Press Conference and Parties pt 2

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Nat had helped you to retouch your makeup before the guests arrived, and you could tell that there was definitely a long list of people invited in.

Unable to actually stay in the same area as Loki as the team had to mingle and be courteous to said guests, you found yourself mainly being a wallflower.

Tony could definitely throw a party, that's for sure. As drinks and finger foods were all around, and loud music was being danced to by said party goers, you felt out of place.

The last part you had been to had been a retirement party at a retail store. You were broke, the food was free, and you were hungry. Not that you truly knew the person retiring, but you still were polite enough to say your goodbyes. Of course having food poisoning from said free food was not fun, but those crockpot meatballs smelled way too good not to eat.

Shaking your head from the memory, you looked down at the glass you had in your hand, staring at the dark brown liquid as you sloshed it around some. It was supposed to be whiskey and you'd thought drinking something strong for the first time would help you loosen up enough to at least be social, but it had to have been going bad as you swore it was more like drinking a flat apple juice. No one else seemed to be having that problem though, so you must have just been the lucky one to get a bad shot.

You lift your gaze to scan the room, and your stomach drops a bit as a group of really pretty women are laughing and chatting with Loki. And you know that he's just putting on the charm and being cordially polite for his favor, but it still bothers you seeing them openly flirting and surrounding him. Like hyenas around a peacock. You lower your gaze and glare into the brown liquid some, before sighing slowly to yourself and looking around again. Steve and Bucky are also mingling around in one area of the room with guests, as Nat and Bruce are conversing together at the bar with smiles and laughs. Clint is nowhere to be seen for a moment until you assume he's sauntered off to the bathroom or something, and Tony is literally living it up as he's talking with the majority of the reporters that have shown up. It doesn't take long before you see Clint emerging with Thor, as Thor himself brings in a large flask of golden ale and is instantly going over to Loki with a big grin.

You stay against the wall and look around some more, before deciding that you wanted to be somewhere quieter and less packed. So, you slip out of the room almost unnoticed, and go to head out onto the balcony for some fresh air.

Finding a good spot that's hidden from prying eyes on the balcony, you set your glass on the ground and lean against the wall of the building, looking up at the night sky. It's clearer than usual, and you can literally see the Milky Way. Smiling to yourself, you carefully sit down in your spot and pull your knees to your chest, crossing your legs in the process so that your dress isn't exposing anything.

The party seems to grow louder the longer you sit outside, but you aren't being disturbed. At least not until someone else came out onto the balcony as well. You tense up and stay silent until you recognize the footsteps, your gaze softening as a familiar dark haired prince comes into view.

A soft smile tugs at his lips as his eyes land on you softly, before he's joining in sitting with you on the balcony. "I wondered where you had disappeared to, my dear." Loki speaks, resting his arm over your shoulders as you lean your head onto his chest.
"Parties aren't really my strong suit when it comes to socializing." You say, making him chuckle. "I understand what you mean. I'm usually the wallflower back on Asgard, since Thor's always been the more popular one between us." You look up at him, watching as he picks up your glass of whiskey and finishes it for you before grimacing a bit. "Midgardian alcohol is so weak.."

You smile, relaxing some. "I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it was bad.. But, i would have joined you on being a wallflower back on Asgard, at least I'd know we'd have fun together." You tell him, looking back up to the sky. "Yes, we would have. I could be showing you around the gardens of the palace, or sneaking into the royal library, or even going on a nightly stroll upon the back of my horse." You gasped softly and looked up at him quickly. "You have a horse?!"

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now