Normal, but with Rainbow Lasers

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Three days, you counted. Just three days since your kidnapping.

And who had kidnapped you?

Guys who liked octopus shaped hot dogs.

Hydra, you mean.

Absolute douchebags.

They wanted you to give them information, reveal secrets, on everything and anything dealing with all of the Avengers.

So, you gave them the recipes from atop your head that you knew. And how to properly mop floors

A mean iced coffee, strawberry muffins, rotisserie chicken salad, even homemade soft tacos. But not your rum muffins, no.

This in turn earned you multiple beatings and being injected with greyish blue or dirty green looking liquids. And at this point you were sure that your brain was losing what IQ remained.

So when you heard explosions, and felt the rumblings from all around you just assumed that either it was the loudest rave party, or your demise. You were strapped rather tightly to a big metal chair with a blindfold on, humming your favorite song to yourself to keep your nerves calm. It was the least you could do for yourself, considering it was about to be the end.

However, that wasn't the case.

You could hear the door to the room you were in being opened, and you just assumed that it was one of the guards or whomever coming back to do you in. So, you figured you'd ask a last minute question.

"Do you think people get hungry during a cremation process? Like when the meat is cooked and at the perfect temperature, does it remind them of a barbecue or picnic? Oh, that's two questions, but still." Morbid questions were fun.

"Uh, I suppose if the people who were about to enjoy said consumption were cannibalistic."

Huh, that sounded a lot like Loki...

You feel the blindfold being slipped off, and you had to blink hard a few times before everything came into view.

Albeit with disoriented colorings, but still a good visual. And as your eyes are readjusted, you find yourself looking at Loki.

And there were rabbit ears coming from his head.

"L.. Loki.. Am I dead?" You ask curiously, blinking a few more times as he's using a dagger to cut the straps off. "Well, you do look as though you've been dragged through Hel and back.. but, you're alive."

"Oh... When you say that, do you mean I look like a trash panda or a princess?" You ask, feeling weightless and not registering that you're being scooped up into his arms.

"I'm glad that you seem to be okay, Y/N.." Loki says quietly, avoiding your question. Not that you paid attention, you felt safe in his arms.

You don't even recall closing your eyes, but somewhere between hearing Loki speak to someone you didn't see, and the flashing red lights going off in every direction, you somehow fall asleep through it all.

The next time you wake up, you find yourself in a comfy hospital bed. There are IVs attached to your arm, and itchy bandages around your neck and other injuries you sustained during your stay.

Groaning quietly, you feel extra heavy, like there's a big animal sitting on your frame before you hear voices.

The next person you see is Bruce, followed by Nat and Clint. They ask how you're feeling first, and then bombard you with patient but relentless questions. Mainly if you had revealed anything to HYDRA about them.

"No.. I tried to tell them that I was just the maid, but they didn't believe me. So.. I recited the entire script of (y/f/movie) to them, and gave them a couple recipes.." You answered truthfully, closing your eyes as you felt a headache forming from the lighting bearing down on you. Nat notices your discomfort first, and dims the lighting to where you aren't bothered anymore.

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now