A Normal Family

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"I'm having second thoughts about doing this, Loki." "I'm not saying it's a little late to turn back, but you could have said something before we were driven out three hours from the city, Y/N."

You bite your lip, wringing your wrists as you stand next to your dark haired prince. You were both standing in front of a gated fence, the address matching the one in the file as you tried not to give yourself a panic attack. "I... I know but.. what if they've moved or something?"

Gently resting a hand on your back, Loki looks down at your slightly shaking frame. "I'd hope not. But-"

Before Loki can say anything else, you get spotted by a figure inside the window, and a second later the front door is getting pulled open roughly, starling the both of you.

You don't need to look at the file to see that the woman who flung the door open is the same one from the photo, just without a round belly. Wearing a half fixed apron over pajamas and worn down bunny slippers, it looks as if she was about to or just finishing up on a late breakfast. You've tensed up unbelievably, afraid to breathe or move the closer she gets to the gate. Her hair is being held back in a messy half bun, being the same color as yours but not the same texture. Her eyes match yours, though, along with your complexion. She stops right at the entrance of the gate, staring at you with big eyes wider than saucers.

As soon as she's opening the gate, your first instinct wants you to run, but your feet are planted to the ground, and Loki is also keeping you from bailing as his hand stays on your back.

The woman hesitates again, almost in disbelief and true shock before she reaches out. You involuntarily flinch for a fraction of a second when her fingers touch your face, but she doesn't pull away. Instead, she steps up closer and cups your face fully, inspecting you with a shaky gasp. Her touch is warm and inviting, calloused from work but soft and gentle. You even wonder if she's paid mind to Loki standing there with you, but you figured that she's too surprised to register his presence. 

"You're just how I pictured you'd be.."

Hearing her soft voice speak to you is all you need as large tears build up in your eyes and start to spill over. Without needing to ask or confirm anything, she pulls you in close and hugs you tightly, her own body shaking some as she does her best not to cry. You timidly raise your arms up, returning the tight hug she's given to you. She doesn't let you go for over a good minute, and when she does release you, she's giving the patient God of Mischief a tight hug as well.

It feels unreal to you as your mother is quick to invite you and Loki into the house after that, and is making a fresh pot of tea. She lets you get comfortable in the sitting room, as you're scanning the family photos that sit atop the fireplace. There aren't any other children, and the only one that indicates you being a part of the family is the one of your pregnant mother.

Loki stood next to you out of his natural curiosity to learn more, also taking note of the changes in father figures. In the earliest photos, it was of a man in military wear, who had your hair texture and shared complexion, but his eyes were black instead of brown. And then the photo that you had from file. You were the only born, no doubt about it.

There was a gap between, as your mother stood alone. Her smile had faded but was still there, as she stared at the camera.

A different man stood next to her in the last photo on the fireplace, being tall with pale skin and freckles across his face, hazel eyes, and a thin but relaxed smile.

It felt rather weird to you, having a blood related family. You wrung your wrists a bit and lower your gaze, thinking quietly about what this had done to them all. You inadvertently felt guilty.

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now