Training and Shopping pt 2

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(A/N: I hope you're all enjoying taking time for yourself and relaxing with a good read. Just a quick note, stay hydrated and love yourselves)

It had been a good four hours so far since you all arrived at the biggest mall in New York. Not only were you there to shop, but it was also as a benefit to add to Loki's redemption. If he was seen as a tolerable and well maintained person/being, then it could possibly start softening the hearts of New York that had been affected. It would also open the fact that he had been under mind control during the attack, just as Clint had been.

And you needed to be seen as a simple civilian that trusted said God. You did trust him already, but you weren't liking that you had to parade an extra air of fake happiness to make it more than what it was.

So, you were shopping for clothing and better furniture, not that you really needed it yourself. Loki needed it more than you, if anything. But, having a nice couch and maybe a good sized vanity dresser in your room wouldn't hurt. And possibly a miniature dollhouse. One of the unpainted and unfurnished ones that you could work on in your spare time. You were more excited about that than the press conference you'd probably have to attend unwillingly.

And since Stark was paying, you made sure that Loki got what he needed (and wanted) as well. Books, shelves for said books, his own electric kettle and tea set (with plenty of tea), new curtains, new covers, a new bed too. You had seen his single twin bed, and you made sure he got a king sized one in by tonight.

It's not like anyone was stopping you from spending Tony's money, there was more than enough to burn without making a dent! So added to the list were new sports equipment like practice bows for Clint and more durable punching bags for Steve and Bucky, gun and knife cleaners for Nat and Loki, even more books (for studying up on things) and updated headphones for yourself, brand new phones for both of the brothers and the super soldiers, and so on.

Yet you still had a good chunk of money to spend. So Nat and Thor took you and Loki clothes shopping while the others went to find some good food. Everything that you had bought so far was already being delivered to the tower, as anything with Tony's last name on it was dealt with the quickest and most respected heavy hands of the company.

You, unfortunately, didn't know the first thing about shopping for yourself. But, having both the super assassin and God of Mischief helping out made your stomach explode with happy butterflies. Even though there was a bit of arguing about the colors of the outfits as just about every shirt picked out was mainly black. Loki didn't see a true problem with it but Nat argued that you needed more colors that went with your personality. Even if black shirts were the best, you needed to expand.

So, you picked out some that would catch your eye and were in your size. Not just casual and comfy, but formal as well. You had quite a few lovely dresses that you would start wearing around, and chose a dark green petal sleeved dress with its own belt to wear at the press conference. You were blushing quite a bit when you had come out of the dressing room to show it to them, and Thor gave a rather obvious pat on Loki's back twice with a huge grin. Loki had glared at him, but he couldn't deny that you didn't look beautiful in his colors.

Loki had also gotten quite a bit of new clothing, and you were happy that he wouldn't have to keep wearing what was in his magical Asgardian box of clothes. He also had more casual and comfy clothes, yet they were still rather high end and elegant.

Well, Loki made them look better when he was in them. The clothes went from looking good to over expensive and super suave when on him.
Thor and Nat also got some more clothing for themselves, but Thor's choices stayed completely in the comfortable and casual wear.

After all of the clothes shopping was out of the way, you thought you were done, but apparently getting makeup was next. You had never bothered with it, so you were denying needing to buy any. "It'll just be for the press conference. If you don't like it afterwards I won't bother you with it again." Nat told you.

You agreed to it, but as Thor left and Loki stayed, you became embarrassed about having to put it on. Two of the clerks there helped you with it, but Loki even more so as he had a natural knack for knowing what went together well for your complexion. And not just in makeup, he also was pretty good with hair, knowing how to get the correct products and what wouldn't damage your hair.

When they had finished giving you a free makeover with a hairstyle that you liked, you felt your confidence boost up. You had never seen yourself in such a pretty state, at least for today. Nat approved of your glow up look, and Loki was...

Well, he seemed to be in pleasant shock as he stared at you. What you weren't picking up on though, was that he was more attracted to you loving yourself and not what you had put on. Once you grabbed the items to help maintain your hair and such, you all finally joined the others in the food court.

You ate a good amount from not realizing that you had gone almost a good day without eating, but nothing compared to the three bottomless pits and even Loki's etiquette dining.

You, Loki, and Thor were the last of the group still in the mall as everyone had gone home
Nat entrusted the card with you, winking softly before she headed back to the tower with the rest of the guys, so you went to where you had been putting off for a good minute.

A thrift store with hand crafted items and hand-me-downs alike. The smell of sawdust, old books, paint, and scented yarn made you smile happily, and you went inside without a second thought. Loki followed you closely, smiling softly at your hyper energy before rolling his eyes at Thor's giddy expression aimed at him. As you disappeared towards the back, Thor spoke with him. "Have you asked for her hand in courting, yet?"

Loki sighed softly, not wanting to talk to Thor about it but feeling better about voicing it. "Not yet, it's not like we truly can. The world and your friends still see me as a threat, you know. Which of course I am, but now it varies from moment to moment." Loki tells him, his arms crossing over his chest.

"Y/N is rather fond of you, does she at least know how you feel?" Thor asks, looking at a wooden toy train set in motion nearby.

"Perhaps." Loki mumbles, not wanting someone to overhear as they are approached by a few fangirls wanting to get a picture with Thor, to which the dark haired prince rolls his eyes at and saunters off to find you.

You were currently looking at a large three story hand built dollhouse. It contained a basement and attic, six bedrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen, a dining area, a den room, a living room, a mini library, and even a laundry room and garage. This one was part of the displays however, already painted and furnished to show the potential that it could be. You were speaking with the owner of the store about ordering one that didn't have all of those details, and even asking what kind of paints you'd need. As for the furnishings and such, you could buy those within the store. The dollhouse itself was a good 2 grand alone, and with the paint and bundle of furnishings the price went up to thirty-five hundred easily.

But Tony was paying for it!

You felt an arm go around your waist gently as the store owner had gone to get everything ready for you to carry out, making you look up.

Loki smiles at you softly. "You seem much happier now." You nodded happily, pointing to the display dollhouse. "I'm getting my own! I definitely owe Tony a ton for this, but I've always wanted one and now I can decorate it however I want! And if you wanna help you're definitely permitted to!" You say giddily, bouncing on the balls of your feet practically.

Chuckling softly, Loki's gaze on you softens before he looks over the dollhouse. "And you'd be okay with me doing so?" You nod happily, grinning. "Yes!"

Once you're given the rather very large and heavy box, Loki saves everyone the trouble by having it disappear. You wondered if his powers were still restrained, but you weren't complaining.

You didn't see the people who were taking photos, and if Loki did he wasn't paying them any mind as he rested a kiss on your temple. You all went back home shortly thereafter, in a car provided by Stark and Shield.

It was pretty late in the evening when you got back to the tower, the smell of fresh pizza reaching your nose when you made it back into the lounge. You returned the card to Tony with a happy smile, and with all of the items needing to be put away, you all were busy for the night.

Once you had everything put away how you'd like in your room, you felt like collapsing on your bed and never waking back up. One last glance around your room, you smile, and close your eyes to do just that.

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now