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The magnitude of your panic attacks within a mere two-day timeframe remains unknown, but they were undeniably justified. The initial day was consumed by your desperate attempts to pacify your shattered nerves upon receiving the devastating news of your mother and stepfather's sudden demise. However, the subsequent day was dedicated to quelling your frantic anxiety upon discovering that your mother and stepfather were, in fact, very much alive. Contrary to the fiery cruise ship explosion that was believed to have claimed their lives, they had miraculously been rescued due to Thomas's intuitive instincts.

Ironically, Thomas's gut feeling was quite literal in nature. The previous night, he had fallen victim to a sudden bout of food poisoning, confining him to the bathroom of the hotel room he shared with your mother throughout the morning. Naturally, everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief, but none more so than yourself.

Seeking solace and privacy, you found yourself in the confines of your bedroom, with your mother tenderly rubbing your back in an attempt to soothe your shattered state and alleviate your nerve-wracking sobs. Despite your best efforts to regain composure, the overwhelming sense of relief made it challenging to calm yourself entirely.

As you and your mother sought solace in your bedroom, Thomas found himself seated in the lounge alongside the rest of the Avengers. Clutching a cup of iced ginger ale, he recounted the events that had unfolded. Tony, ever the playful one, offered Thomas a stronger drink, suggesting scotch. Thomas chuckled nervously and declined, mumbling about his craving for tortilla chips instead. Steve, displaying his characteristic empathy, placed a comforting hand on Thomas's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. Thomas mustered a small smile in response to Captain America's gesture before his gaze shifted towards the elevator. "Yeah, I just hope they are okay..." he murmured, referring to you and your mother.

Meanwhile, Loki stood outside your bedroom door, his arms crossed, patiently waiting for as long as necessary. He longed to offer you comfort and solace, but he understood that now was not the time for him to intrude. He knew he had to wait until you allowed him in. Eventually, your mother cautiously opened the door, unsurprised to find Loki standing there.

Without a chance to exchange pleasantries, Loki was abruptly pulled into the room by your mother. Instantly, his attention was drawn to you, and he understood why. You appeared as if you had been caught in the midst of a chaotic whirlwind, your face buried in your hands as you struggled to steady your breathing. Your mother's smile held a tinge of sadness as she placed a comforting hand on Loki's arm. "Her nerves are more shattered than my own at the moment. I believe she would benefit from your presence. I'll go check on Thomas." Loki glanced at your mother, his expression filled with gratitude. "Of course, and I am truly relieved that you are safe," he responded affectionately. Your mother offered a gentle smile in return, patting his arm before she departed.

As your mother left, Loki approached you, settling down beside you with utmost care. He gently tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, urging you to look up. With shaky breaths, you lifted your head, meeting Loki's gaze. To your surprise, he had conjured a fresh cup of hot tea for you. You accepted it cautiously, your hands trembling ever so slightly.

With cautious anticipation, you bring the cup to your lips and take a delicate sip of the tea. The comforting blend of honey and lemon dances on your tongue, gliding down your throat with a soothing warmth. As the tea works its magic, you feel the tension in your body gradually dissipate. Loki observes your relaxation, his hand finding its place on your leg, his thumb tracing gentle circles on your knee. Once you have settled into a calmer state, you release a shaky sigh and lower your gaze, your eyes slightly irritated from the tears. "I... I'm sorry... I feel like I've been overreacting, but..." you trail off.

Loki interrupts your self-doubt, his voice filled with reassurance. "There's no need to justify yourself, my dear," he says, pressing a tender kiss to your temple. You lean your head against Loki's shoulder, finding solace in his presence as he sits with you. "How about we take a soothing shower and then ensure you get some nourishment?" Loki suggests, his voice laced with care. You nod in agreement, appreciating his thoughtful suggestion.

After the refreshing shower, you emerge feeling revitalized and significantly better. Together with Loki, you make your way down to the lounge, where the tantalizing aroma of freshly cooked food fills the air.

As the chaos subsides, your mother and Thomas eventually depart to spend the night at the nearest hotel. Now, you find yourself lying in your shared bed with Loki, his arms wrapped securely around you, holding you close. Your fingers trace gentle patterns on his arm, your gaze fixed on the darkness of the room, listening to the steady rhythm of Loki's calm breaths. You know he is awake, patiently waiting until you find the tranquility to sleep on your own before he allows himself to rest. Carefully, you shift until you are facing Loki, captivated by the soft shimmer of his green eyes in the dimness. You reach up, tenderly placing your hand on his cheek. Loki presses a gentle kiss to your palm, resting his temple against yours. "How are you feeling?" he asks softly, and you emit a small hum. "A lot less overwhelmed, but still a bit shaky," you confess. Loki nuzzles you affectionately. "Well, I have an idea to help soothe the remainder of your nerves."

Closing your eyes, you feel the warmth of Loki's lips meeting yours.

You feel the soothing touch of his cool fingers trailing over your bare skin underneath your shirt, as the kisses you share go on for a tender, loving moment. A few minutes later, Loki begins to descend, his lips trailing over your exposed skin and making you give a soft sigh as you feel yourself relaxing better.

Loki eases your stress intimately, and you make sure to passionately reciprocate the love, before you're both equally intimate with each other through the rest of the night.

(SUPER SHORT CHAPTER, but more is going to come next time, I'm just out of time to write before work. Also, the first episode of the new season of Loki dropped! *Chef's kiss* see you all soon!)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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