Another Normal Day

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It had been about two days since Loki had told you about The Immortality Apple, and what to expect from the side effects. Loki was very patient with your decision that was yet to be made, but you were making sure to iron out any small details, no matter if they were silly sounding or super serious.

Currently, you were training with Loki, having your hand held batons ashe had his daggers. Being on the defensive side, and not using any type of magic or energy, you were both still at different levels in terms of skill. You were at least an 8, going against Loki's level 40.

But he was holding back enough to not do any actual damage, and so that you could talk easily with each other.

"Okay, so say that we do decide to move in together officially. Would you like something like the log cabin we went to before, or something else more quaint?" You ask, parrying a few of his attacks as best you could before finding yourself getting knocked back, only for your prince to make sure he caught you in a dip instead of letting you hit the floor.

"Do you mean like a cottage out in the woods?" Loki asks in response, helping you stand back up straight after you kiss his cheek as a way to Talley your defeat.

So far, Loki has received at least ten kisses on the cheek. And you had been given two forehead kisses.

"I feel like that's what you actually want." You say with a light grin, both of you getting back into stances. Loki only smiles innocently. "Is it really that far off from a log cabin retreat, my dear?"
"Not really, but there are a few things that one can't compete with the other." You say, switching and being on the offensive side as you attack first, making Loki chuckle as he defends himself from you.

It feels more like a dance than a fight as you're both going around each other, evading hits and moving in nearly synchronized steps.

You both go back and forth for a moment on how you'd design said places of homes while sparring, agreeing on gardens, a nice porch, a calm and tranquil surrounding, and kids-

"Kids?" You ask, half of it from shock and the other from disbelief. Loki realizes his mistake before he tries to recover from it, but you close the gap and cover his mouth with your finger. "I'm not going to agree to have children with you until we're both ready for that, Loki." You tell him with a soft smile. "Plus, we're going to take it slow with one step at a time. Work our way up after the slumber I'll be in."

Loki disappears one of his daggers to gently grab your hand, inclining his head down at you softly. "I'll be by your side the entire time."

You smile softly, staring up into his eyes. "I know. I trust you with my life." You see his eyes light up, your smile growing wider before you think of something good to do. "I have an idea."

Loki gently pulls you closer to him, having your weapons disappear before he wraps his free arm around you and gently lifts you off the ground so that you can both be at eye level. "And what idea would that be, my minx?"

You hum happily, wrapping your free arm around his neck. "I was thinking about us enjoying a nice bubble bath, and maybe a good massage. Just to start out, I mean." You say with an air of innocence. Loki kisses your lips gently, a soft but dark look in his eyes causing a shiver to go down your spine. "And after that?" He asks in a low sultry voice.

"I'll leave that up to you, considering I've given the first two ideas." You tell him, your eyes fluttering closed as you feel his lips on yours again. Loki hoists you up a bit higher,vand you instinctively wrap your legs around his waist.

Only giving a low hum as an answer, Loki doesn't stop sharing kisses with you as he carries you out of the gym room.


Neither one of you emerges from his room for a good while, enjoying each other's ideas, and bodies. But, it's a serious challenge to talk coherently enough when Loki's pumping into you as you're on your back.

Even at a slow rhythmic pace, Loki's hitting you deep and scraping up against your most sensitive spots, his mouth on yours and swallowing up your moans.

Entangling your fingers through his tousled raven locks, you raise your hips up enough to bounce yourself underneath Loki, earning a mix of a deep growl and groan from him before Loki's breaking the kiss to bite the sweet spot on your neck.

Loki listens to the moans escaping your mouth openly as he sucks on your neck, starting to increase his speed while making you feel even better. He sits back a moment later without stopping his hips, taking in the full view of your body under his. Running a hand up from your lower stomach to between your breasts, a grin displays over his lips at your reaction to his touch before looking at your expression.

You were both already getting close, but Loki wasn't going to let you reach your high with him that peacefully.

Noticing that you're still managing to hold onto your focus (even if it was just about gone now), Loki's voice is gruff and deep with his sultry tone still mixed in. "Don't cum until I want you to."

It's the only warning you receive before your mind is instantly blanking out at why he does next.

Cupping your breasts in his hands, Loki leans down and begins to tease both of them with his mouth, all the while thrusting deeper and faster into you without missing any of your sensitive spots.


"Wow, you're glowing."

You look over to Nat in question as you're pouring yourself a good bowl of tortilla chips, your eyebrow quirking before you quickly look at yourself in a panic. "I am?!"

Chuckling, Nat pats you on the back. "Not like that."

"Oh.. What do you mean, then?" You ask, going to get some homemade salsa out of the fridge. Clint comes in and steals a few chips, sitting on the counter. "You've got an afterglow. Like a blushing bride."

"H.. why?" You ask, even more confused before huffing as the bowl of salsa you have is suddenly gone with a light blue streak. "Pietro!"

"Nothing, nothing." Clint says, and the bowl of salsa is suddenly back on the counter, half empty.

Nat steals a chip and scoops up some salsa on it, smirking.

You look between the two assassins before looking down at yourself again. "Is it something really noticeable?" You ask them, as Wanda also enters the kitchen to get some snacks. "You and Loki were gone for a good part of the day. And we've never seen Loki so relaxed. What were you two doing?"

Looking between the three, you shrugged. "We trained and talked about a few things.. And then we- Oh.. uh.. we just.. we rested.."  You mumble, your cheeks turning red. "Why are you guys asking, anyway?"

Wanda gently bumps your hip with hers softly. "Cause it's your birthday tomorrow, and we don't want to already be outdone by your boyfriend."

You blink quickly.

"It's my birthday tomorrow?"


Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now