Late Night Visit

149 13 1

Live Wire
Bright Spark
Spark Plug
Lite Brite
Rainbow Dash
Shock Wave
Lady Flash
Super Sonic
Plasma Girl
Silent Shocker
Ms. Nuke
Twinkle Toes
Lady Menagerie

There were a lot of nicknames that Tony was throwing your way the longer you trained with the team.

Most of it was for teasing, but it was mainly to see which one would be sticking as your forever Avenger name.

Ever since the Asgardian duo had gone home, Fury had made the decision to add you to the Avengers Initiative. Not only to monitor you even more, but to test your powers and make you a useful part of the team. Considering the kidnappings and how you've been faring, Fury joked that you were practically ready for the field.

And honestly, you were making some really good progress during said missions. You were better off on ground missions, but that didn't mean you stayed on the Quinjet until needed.

No, you were starting to be in the center, with Wanda and Peter. Steve, Bucky, and Stark were the usual front liners, and Nat, Clint, Pietro, and Vision were the back. Bruce was only ever called in if needed, and that was only on the rare occasion.

You were only on the front line if they needed a power outage, or a complete 360 for the dark buildings that were supposedly abandoned and never were. You could draw out the enemy with your dark energy, or act like a flash bomb to stun them.

And not only that, you were helping almost everyone with upgrades to their own things, but mainly Clint, Peter, and Tony. Making new arrows with a high energy conduction to either sap out the power for more stealth missions, or to override fuse boxes to get into places that were previously locked off.

Peter's webs could hold both the dark and light energy for a good minute to basically taser the enemies into submission while also trapped in said webbing, with no need to bring actual nets.

And if Tony's suit needed a charge, well, you were there too. Especially when he needed a full one, 500 percent power and all.

But even without using your powers in those ways, you were good at other things.

Like for mad escapes via getaway driver. After learning how to actually drive, You had gotten used to the speedier and lighter cars that could go from 0-200 in under sixty seconds, and you were really amazing at the technique (much to your surprise). This would help Nat when she had to shoot at any enemies following, you could keep the wheel steady even when stuck in reverse. Your powers also helped in that situation, considering when you were able to liquify or harden them in a heartbeat. It would be like going from an oil slick to a road barrier, considering what it called for.

As for your more dangerously needed stunts, well, you were under the same rule as Bruce for that. Only if it were truly needed, if there wasn't any other option to get out of a sticky situation.

But so far, nearly every mission would be a success. Even if all the paperwork needed after sucked ass. But you weren't coming out unscathed, you weren't that good. Not only with physical exhaustion and injury, but a good bit of mental turmoil was chained to you.

Because every time you returned back to the tower, you were met with the reminder that the only occupant left in the building was Cookie. You loved her, and she had gotten rather big, but there was still a void in your heart.

Without Thor, without Loki, your depression grew a bit stronger.

It had been over a year, the time slowly ticking towards two. You'd give Cookie all of the love she deserved, and Friday had gotten used to timing her for when she needed to go out or just be in the lounge when you all were gone, and Cookie was so well trained and a normal mascot now that she was safe when leaving the tower. She even adorned a new collar with a security tag in it. The collar was still green and gold, but her new tag had Stark tech in it. Any kind of trouble she may have had was met with Tony personally, if not Friday's protocol.

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora