Press Conference Parties pt 1

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Going to your first actual press conference was nerve wracking, but you didn't even have any real reason to be nervous. You weren't the one getting interviewed, after all.

No, you were standing in the back with Happy, Tony's assistant/body guard, and Pepper, Tony's girlfriend/second in command over Stark Industries.

From where you all stood, you could clearly see the team, and Loki, answering questions. And boy, were there a lot of questions being thrown at him.

But he remained calm and collected, as if he had been trained in dealing with this type of situation since childhood. And you're probably right on the notion, considering he and Thor were princes. Loki had mentioned that this was nothing more than a refresher to him, so now you knew what he had meant.

It probably helped that he looked like higher up royalty. No, it definitely helped. He had a crowd of reporters in front of him, asking him multiple questions, some of which kind of made you worry about how they were actually seeing him. Half of those questions didn't even seem appropriate, but his silver tongue and natural charm didn't help. Especially when you could practically see the men and women drooling over him.

He only had a few breaks from being asked questions when those reporters were asking the other team members questions, and his gaze would slide over to where you stood. The corner of his lip would twitch upwards when you smiled at him, and you were glad that he could see you from where you stood.

Pepper gently nudged you with her elbow a bit, smiling at you when you looked at her. "Tony and the rest of the team are treating you well, aren't they?" You nodded, clasping your hands behind your back shyly. "Y-Yes ma'am, this has been the best job that I've ever had." She nodded, her smile softening. "I'm glad. And it seems as though everyone is really enjoying having you with us as well. Including Loki. And from what I thought, he hated everyone."

You laughed shyly, looking back towards the reporters as Tony was speaking about something. "Well, I'm happy to have gotten so close to him. I never thought that I'd have my own bo-.. b-best friend." You save yourself, your cheeks reddening. Pepper notices your shift in words but doesn't say anything about it, instead bringing up another part of the conversation. "Well, I do hope we can talk more tonight at the party."

You blink, looking at her. "P.. party? You mean.. well, I mean, I'll be heading back to the tower to make dinner and stuff." Pepper looked at you quizzically before a knowing looked flashed through her eyes. Sighing, she shook her head. "Tony.. He didn't tell you the party would be at the tower, did he?"

You sucked in a quick breath, feeling a bit nervous. "N.. no, he didn't. I.. I guess he just assumed I'd be there..." You bite your bottom lip, clasping your hands tighter behind your back. "It'll be fine, we'll only have the people who were invited over. But if you feel overwhelmed, it'll be okay for you to retreat back to your room." She reassured you, and you sighed slowly with a nod.

Just then, one reporter asked about the attack on New York. You watched as this was directed towards Clint and Loki, and they both gave their own accords of what had happened.

Mind control, a nearly unbreakable force at that. Loki gave the most sincere and remorseful apology while keeping his voice calm, and even gave a gentle bow to show that he truly was sorry for his actions, even if he weren't in control of himself. And Clint had backed him up as he spoke of being under that same mind control.

By the time the conference wrapped up, everyone there, and every headline on TV was ready to turn over a new leaf and forgive Loki. Tony added that as part of him basically doing community service to show that he was indeed trying to right his wrongs, that he'd be part of the Avengers (in training).

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