-Rocky Meeting-

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The room smelt horrible, not because it stank but because the smell of medicine and disinfectant was overpowering.

The lights were too bright, the walls too white, all too perfect.

Johanna had little to no doubt that despite this being 13, the Capitol had taken note of how these rooms looked.

She needed to shield her eyes as she stepped away from the door and turned the lights off, the loud machines in the room, drumming and beeping away giving off enough light already to see comfortably.

The tubes and cables were pulled out with some blood on the needles ends so it was truly not hard to hard to guess the drugs did not do their job.

Since Athena was not in the room and there was a knocked out nurse on the ground tho the room was closed before, the bathroom connected to it was the last spot to check.

Since the nurse didn't seem to suffer much, Johanna left her there and walked to the door and did the worst choice she has for a while, she didn't knock.

Oh no she didn't knock, in her haste she just threw the door open as it opened outwards towards her.

She had not seen much but what she did feel was caught on her cheek bone on the right of her face and sliced until it skipped off her nose, keeping the movement up and stabbing into the door.

She barely registered that that Athena had pulled the glass shard, or the not broken part, out of the wood and swung down with a wild look, teeth bared and a swing to kill.

She threw up her hands in hope of catching her hand, the strength which Athena worked with was immense, Johanna catching the arm but knees buckled and causing her to fall over and down, the blood from breaking the mirror and then squeezing the glass in her hand sending blood droplets flying around.

In her fall, Johanna jerked her hands too the side, leading Athena to stab the glass down into the tiled ground, breaking and shattering it in smaller pieces.

She swung out, a solid fist in the side of her face and pushing herself away, kicking her in the chest.

Athena grabbed her leg and went for a twist but she turned with it, keeping her ankle safe but jamming her other foot in Athena's throat to push her back.

"It's me dammit!" She shoved on her trapped leg to free herself and pushed away with her leg on her throat.

The crazed woman, looking lost in another world glared with fury, bringing her feet under her and jumping from her sitting stop.

Johanna jerked backwards but was slammed face first into the ceramic tiles by her shirt before a hand clasped down on the back of her neck and lifted it enough to slide another around the front.

She slammed onto her back as she grabbed as a hand with one arm and pushed on Athena's face with the other.

She shifted her leg around and threw it back, succeeding in pulling it back enough to hook it around Athena's neck at the knee because of how close she was and pull it back, locking her foot under her other knee.

But Athena is a career, she is stronger despite how frail and weak she looked.

She is pushing back against the pull, smiling as Johanna just about could keep her far enough away to leave a gap to breath under the insane squeezing force, pulling her head backwards to add too the little gap.

"Please... Stop... Thea."

Johanna let out a little cry as she slammed her head into the ground and kicked her leg so hard into the ground she felt it go sore right away, all resistance gone and by consequence, she almost hit Athena's head back into the tiles.

"Are you alright?!" Johanna said, scrambling up, not understanding the sudden switch up but she wouldn't have the time to understand as through the two doors she left open and the hallways, a voice was heard, tho faint because of the distance it was there: Athy.

The woman completely ignored Johanna, shoving passed her and running out of the room as if her life depended on it.

"Wait stop!!" She scrambled after her, sprinting as the other victor seemed to have strength once again.

She got out just in time to see the commotion, Athena grabbing the top and bottom of the back of a bullet proof armor wearing man and had thrown him out of the room as Peeta was screaming his head off, guards dragging him off an unconscious Katniss.

Athena bodychecked the first man holding him away before punching the other in the face tho two snaps were heard.

Peeta instantly tried to jump back on Katniss but she grabbed him in a chock hold, holding an arm around his throat and one on top of his head as she held on her own arm as an anchor and dragged him backwards without squeezing.

"Let me go!! She needs to die!! She'll kill us all!!" Peeta's screams filled the hall as he swung wildly, trying to beat Athena away from him but she just ducked her head down, his fists hitting the back of her head instead of her face as she backed into a wall and slid down with him.

His screams turned to terrified sobs as she held him in the hold, despite the confusion herself she knew something he didn't.

She can't let him kill Katniss or what happened was for nothing and he almost had, so she stopped him.

But her gaze was eye cold.

But if anyone dared to hurt him... They'll have a bloody end.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now