Being A Goddess Is Normal

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Everyone was doing their best to not set you off in any way. Tiptoeing around you, acting as if they were walking on eggshells whenever you were around, being gentle with everything, including their use of profanity.

You didn't like how they were babying you.

Especially when the main person doing it the most was Loki.

Well, you didn't really mind it considering he was pampering you in a way, but now it was feeling silly.

You almost felt like sneaking away, just to get some alone time.

Something no one was letting you do, be alone. Even when going to the bathroom, Loki would wait nearby, or Cookie would be in the bathroom with you.

Cookie! You weren't mad at her, you never could be, it was adorable. But a mini amount of solitude would have been good.

You knew why no one was leaving you alone, you went through six months of solitary confinement with a psycho.

Everyone had been distraught, but not as distraught as the young prince.

Loki felt as if he had failed you so greatly, that he wouldn't sleep until you forced him to, and then when he did his grip would be so tight that you were almost uncomfortable from it.

And even though you were a new goddess, you were being treated in the same manner as when you had first moved into the tower.

You almost felt like it was a cruel irony.

A princess locked away in a tower for her own safety.

You watch dark clouds passing by outside of Loki's bedroom window, a finished book sitting on your lap and an empty cup of tea sitting by you on the windowsill.

You look at your reflection quietly, running your fingers through your hair slowly. Cut just below your shoulders, your hair was stronger and thicker, and back to its original color. Your eyes were no longer going through their rainbow shuffle, or not entirely at least.

They were back to their original color as well, but flecks of gold shimmered through them distinctly.

Your physical features have changed as well, and you didn't know if you liked being...

Looking so flawless, like a goddess should.

Your physical injuries were completely healed. Your skin was flawless. You could see with the best twenty-twenty vision that you had never had before. Your senses were definitely sharper, too.

Your mental state was practically the same, as far as you could tell, which you were thankful for.

Even if it was less sane.

You look at the ring still on your finger, rubbing it softly and feeling Loki's magic coursing through it. It calmed you, like it always had.

You were wearing a pair of your favorite pajamas, and some nice fuzzy socks to keep your feet from getting cold. Well that and because they were decorated with chibi sushi cats, they were adorable.

Looking past your reflection, you stare out at the dark clouds covering the city and rest your forehead against the cold glass. Autumn started with a really forceful chill this year, and had yet to let up for any real warmth to seep through the skyline in your opinion.

You turn your head over towards the sound of the bedroom door opening, pulling your knees up to your chest and resting your chin on top of them, the book sliding down your lap but not falling onto the floor.

Cookie rushed over towards you in a happy trot with her newest plush toy in her mouth, a little angry cactus already worn down from how much the canine loved it. Following behind her was your Jotun Prince, his true appearance no longer hidden.

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now