Moments of Peace

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Training day in and day out sucked. Not only physically, but now mentally.

And with a sorcerer named Wong, now. He was pretty chill, you had to admit, but he still was a strict teacher. You would have had Loki as a teacher, but with him already training Wanda for her actual magic abilities, it felt like asking for too much.

Besides, the orange protection bands were more along the Magic from the Masters of the Mystic Arts. So in a way, you had been enrolled into training under Wong because of your energy.

You now have the brass knuckle rings that they use to conjure shields and open portals, too! But there was a catch with you;

The shields you could produce already would mix and interfere with the shields you'd try to conjure with the mystical art, thus making a dome over yourself that would be so hot to the touch that it would cause the ground to melt or catch fire. So it worked on defense and possible offense, but if not controlled to the correct radius, would more than likely kill anyone standing in the wrong place.

Or seriously maim.

So far, it stretched out to five feet in its diameter.

The other thing would be the portals. If you didn't focus enough to specify just where you wanted to actually go (whether it be aloud or in your thoughts), your portals would open up rather wide, just like how big your shield would be.

Last time, luckily, you had only had a herd of alpacas run through.

Other than that, the only thing that caused concern for both Strange and Wong was your... Well, stalker. He was definitely using some sort of untraceable magic, and it would be at complete random if something happened with you. Trying to track each instance was what sucked. Only in that split second could you actually be able to get a lead, but with no actual timing to go by, there was a slim chance of catching him.


Groaning quietly as you managed to get home via portal (successfully done, at that) after another rough day of training at the Sanctuary with Wong, you collapsed onto Loki's comfortable bed. A thick leather book was in your grip for a second, before you let it go once on the bed.

This has been going on for two months now, and you were definitely doing a lot better at controlling everything. No more crystals had been produced, no energy sapped from the darkness of other sources uncontrollably, and no new things going on.

Cookie gave a happy whine from her spot in the corner, jumping up and licking your face softly as she climbed up onto the bed, making you smile. "Hi, Cookie. I'm guessing daddy isn't here, is he?" You ask softly, before asking Friday where he was.

"The team was called on a mission fifteen minutes before you returned, Y/N. You weren't needed on this, so you're free for the night."

You sigh a bit heavily and nod, sitting yourself up as you pet Cookie gently with a few pats on her sides, making her tail wag playfully. "Thanks, Friday."

After playing tug of war for a bit with Cookie and a play rope, you go and shower before dressing in one of Loki's shirts and some pajama shorts.

Sliding on some black bunny slippers, you walk into your separate room and look around.

The dollhouse was completely finished now, sitting on its own stand proudly next to an electric keyboard that Peter had gifted you. Playing a few random notes, you go and check your phones. Both your current one, and the Nokia that won't die.

Your current phone only had a few random texts from the group chat, mainly about what would be on the menu for dinner or to figure out who was stealing snacks from Clint.

Scrolling down into your other messages, you smile at the private texts from Loki asking about your day. And then of course having your face catch fire from the selfies he'd take for you. And it was just a sweet one to help brighten your day, but that man's smile could swoon even the tightest lipped nun.

So, you called Cookie over, and took a nice little selfie with her to send back to Loki to help his mood go up, even if he was calm right now.

(Get back safely :) ❤️also I have a spell book I have to study now. I'd appreciate your help so I don't accidentally cause another stampede of alpacas.)  You captioned underneath the photo, giggling to yourself before petting Cookie's head as you checked the other messages.

From your mom, it was just a simple and caring text as she was making sure you ate something and got plenty of rest. You sent one back for her to do the same and to say hi to Thomas. Along with a good luck text afterwards, considering his side of the family was visiting them both.

Placing your phone in your pocket once you are finished, you check your Nokia next, and blink when you find an actual message sitting on it.

It dated back to a year ago, but you couldn't decipher the words or symbols being used.

They weren't even accented features that were used on either phone, so you just assumed that maybe your Nokia was broken or possibly possessed in the same fashion the old Furby toys were.

Plus, you'd just let Tony have it when they got back anyway. He's been wanting to see how good the memory or whatever else still was.

Stretching and popping a few joints, you leave your room with Cookie and go to the lounge. You felt like making some beefy Rotel chalupa cups, which was really just some semi sweet fried bread stuffed with ground beef, cheese, diced tomatoes, and topped with sour cream. Maybe some nice salsa on the side, too.

As for Cookie, you'd spoil her with one of the fillet mignon steaks Tony had in the freezer. You'd warm it enough to where it would be defrosted, and then top it with some sour cream and crumbled bacon bits. And for dessert for her would be some seedless watermelon cubes with unsalted peanut butter. You'd indulge yourself on maybe a few cookies.

Tying on an apron and cleaning your hands, you put your new playlist (that had one to four of everyone's favorite songs added in with yours) on shuffle and get to cooking.


After a good dinner and a movie with Cookie, you're resting on the lounge couch. Cookie is curled up at your feet, sleeping blissfully from her good meal without a care in the world.

Smiling, you take a picture of her before getting a new message right after.

It's Loki, letting you know that the very boring mission has become even more tedious because of Clint managing to get shot. But, they were all fine and should be back in a few hours.

Sighing at the slight predicament of the mission being time consuming, you still bid each other goodnight with you promising sexy cuddles to help him sleep well when he gets in.

Getting up, you turn off the TV and gently rub Cookie on the head, figuring she'd be okay sleeping on the couch until everyone else got back. At least until she's following with a sleepy walk behind you and yawning cutely.

Chuckling, you make sure that she goes to the bathroom first before you actually retire to bed with her.

Making sure she's nice and comfy, you brush your teeth before you go and climb under the covers of Loki's bed.

Soon enough, you're fast asleep, and you don't stir when Cookie gets onto the bed with you and lays against you.

You don't hear her growls and soft whines as she stays alert, staring at a figure that's manifested against the wall. Friday is unable to detect the intruding shadow, but Cookie stays protecting your sleeping frame.

The figure disappears an hour before the team comes back, leaving no trace other than Cookie's discomfort.

Normal, Or Anything But? (Loki x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon