Chapter 46: Hosung's Anger

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Soyoung's POV

I bowed and asked, "Why have you summoned me?"

He just stared at me in shock with wide eyes but after a few minutes, she smirked and stood up from his throne, "Oh look...what do we have here..." He came near me and circled me once before coming and standing in front of me, "A two-tailed wait...the daughter of the guardian of my kingdom..." He bent down to my height and smirked.

My eyes widened in shock, "What?"

How did he know about it?

He chuckled and pointed behind me, "Not aware of your shadow, are you?" He stepped closer, "So you're a demon..."

"At least I am not the devil's son...." I looked straight into his eyes and he stopped in his tracks as his expressions darkened.

"What did you just say?" He raised a brow.


"The late queen summoned and prayed to the devil king himself and conceived Sian?!" Namjun gasps in shock.

"Yes, and for that she sacrificed the late king's favourite consort and her unborn baby..." I point at the lines on the diary in disbelief, "Also he was born of the 6th month of her pregnancy on the 6th day of the 6th month of the year..."

"So many 6....everything points towards the fact the fact that he is literally the prince of hell!" Namjun frowns, "He is stronger than I imagined..."

This explains his dark powers and I must not let him possess the spiritual stone at any cost.

"What are you thinking?" Namjun asked.

"Thinking of a way to deal with this devil..."

Flashback ends~

I took out his mother's diary and showed him. Sian immediately snatched the diary and clenched his jaw, "How dare you go to the secret section of the imperial palace?"

"I can do anything I want...I am the queen!"

He threw away the diary and stepped closer, " know my secret...I know yours..."

I take a few steps back, "What do you think you are doing?" I raised my brows.

He smirked and extended his arm towards me.

I frown, "Sian! You are not supposed to touch me....that was the deal..." I take a few more steps back.

He chuckles and grabs the amethyst necklace and pulls it. The necklace tears apart and all the stones scatter around. Sian looks at the stones and then his expressions darken again, "Where have you kept the spiritual stone?! None of these stones are spiritual stones..."

I smirk, "And who gave you the information that the spiritual stone would be among these amethyst stones?!"

"Do not try to be smart with me...." He uses his spiritual powers on me and ties me up with a glowing golden rope that feels like is burning my skin.

"No matter what you do...I'll not hand it over to you...." I glare at him.

He lifts his hand and I get lifted from the ground, "Sian! Put me down!"

He laughs, "Not till you give me the stone..."


The ropes tighten around me.

"Ahh!" I grit my teeth and look at him, "I will not hand it over to an evil person like you...."

"Me? Evil?" He tightens the rope more and I feel like I can't breathe anymore, "Yes, I kill people...yes, I am cruel.....yes, I am the devil's that's why I am the villain? But you are no kill are cruel and you are a demon as you shouldn't keep that stone either...HAND IT OVER!" 

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