was serious, but upon hearing it was Tony and Thor, you just made a fresh cup of coffee and got down poptarts for both men. Almost on cue, they both entered the kitchen while not stopping their arguing, grabbing their respective drink/treat. "I'm not allowing him to be here, end of story!" "Stark, he is in need of a place to stay. You have plenty of rooms in the tower, what's one more person?" "That one more person happens to be Reindeer Games. Just cause your dad says he's in need of reform doesn't mean you can just have him here!" "It is by word of The Allfather, not just my dad, Stark. He needs this, he is not some evil being. He is my brother. And he's already here..."

"Yeah, the same brother who sent an army here half a year ago. Find another place for him. We don't even have the time to deal with his bullshit.-- Did you just say he's already here?" Tony stops his rant and stares at Thor, slightly infuriated.

Thor gives a sheepish smile. "Yes? Besides, we won't need to worry about someone babysitting him." At this, his eyes slide over to you. You had been trying not to eavesdrop, but they were literally right there! Tony looks over at you quickly. "Oh no, no! Definitely not! He's going to scare her off and I actually like having Y/N here!"


"But Stark, Y/N has shown that she's more than capable of taking care of herself, and of others!" Thor encourages, walking over to you and clapping a heavy hand on your shoulder. "She can watch my brother, it should be no problem! Besides, it was one of the things covered in that applying paper, was it not?"

You blink, watching Tony seem to give up a moment later. "You know what, fine. Jarvis, call the others down here. Thor, go get Reindeer Games." Smiling, Thor pats your back twice as if you were a good luck charm and leaves. Tony turns to you, sipping on the coffee. "Whatever you do to this coffee, it's great. Keep making breakfast though, I need carbs."

So, you do what you're supposed to, and continue on with cooking. One by one the team assembles in the dining room, already going for the hot stacks of pancakes and syrup waiting for them. However, as you're bringing over refills on orange juice and coffee, Tony informs them last second of the reason why they were all called down. Nat seems to be the only one keeping her poker face as the others choke on their drinks, disbelieving exclamations rushing out of their mouths.

"What do you mean that criminal is staying here?!" Oof. You know Loki is technically a bad guy, but it kinda hurts you to hear him get called a criminal in such a harsh way.

Suddenly, the elevator dings open, and out steps Thor. "Friends! Good morning!" You slink away into the kitchen at how tense the air is now, not sure if you want to see the brawl about to obviously take place before 9 in the morning. You miss the raven haired God standing behind the blonde seeing you do so, his sharp green eyes following you for a second until you're out of his sight.

Tony breaks the silence first. "Listen, it's out of my hands for now. Reindeer Games is going to be staying with us until.. Whenever."

"This is a bad idea, Tony." Steve speaks up, standing. "Like I said, it's out of my hands. But he's supposed to be on good behavior or else he's getting sent back into time out. Isn't that right?" Tony asks, addressing Thor instead of Loki.

Thor beams. "Yes! So my brother will be on his best behavior!" He booms, before looking around. "Ah, where is Lady Y/N?" You cringe a bit, trying to round the other way around the kitchen with tiny steps. But Thor is a lot faster when he's determined. "Lady Y/N, please, don't be shy!"

Shoes slightly squeaking along the floor as Thor basically drags you over by your shoulders, you focus your gaze on the patches of flour staining your cooking apron. Shy was an understatement, or was it? You didn't like confrontation! "Thor, what are you doing?" Steve came to your rescue on this, standing beside you and slightly in front of you. You refrain from looking at what everyone called 'America's Ass, instead focusing on the little thread sticking out from his shirt sleeve.

"Well, Loki is in need of someone to watch over him. And seeing as how we all have duties to attend on a day to day basis, he will have Y/N as a personal babysitter!"

"No way!" You hear everyone arguing around you, and you just want to put in your headphones and blast music so you can drown it all out.

Timidly, you lift your gaze up, and the first thing you see (aside from the chains restraining his wrists and the green and black armor he's clad in) is a silver mouth cover. So that's why he hasn't said a word? You ask yourself, before taking your eyes up another level.

And then, you find your e/c eyes being bore into by his sharp green ones. Cold as ice, but curious.

And so... Frickin intense!

This was going to be a lot of trouble!

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang