It's Just A Cold, Right?

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Training was definitely not your favorite hobby. Not that it ever was, but it definitely sucked for you. But, you were progressing to landing actual hits on your opponent, whoever it happened to be. And that person today happened to be Steve.

And he had managed to sucker punch you in the face because you weren't as fast as you could have been during your defensive position. It had been a light hit, but he was still a super soldier.

You were fine, but he had been apologizing so profusely because the sound alone was the equivalent of popping an unopened chip bag with a hammer. Besides, you were at least three good hours in, so it had been a good session.

You flinched as Nat was fixing up the bruising cut on your cheek, sitting in the gym bathroom atop the counter. "You aren't healing like you usually do. Are you stressed out?" The redhead asks, and you shrug. "I'm probably just exhausted. I mean, cleaning up and training right after without eating isn't a good combination. Oh, Loki said I felt warm earlier, but I feel fine. Other than the exhaustion I mean." You say. Nat hummed softly and put a bandaid over your cut. "Alright then. I'll go make sure Cap won't disturb you to apologize again." She smiled, patting your knee.

You smile, going to your room to get some clean clothes and take a hot shower. After you're nice and clean, and in clean clothes, you decide to lay down on your bed instead of going to Loki's room. You felt how drained you truly were, and you'd just go back to Loki's room after a nap. It's not like he was here anyway. He, Thor, and Cookie were out of the tower, the brothers having decided to find a good dog park for her to run around at. And for other things more than likely.

You don't know how long you slept, but you regretted not eating after you awoke. Your head was feeling heavy and pounding, and your throat felt dry. Groaning, you pulled yourself up into a sitting position, holding your head for a second before checking to make sure you weren't glowing. You shouldn't have been, you already had your session in the lab.

Food and hot tea, that's what you needed to put in your system.

You blink carefully. This felt like deja Vu, but why?
Getting up, you leave your room and take time to get to the lounge. During that time, you have an onslaught of abrupt sneezes, making your head ache worse. But, you make it to the kitchen without anyone else being in there.

You lose your appetite before you can even brew up some tea, resting at the dining table with your forehead on the cool mahogany wood. You were also swallowing a lot to get the feeling of whatever was running down the back of your throat to stop, inciting rough tiny coughs to start. You hear footsteps behind you, before a gentle hand is on your back. "You okay, doll?" That was Bucky, but you almost didn't want to lift your head. You do anyway, covering your mouth and nose with your arm when you sneeze roughly. Your head feels like a gong, and you groan in response instead of actually talking.

"Oof, looks like you caught a cold. I'll make you some tea and soup, go lay down on the couch." You don't even argue about it, as you carefully get up and do as he says. As soon as you're comfortable though and close your eyes, you're out like a light.

The next time you wake up, you definitely feel ten if not twenty times worse, and you aren't on the couch. You're in bed, Loki's specifically as you notice the dark green duvets as the first thing you see when you open your eyes. The next thing you see is Cookie watching you with big cute eyes, her little snout sniffing your face as the thumping of her tail against the covers. She moves away and lays down beside you obediently, her eyes now on something else. Or rather, someone else.

Loki comes into view, his weight dipping the bed down as he sits next to you. "You're finally awake.. how are you feeling?" Loki asks, gentle concern in his voice as he rests a cool palm on your forehead openly.  It feels good to you, but you still aren't feeling well enough to say you're fine. "B-Bucky said it was.. a cold.." You croak out. "Well, hopefully so." Loki slightly muses, helping you to sit up before he has a cup of hot honey lemon tea ready for you to drink, along with some soup and crackers. "Don't worry, you'll be feeling better soon."

Loki keeps you resting, making sure you have what you need to feel better. Unfortunately, you don't get better for a couple of days straight, but your energy stays low so you aren't also having to worry about your power source going overboard.

While you rest, Loki looks over the files that he's collected. He and Thor hadn't just gone to take Cookie to the dog park. He had collected information on the lab you were supposedly made at. One that had been embezzling government money for illegal testing and unauthorized access to hospitals nearby.

You were born in a lab, yes, but not from an artificial womb.

No, once you were feeling better, he'd show these to you.

Your true birth record, your real birth parents.

(Next chapter will go past 1200 words, I hope you're all enjoying the book and taking care of yourselves! Thanks for reading!)

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