The Reaper Ravens

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(A/N: Another chapter?! I had another idea pop into my head for some feels other than that sweet Loki love.)

It had only been a matter of weeks since Loki's Jotun instincts had surged through him and then subsided. He had valiantly attempted to keep himself in check during those two weeks, but with your unwavering love and support, his self-control quickly crumbled. Together, you managed to conceal his primal desires from prying eyes, ensuring that your passionate encounters were not always on full display, especially in the presence of others. Whenever circumstances prevented you from retreating to your room, Loki would swiftly locate secluded spots where you could indulge in each other's desires. Often, while you busied yourself with chores, Loki would lend a hand to expedite the cleaning process, only to seize the remaining time to immerse you in a euphoric whirlwind, leaving others oblivious to your secret escapades.

Fortunately, this intense phase lasted only those two weeks, and Loki always prioritized your well-being, ensuring that you received the utmost care and tenderness afterwards.

You settled back into a familiar routine of training alongside Nat and the rest of the team. Your powers had become more refined and controlled, thanks to your diligent practice. Tony, always the inventive genius, had even gifted you with specialized blaster gloves to manage the intensity of your "rainbow rave fingers" and ensure safety while recording your abilities.

After a grueling workout session, you found yourself sprawled on the floor next to Clint, both of you thoroughly exhausted from Nat's relentless training. Nat stood before you, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips as she rested her hands on her hips. "I can't decide if you two are getting old or just lazy. I had expected Clint to be the one struggling," she teased, earning a thumbs-down from you. "Well, being a goddess is still new to me. Technically, you have the upper hand for another hundred years," you retorted, causing her to snort with amusement.

After freshening up and changing into clean clothes, you make your way towards the mini library in the tower, knowing that Loki is likely to be found there. Retrieving your phone, you quickly send a good morning text to your mom before tucking it into the pocket of your sweatpants. On your journey, you encounter Thor, who envelops you in one of his legendary Godly bear hugs before darting away from Bucky, who seems to have discovered that his favorite brand of pop tarts has mysteriously vanished.

Amused by their playful antics, you shake your head and continue towards the library, where you find Loki engrossed in a thick book, comfortably seated on a small love couch tucked away in the corner.

Loki glances up and offers you a gentle smile, shifting the book slightly to make room for you on his lap before placing it in your lap so he can continue reading.

You snuggle against him, glancing at the pages to see what he's reading, but the language is unfamiliar to you. "This isn't some kind of erotica book, is it?" you playfully inquire, prompting Loki to chuckle. "No, my love," he assures you.

Loki kisses your cheek affectionately, resting his chin against your shoulder as he continues reading, his voice soft and soothing. "It's simply one of the many books from Asgard, delving into the realm of folklore, particularly the more... monstrous tales, as you might refer to them," he explains, causing you to look at him curiously, your brows furrowing. "This wouldn't happen to include a chapter on Jotunheim, would it?" you inquire gently, sensing a hint of bitterness in Loki's response. He averts his gaze slightly before reluctantly admitting, "It might."

You tenderly run your fingers along his jawline, reassuring him, "If it's saying anything negative, you know it's not true, right?"

"Even fables often contain a kernel of truth from which they originated, my dear," Loki responds, his voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. Sensing his vulnerability, you gently guide his face towards yours, ensuring he meets your gaze. "Alright, then how many negative things have you come across so far? Out of the first ten or so pages, how many were negative sentences?" you inquire, giving him a moment to collect his thoughts.

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now