Puppy Love

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"And who said, exactly, you were allowed to start bringing in wild animals off the street?" Tony asked you, exasperated at the sight of the cute but inconvenient little animal currently being adored by Clint and Thor.

You wrung your wrists a bit. "Well, I mean it wasn't like it was planned, but Cookie came up to me out of nowhere and-" "You already named it?!" Tony interrupted you, making you bite your lip. "Yes.. Look, if it's too much trouble then I'll find an apartment that allows pets and move out. But I'm not going to put her back on the street or in some random shelter. She needs me." You tell him, staring at him defiantly.

"Really? You're really going to give up your place here just to care for a dog?" Tony asked, skepticism on his face. "Yes, I will." You retort, still wringing your wrists. You were adamant about keeping Cookie, about raising her. You would learn how to take care of her properly, and give her all the love that you could. And if you weren't able to, you'd make sure to find a family that she should be with, that she deserved.

"Allow Lady Y/N to keep Cookie, Stark." Thor said quickly, before Nat spoke up next as she knelt down to pet Cookie behind the ear. "Yeah, Tony. This might actually be good. Training a dog for missions or for any type of trauma response would definitely be more helpful." "Yeah, and I wouldn't mind having someone finish my plate if the food is gross." Clint joked.

You beamed internally until you saw the look on Loki's face as he was staring with disdain down at the patterned pup. You hadn't thought about it he'd even like dealing with a pet, and a dog no less. Your smile slightly falters as he does end up disappearing from the room without a word, making you bite your upper lip in guilt. You'd keep Cookie in your room, that's for sure.

As everyone persuaded Tony to keep Cookie as she kept them all preoccupied, you sneak away to find Loki. And you do, as he's brooding in his room with his usual pacing. "Loki?" You ask quietly, wringing your wrists behind your back nervously when he snaps his gaze over at you. "Can I know why, exactly, you decided to pick up a random tiny pest bitten mongrel from the city streets?"

"I.. I couldn't just leave her. She came up to me, and she was just.. she was all alone and begging for help. Everyone else around saw her and just kept walking past her. I just.. I couldn't just.. She needed a home." You look down, wringing your wrists harder with each passing second. "What if I ignored her and she got hurt or killed? I wouldn't have even known but I'd be wondering what happened to her, cause I'd be the only one to remember seeing her. And strays usually end up in two places unless they're lucky. And those places are usually the pound or the dump. So I.. I made sure she was one of the lucky ones.." You say all of this in under a few short breaths, not even realizing that you had tears in your eyes as you can't bring your gaze up from the floor.

Loki had noticed your demeanor being both protective and wavering like weak glass as you spoke, realizing that somehow you related to the puppy being on her own and trying to survive. And another thought occured to him immediately after. You had been passed around from different families, but never actually adopted. Seen, but ignored, not getting spared a second glance by most people. You just survived.

Sighing lowly, Loki approaches you with soft steps, his fingers gently gripping your chin and lifting your head so your eyes were on his face, even if you couldn't look into his eyes for the moment. "Y/N, this is a very big responsibility. I know you want to do the right thing... And I suppose that I'll be here to help."

Loki's words throw you off as you listen to him, your eyes finally meeting his but with confusion. But then you realize that he hadn't told you to get rid of Cookie, but instead that he'd be here to help you out with raising her.

You close the gap quickly and stand on the balls of your feet, cupping your hands on his face and kissing him deeply a few times in thanks and happiness. He slightly falls back onto his bed as you keep kissing and thanking him, a chuckle escaping his lips as he moves to hold your hips while being attacked by your kisses, slowly laying on his back as you're on top of him now.


It had been a few weeks since you had brought Cookie into the Avengers. After making sure she had a clean bill of health and all of her necessities, and that she was being trained properly with love and care, it felt like a dream come true. But nothing compared to the scene you had found one day upon walking into the lobby.

Loki was sitting back in his favorite armchair in the lounge one afternoon, having a book he was currently reading in one hand. His other hand was busy gently petting Cookie, as she slept soundly in his lap. They were both so content, that you smiled happily and didn't disturb them.

That didn't mean you didn't take pictures.

Soon enough, Cookie was being absolutely spoiled by the God of Mischief. Her fur was always groomed, and she was always wearing little green hair bows atop her fluffy ears. She was also allowed to sleep in the bed after being properly bathed (not that you were jealous, but she slept between the both of you, more against Loki than anything). And with her collar itself being a deep emerald green with gold accents and black trim, along with her getting only the best bits of food scraps atop her own food, you knew that Loki had officially made her his own. He wasn't admitting to it, but he was now the father of his very own fur baby.

And Cookie was definitely in love with her daddy.

(Short fluff chapter, but alls the love)

(Short fluff chapter, but alls the love)

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