There's Nothing Wrong with Rainbows

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It had only been a good two or three weeks since your eyes had been added to the list of weird things you couldn't control. But you were, for the most part, still a harmless human being.

Loki wasn't helping your bad mood either. And in a good way, considering he kept being rather sweet and playful so that you couldn't be upset. He was annoying when he was persistent.

"Loki, stop it." You told him one morning, whisking eggs for breakfast as your cheeks were flushed. Aside from Jarvis, you two were the only ones awake. Loki was leaning back against the counter, a cup of tea in his hand as he innocently sipped on it. "Stop what? Telling you how enchanting it is when your eyes can go from a passionate red to a royal blue and then mirror a sunset even more beautiful than the ones on Asgard?" You fumble a bit, your cheeks reddening more as you pour the eggs in a slightly hot pan to cook them up. You hear Loki set his cup down before you feel his arms going around your waist, his lips softly pressing against the exposed part of your neck. "Or maybe I should tell you how ravishing you look when your hips sway to the sound of the music you listen to, or how your smile alone can make my knees weak."

You stammer shyly, trying not to have the eggs burn as Loki's distracting you. "L-Loki, you know you can't keep... I mean.. I want to stay at the level of hermit crab. No attention drawn.." You mumble shyly. Chuckling softly, Loki's eyes catch yours with an intense stare of, dare you say, lust. "You're well past not drawing attention to yourself, love."

Your eyes start to flutter closed as he begins to place kisses against your neck, starting off with sweet soft and short ones before they begin to last longer and get pressed more firmly against your skin. You aren't even sure when Loki uses his magic to keep the eggs from burning and sticking to the pan, but you find yourself fully facing him, and you're getting lifted up onto the island counter.

Gripping your hips gently, Loki's lips find their way back up to yours, and the both of you start making out. Resting one palm on his cheek, your other hand gets lost in his hair, your fingers twirling around the long raven colored strands and gripping them softly.

You both get so lost in each other's company that you don't realize that the two assassins have come into the lounge. You slowly break the kiss with Loki, showing that you were practically French kissing with your tongues evident and having a thin line of saliva connecting them for a few seconds before it breaks.

You both jump when Clint coughs a small bit to alert you to his and Nat's presence, and you all stare at each other in awkward silence before Nat holds her palm face up out to Clint. To which he pulls out thirty bucks from his pocket and slaps it into her outstretched hand. Smirking, she nods towards the eggs that have basically been cooked to perfection without the use of hands. "Eggs are done. And don't worry, we won't say a word."

Loki gently sets you back down on your feet as you clear your throat shyly, watching the both of them go to find a show to watch as they sit on the couch.

You look up at Loki, your face deep red as his ears are tinged pink. "Well, I suppose we've been caught." He mumbles, and you cover your face shyly for a second before you gently pat his arms and go to finish making breakfast. "W-well, at least we don't have to hide all the time, now." You mumble shyly, as Loki goes to help you make breakfast. "I rather like the thrill of nearly being caught, though." He grins slightly as you glare at him shyly, bumping your hip against his on purpose and making him laugh softly.

Everyone else files in right as you're setting breakfast on the table, and you all fall into the usual routine of chatter. Bruce asks how you're feeling, and is relieved to know that you haven't had anything worrisome happen, to which you're glad about as well.

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now