Keep going

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  "I get it." I hear ginger peep out and I look up at him with netted brows.

"What do ya mean , red?" I ask before scanning the area again. There was no sign of wild life. Come on, just give me a squirrel or something earth.

"I mean, I see how you carry yourself when one of us gets to close. How you been staying away from them all. Like what you trying to do moments ago... you weren't coming here to hunt, we're you?" I scoff at his assumptions.

"You know zero to shit about me." I shake my head before hearing a faint rustling from the far left. I turn and stalk into the trees even farther.

"I know enough too know that you see us all as nothing but strangers." Reds voice becoming more soft with each sentence.

"You are a stranger." I say in a matter of fact voice.

"Glenn a stranger?" I pause my walking at Abrahams words. Why is he so interested. I whip my body around to face him.

"You mean the guy that I haven't seen in so long that I forgot what he looked like for a second? Yeah, he is.  What's  with the interest of who I trust and shit?" My hand tightens around the bows handle.

He can't be with him? Could he be?

No, I would of realized it a long time ago. Right? I feel my shoulders tense at the thoughts running through my head.

Stay calm stay calm stay calm.

"Your a kid acting my age. Your a interesting kid." He says it with humor and a light grin but I can't tell if it's real or fake. I don't know if I could trust the stranger.

I can't. I can't I can't I can't I can't.

"Trust gets you killed. And I don't want to die, yet." I say before turning and shoving a branch out of my face. I hear him following me but pay no mind to his presence anymore.

The rustling stops for a few seconds than starts again. Louder and louder till I can hear it right behind a tree a foot away from us.

A heavy sigh leaves my quite lips. I have to, I know I do. But I don't want to. Then I think of the few people back at the little camp and my face relaxes. I'm doing it for a reason.

I point my bow towards the ground as I bring an arrow out. As I place it against the bow string , like Carmen taught me, with calm hands.

I bring my hand up for a second to message towards ginger to stay still and where he is. I don't know if he got it but I found the tree anyways.

I'm like a ghost as I round the tree and look at what it was making the noise. Oh my god, it was a pretty red fox. It looked full. I didn't know if I could take the chance of killing it and possibly feeding them walker insides.

Oh well.

It's facing the opposite side of me so it's easier as I bring my bow up to my eye level. I breath in, pulling the arrow along the string with my two fingers.

Then, I aim and let go. Letting go of the breath as well. I watch as it fall limply onto the crunching leaves. I kneel besides it and let it's warm head.

I take my knife that was tucked into my belts before bringing besides it's head.

"It's okay. I got you." I wisp-her to it , as if it could understand me, before quickly jamming the knife into its head. Feeling it's head fall onto my hand.

I need to throw up.

I hear leaves crunching behind me and blink the water from my eyes. It's not the time.

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