A lil R&R

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As the sunlight peered through the curtains in your room and cascaded over your eyes, you winced softly and pulled the covers up over your head. You weren't ready to get up and face the day, not yet. But of course your body doesn't allow you to drift back into a black slumber.

You open your eyes under the covers, rubbing away the dried tears and letting out a shuddering breath as you lay still for a little while. All you could hear was your heartbeat, and the shuffling of yourself under the covers, and-

And the sound of water filling up the tub in your bathroom.

Come to think of it, you could smell an incense stick burning too, and loose leaf tea having been brewed.

Your shoulders slumped underneath the covers. It had to be Wanda or Nat, trying to wake you up with the promise of relaxing, more than likely. And then training would promptly follow so you weren't acting like a caterpillar cocooning in your bed all day.

You feel a hand rest on your arm underneath the covers, and you wish you could tell whoever it was to just leave you alone for a while longer, just a little longer.

"Trust me, you'll feel more refreshed after a nice bubble bath.."

You completely stiffen underneath the covers, not registering what you had just heard for a moment.

Or rather, who you had heard.

Surely, your mind had just broken to remind you of a sense of comfort. Hadn't it?

You feel the covers get pulled down slowly, your eyes widening slowly at the sight you're met with.

One that you've missed for so long. One that you couldn't believe was actually back, sitting here in the flesh with you.

Unless of course you were dreaming so lucidly and your mind was indeed broken beyond repair that you were openly hallucinating.

Because you weren't expecting to see the raven haired prince sitting here with you, his fingers still loosely gripping the ends of the covers. He looked slimmer, less relaxed than the day he had been summoned away, yet relieved to be back. His green gems were full of mixed emotions, of everything but  anger. But what stood out the most in those stormy green eyes, was the guilt.

"I've missed you so much, Y/N.."

That velveteen, sultry voice, so soft and gentle. One that you had missed for much too long.


You asked in disbelief, tears forming your eyes. In that moment you forgot that you couldn't be vocal, sitting yourself up slowly without breaking eye contact, less he disappears from your sight all over again.

And before he can actually react and respond to you, you're tackling him off the edge of the bed and onto the floor rather hard (and accidentally). Cupping his face, you're laying more than a few deep kisses amongst the tears freshly cascading down your cheeks. Wrapping one arm around your waist, Loki isn't wasting any time returning the kisses that he's been longing to give you for months, or in your case two years. His free hand is cupping the side of your neck, as the kisses have become almost nonstop, with the only breaks in-between being for breaths of air.

Once you finally do stop kissing, you hold onto each other tightly with nothing but mental and frantic whispers of how much you've missed each other and apologies flying between your linked minds.

And then the kisses start all the way back up again, as Loki's picking you up easily and carrying you towards the bathroom. Not that you were letting go of him, your legs were locked around his waist and you were still cupping his face.

After a rather long time in the bubble bath, and then everything that followed afterwards, you were still clinging to each other, both of you laying down in bed. You were just relishing in the comfort of each other that you had missed so terribly, and craved for so long since you were separated.

You emerged from your room with him closer to mid afternoon, as you needed to eat even if you didn't want to, your fingers entwined. It's not like you could keep Loki to yourself the whole time, everyone else would be happy to see that he was indeed as alive and well as Thor.

After greeting everyone and Thor updating the rest of the team on the fact that they'd be indefinitely staying on Midgard as part of The Avengers by The Allfather's orders. And after that, Tony made an announcement, one aimed towards you more than anything.

"Two week vacation, got it? Both you and Reindeer Games, Rubik's Cube." You made a face at Tony as Loki quirked an eyebrow at the terrible nickname. Tony sighed. "I'll find a good one, don't think I won't. Two weeks, thank me later."

So, for two entire weeks you and Loki had uninterrupted time unless you were intentionally hanging around the team, but you didn't have to worry about missions. Instead, you both caught each other up and everything, and your journals were definitely a big help. Even if Loki blamed himself for being gone so long, even though it hadn't even been his fault.

All in all, you wanted to punch Odin for being a bully.

The both of you were also made to eat actual foods, and with you being on mandatory house arrest, you and Loki took turns cooking. Your new diet however meant foods got tweaked and made into portions that you could handle, even if.you actually were hungry enough to eat more.

And Cookie was given a whole ton of love by the both of you, but it was obvious that Loki was definitely her forever favorite. She still cuddled up with you, but anytime she was around when you two were about to kiss, she'd interrupt very rudely with an ankle nip or other obvious gesture that she wanted attention.

You and Loki trained together too, even if you didn't have to. But Loki wasn't letting you win unless you truly could take him down, and he usually ended up pinning or dipping you in a way to give you kisses. But he had to admit that your powers had become much stronger, and getting tasered was definitely in no way fun for him when you managed to land hits while charged up.

But your favorite pastimes were your most cherished moments. From just reading together or enjoying being curled up together and watching movies, to having fun playing games with each other, or just relaxing in general. Your health gets better, as your nightmares slowly disappear and you actually start to sleep again, the dark bags under your eyes fade slowly and your weight goes back to a balanced one.

Loki approaches you around the last day of your shared two week vacation, kissing your cheek as you're brewing one of the teas that he's picked out. Smiling at him, you blink when he asks you to hold your hand out but do so for him, your eyes widening when he slides an emerald green band over your ring finger. You can feel the magic infused with it, like a cool pulsating shock that was oddly satisfying.

"What's this for?" You ask quickly with a bit of embarrassed surprise, before realizing that you've just spoken aloud for the first time in over a year.

Smiling with a bit of humor, Loki inclines his head towards you softly, raising your hand to his lips. "I told you, if my magic was stronger I'd get your voice back."

Tears welling up in your eyes, you close the gap between yourself and Loki and gently grip the front of his shirt, pulling him down slightly to give him a deep kiss. Kissing back, he moves his arms to wrap them around your waist and lift you up, setting you on the island counter.

Breaking the kiss slowly, you cup his face and smile at him in both love and excited thanks, before you lean up and whisper a rather naughty reward for him to indulge in as thanks.

Loki only keeps his excitement down enough to make sure that the electric tea kettle is off, before he's quickly whisking you away to his bedroom with teleportation.

The rest of the gang would figure out you having your voice back if they returned and tried to interrupt anything before you were done.

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now